On Sat, 2006-11-18 at 12:46 -0600, TomLy wrote: > I am working on the db dumper/ ldap importer and I can't seem to figure > a couple of things out with the python ldif libraries. > > I am working on getting the info out to an LDIF file. I think this is > accomplished by putting the data into a dictionary (line 200) and making > a call to LDIFWriter (line 204). I was hoping that all I had to do was > pass the dictionary to the unparse function, but that's not working > right. > > When I call the unparse function I get output like the following: > > dn: dc=fedoraproject,dc=org cn=Tom Lynema > telephoneNumber: N > telephoneNumber: o > telephoneNumber: n > telephoneNumber: e > > It's always one character per line for some reason. > I haven't looked at the code - but the above is a good sign you're iterating over a string object not a list object. try this and you'll see: foo='lalalalal' for item in foo: print item do a type() on the object you're getting the output from above and I bet it's as string not a list. -sv