So, I never got around to sending one of these. Here goes. I'm a Linux software architect for Dell. I've been administering Linux systems since 1994 and have been Dell's lead engineer for Linux products since 1999. My team develops and tests Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Novell/SuSE Linux Enterprise Server products on Dell PowerEdge servers and Precision workstations. We use Fedora on our laptops and desktops, fix bugs, and merge those fixes into all of the various streams - upstream and various target distros. I also have the privilage of serving Fedora on the Fedora Project Board. I run the linux-poweredge@xxxxxxxx public mailing list (subscribe and read archives at among others, which has several thousand Linux sysadmins on it. I'm a master of many languages and cultures. I blend in. You'll never find me. oops, wrong movie... For Fedora Infrastructure, I'm working on the Mirror Management System. I also want to get gitweb working for anonymous r/o checkouts from the new project hosting service. I'm 'mdomsch' on IRC. Thanks, Matt -- Matt Domsch Software Architect Dell Linux Solutions & Linux on Dell mailing lists @