Mike McGrath wrote:
What should be added or removed? Remember this is going to be a time
for us to actually sit in a room and get stuff done.
High level goals (Infrastructure Specific):
1) Basic auth/group API for the old Accounting system and the new
one in Python.
2) Update System hacking (lmacken lead)
3) Finalize the new postfix server
4) Discuss the "Fedora Noc" + initial coding / Design
5) Volunteer sponsorship
6) Future of the wiki (Moin)
7) Design and coding of new account system (Try to find something
that is already out there)
8) Hosting (Jkeating lead)
9) Package Database
10) Backup Server (Finalize)
During the summit Warren proposed a few security policies for our
publictest* machines, which we all agreed on:
o must get approval from infrastructure team
o denyhosts must be configured
o ssh key authentication only
I think we should try and discuss and draft a full security policy for
all of our infrastructure while we're at FUDCon.
We might also want to talk about single sign-on for our applications and