Re: Self Introduction

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On Tue, 2008-02-12 at 18:00 -0500, Jared Smith wrote:
> Hi!  I'm Jared Smith, and I'm finally getting around to introducing
> myself.  I've been a long-time lurker on the IRC channel and the mailing
> list.
> OK, so what do you need to know about me?  Let's see... I've been using
> Linux professionally for about ten years now, and was using various
> flavors of UNIX before that.  I managed over 6500 Linux boxes at a
> previous employer, and racked a fair number of those myself.  I've
> pretty much "been there, done that, and still have the scars to prove
> it" when it comes to managing IT infrastructure and data centers.
> I'm also big into VoIP (and even co-authored an O'Reilly book on
> Asterisk), so I'm hoping to help out jcollie and mmcgrath in that area
> as well.  I'm currently working for Digium (the company behind Asterisk)
> as their Community Relations Manager and lead trainer.
> I've also done quite a bit of database work (mostly PostgreSQL) and some
> programming in various languages.
> Anyhoo, enough about me... 

Since I never miss a chance to run my yap, I wanted to point out that
Jared lives in my neck of the woods -- until I move, at least -- and
that he has been instrumental in getting our local LUG revived.  He is
also a fantastic speaker, a true team player, and just a darn nice guy!
Now put him to to work. :-D

Paul W. Frields                      
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