On Dec 5, 2006, at 2:32 PM, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
status text not null default 'D'
check ( status IN ('D','A','M','E','R') )
What's the justification? Here's my reasoning:
[Single letter code]
+ Harder to misspell
+ Takes less storage space
[Full words]
You're sticking the status into a column of type 'TEXT', though. TEXT
is not even like varchar which defaults to 1024 characters or so of
storage. I believe TEXT tells the database 'be ready to store between
zero and 4 billion bytes in this column'.
If you want to cut down on storage space, check the field types and
specify maximum sizes. In this case, varchar(1) would be a more
appropriate type. Since the database will wind up storing this field
using at least 4 bytes of space for alignment purposes, might as well
take it to varchar(3) or so to also allow for future expansion (and
maybe a bit more readability).
To balance fast indexing/comparison, small storage space, and room
for expansion, it's often easier to use INTEGER for these type of
columns, and then assign meaning to those values elsewhere (either
through a separate table that translates values to strings, or by
#define-like constants in the source code).
</stuff you never wanted to know about choosing types for DB columns> :)
-- Elliot