What should be added or removed? Remember this is going to be a time for us to actually sit in a room and get stuff done. High level goals (Infrastructure Specific): 1) Basic auth/group API for the old Accounting system and the new one in Python. 2) Update System hacking (lmacken lead) 3) Finalize the new postfix server 4) Discuss the "Fedora Noc" + initial coding / Design 5) Volunteer sponsorship 6) Future of the wiki (Moin) 7) Design and coding of new account system (Try to find something that is already out there) 8) Hosting (Jkeating lead) 9) Package Database 10) Backup Server (Finalize) High level goals (general non-infrastructure specific) 1) Lowering the barrier to entry without sacrificing infrastructure / security 2) Volunteer management (coordination might be a better word) 3) VCS / SCM future (Lead by those in the sig) I'd also like to get with some of the other dev's to get an idea of whats important for them to have going forward and whats needed for this release. -Mike