I am bit confused on the terminology being used to communicate input
system or method or engines or keyboard maps or keyboard layouts. I
think, there are many others who has different set of terminologies for
input related things.
1. What do you call iBus, or SCIM or IIIMF?
A) Input Method
B) Input System
C) Input Engine
D) Input Method Engine
E) or something else
2. What do you call im-chooser?
A) no idea what could it be called
3. What do you call Phonetic, Inscript, iTrans, Anthy, etc?
A) Keyboard Map
B) Keyboard Layout
C) or something else
I have above queries, because recently I have noticed that Inscript,
iTrans, kind of keymaps being addressed by the word "Input Method". That
has made my (and many others') iBus test results being understood in a
different way than I wanted to. If we can standardize these
terminologies first and document it somewhere on the fedora i18n pages,
there would be ease of communication while discussing the i18n input issues.
Ankit Patel
Fedora-i18n-list mailing list