Mike McGrath wrote:
So many of us have started using TurboGears for Fedora infrastructure projects. My question is how should we be version controlling the source? Do we check in the entire project or just the related kid templates, configs, controller files, etc. When you create a project with one version of TurboGears does it work with other versions? How do we prevent mismatches?
The projects don't actually contain TurboGears, or any other associated module. The default `tg-admin quickstart` provides the controllers, model, and configuration for dealing with all of the pieces that make up TurboGears. Pythons egg entry-points then make it dead simple to replace/plugin a variety of different modules in your project (like replaceing kid with Cheetah, SQLObject with SQLAlchemy).
When newer versions contain configuration/api changes, TurboGears provides `tg-admin update`[0], which will update your project configuration for you.
luke [0]: http://www.turbogears.org/download/upgrade.html