Re: Build failed in Jenkins: NIGHTLY #71

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On Wed, 2017-09-06 at 09:25 +0200, Ludwig Krispenz wrote:
> I think this error
> *
> **Could not open the LDIF template file '\''/usr/share/dirsrv/data/template-pampta.ldif'\''.  Error: No such file or directory*
> points to the changes in

I'll have a look at this today,

> On 09/06/2017 06:37 AM, mareynol@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > See <>
> >
> > ------------------------------------------
> > [...truncated 4714 lines...]
> >
> > tickets/
> > _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
> > ../../../lib389/lib389/ in upgrade
> >      DirSrvTools.runUpgrade(self.prefix, online)
> > _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
> >
> > prefix = '\''/usr'\'', online = True
> >
> >      @staticmethod
> >      def runUpgrade(prefix, online=True):
> >          '\'''\'''\''
> >              Run " --update"  We simply pass in one DirSrv isntance, and
> >              this will update all the instances that are in this prefix.  For the
> >              update to work we must fix/adjust the permissions of the scripts in:
> >      
> >                  /prefix/lib[64]/dirsrv/slapd-INSTANCE/
> >              '\'''\'''\''
> >      
> >          libdir = os.path.join(_ds_paths.lib_dir, '\''dirsrv'\'')
> >      
> >          # Gather all the instances so we can adjust the permissions, otherwise
> >          servers = []
> >          path = os.path.join(_ds_paths.sysconf_dir, '\''dirsrv'\'')
> >          for files in os.listdir(path):
> >              if files.startswith('\''slapd-'\'') and not files.endswith('\''.removed'\''):
> >                  servers.append(os.path.join(libdir, files))
> >      
> >          if len(servers) == 0:
> >              # This should not happen
> >              log.fatal('\''runUpgrade: no servers found!'\'')
> >              assert False
> >      
> >          '\'''\'''\''
> >              The setup script calls things like /lib/dirsrv/slapd-instance/db2bak,
> >              etc, and when we run the setup perl script it gets permission denied
> >              as the default permissions are 750.  Adjust the permissions to 755.
> >              '\'''\'''\''
> >          for instance in servers:
> >              for files in os.listdir(instance):
> >                  os.chmod(os.path.join(instance, files), 755)
> >      
> >          # Run the "upgrade"
> >          try:
> >              prog = os.path.join(_ds_paths.sbin_dir, PATH_SETUP_DS)
> >              process = subprocess.Popen([prog, '\''--update'\''], shell=False,
> >                                         stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
> >              # Answer the interactive questions, as "--update" currently does
> >              # not work with INF files
> >              process.stdin.write('\''yes\n'\'')
> >              if(online):
> >                  process.stdin.write('\''online\n'\'')
> >                  for x in servers:
> >                      process.stdin.write(DN_DM + '\''\n'\'')
> >                      process.stdin.write(PW_DM + '\''\n'\'')
> >              else:
> >                  process.stdin.write('\''offline\n'\'')
> >              process.stdin.close()
> >              process.wait()
> >              if process.returncode != 0:
> >                  log.fatal('\''runUpgrade failed!  Error: %s '\'' % process.returncode)
> >>                assert(False)
> > E               assert False
> >
> > ../../../lib389/lib389/ AssertionError
> > ---------------------------- Captured stdout setup -----------------------------
> > OK group dirsrv exists
> > OK user dirsrv exists
> > OK group dirsrv exists
> > OK user dirsrv exists
> > ('\''Update succeeded: status '\'', '\''0 Total update succeeded'\'')
> > ---------------------------- Captured stderr setup -----------------------------
> > INFO:lib389.topologies:Instance with parameters {'\''ldap-port'\'': 39001, '\''suffix'\'': '\''dc=example,dc=com'\'', '\''krb5_realm'\'': None, '\''deployed-dir'\'': '\''/usr'\'', '\''inst-backupdir'\'': '\''/tmp'\'', '\''hostname'\'': '\''localhost'\'', '\''server-id'\'': '\''master1'\'', '\''root-pw'\'': '\''password'\'', '\''root-dn'\'': '\''cn=Directory Manager'\'', '\''group-id'\'': None, '\''InstScriptsEnabled'\'': None, '\''user-id'\'': None, '\''ldap-secureport'\'': None} was created.
> > INFO:lib389:Found entry dn: cn=replrepl,cn=config
> > cn: bind dn pseudo user
> > cn: replrepl
> > objectClass: top
> > objectClass: person
> > sn: bind dn pseudo user
> > userPassword: {SSHA512}f6aZQxcJAMoeRJTIEGkMpmi0vRWkeZvZiLcgMJSG5eEbcB7gyp5C0Fcc5ACw72vjMAJauFL3uf3tIVsPP67LSkTPEXM3yYJg
> >
> >
> > INFO:lib389.topologies:Instance with parameters {'\''ldap-port'\'': 39002, '\''suffix'\'': '\''dc=example,dc=com'\'', '\''krb5_realm'\'': None, '\''deployed-dir'\'': '\''/usr'\'', '\''inst-backupdir'\'': '\''/tmp'\'', '\''hostname'\'': '\''localhost'\'', '\''server-id'\'': '\''master2'\'', '\''root-pw'\'': '\''password'\'', '\''root-dn'\'': '\''cn=Directory Manager'\'', '\''group-id'\'': None, '\''InstScriptsEnabled'\'': None, '\''user-id'\'': None, '\''ldap-secureport'\'': None} was created.
> > INFO:lib389:Found entry dn: cn=replrepl,cn=config
> > cn: bind dn pseudo user
> > cn: replrepl
> > objectClass: top
> > objectClass: person
> > sn: bind dn pseudo user
> > userPassword: {SSHA512}5rZlhk81VphZK7fGesS76HZHgAKlJB+3T8u7OmqsKDDABGUHmhMa85PZ6sY1w6xM3eRkIlDS0u1sy8plFRBE06ayi82Y0t+n
> >
> >
> > INFO:Replica:Starting async replication cn=meTo_localhost:39002,cn=replica,cn=dc\3Dexample\2Cdc\3Dcom,cn=mapping tree,cn=config
> > ----------------------------- Captured stdout call -----------------------------
> >
> > ==============================================================================
> > This program will update the 389 Directory Server.
> >
> > It is recommended that you have "root" privilege to perform the update.
> > Tips for using this  program:
> >    - Press "Enter" to choose the default and go to the next screen
> >    - Type "Control-B" or the word "back" then "Enter" to go back to the previous screen
> >    - Type "Control-C" to cancel the update
> >
> > Would you like to continue with update? [yes]:
> > ==============================================================================
> >
> > The update process can work in one of two modes:
> >
> >    - Online: The changes are made to the running directory servers using LDAP.
> >              The operations must be performed as an administrative user.
> >              You must provide the name and password, for each instance
> >              if there is more than one instance of directory server.
> >              Some operations may require a directory server restart to take
> >              effect.  The update script will notify you if you need to restart
> >              the server.
> >
> >    - Offline: The changes are made to the server configuration files.  The
> >               servers MUST FIRST BE SHUTDOWN BY YOU.  The script will not
> >               shutdown the servers for you.  You MUST shutdown the
> >               servers in order to use this mode.  A username and password
> >               are not required to use Offline mode.  If the servers are not
> >               shutdown, CHANGES WILL BE LOST.
> >
> > To summarize:
> >    Online - servers remain running - you must provide admin name and password
> >             for each server - servers may need to be restarted
> >    Offline - servers must be shutdown - no username or password required
> >
> > Which update mode do you want to use? [quit]:
> > ==============================================================================
> > Please specify the authentication data for '\''slapd-master1'\''
> >
> > Full DN of administrative user [cn=Directory Manager]: Password for this user:
> >
> > ==============================================================================
> > Please specify the authentication data for '\''slapd-master2'\''
> >
> > Full DN of administrative user [cn=Directory Manager]: Password for this user:
> > Could not open the LDIF template file '\''/usr/share/dirsrv/data/template-pampta.ldif'\''.  Error: No such file or directory
> > Error: could not update the directory server.
> > Exiting . . .
> > Log file is '\''/tmp/setuppZKy_F.log'\''
> >
> > ----------------------------- Captured stderr call -----------------------------
> > agmt dn (cn=meTo_localhost:39002,cn=replica,cn=dc\3Dexample\2Cdc\3Dcom,cn=mapping tree,cn=config)
> > modified replication agreement
> > test passed
> > INFO:lib389:List backend with suffix=o=empty
> > INFO:lib389:Creating a local backend
> > INFO:lib389:List backend cn=empty,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config
> > INFO:lib389:Found entry dn: cn=empty,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config
> > cn: empty
> > nsslapd-cachememsize: 512000
> > nsslapd-cachesize: -1
> > nsslapd-directory: /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-master1/db/empty
> > nsslapd-dncachememsize: 16777216
> > nsslapd-readonly: off
> > nsslapd-require-index: off
> > nsslapd-suffix: o=empty
> > objectClass: top
> > objectClass: extensibleObject
> > objectClass: nsBackendInstance
> >
> >
> > /bin/stty: '\''standard input'\'': Inappropriate ioctl for device
> > /bin/stty: '\''standard input'\'': Inappropriate ioctl for device
> > /bin/stty: '\''standard input'\'': Inappropriate ioctl for device
> > /bin/stty: '\''standard input'\'': Inappropriate ioctl for device
> > Updating instance (slapd-master1)...
> > failed!  Error: 1
> > failed!
> > _______________________ test_lastupdate_attr_before_init _______________________
> >
> > topo_nr = <lib389.topologies.TopologyMain object at 0x7f0ecad6f310>
> > replica_without_init = '\''cn=meTo_localhost:38902,cn=replica,cn=dc\\3Dexample\\2Cdc\\3Dcom,cn=mapping tree,cn=config'\''
> >
> >      def test_lastupdate_attr_before_init(topo_nr, replica_without_init):
> >          """Check that LastUpdate replica attributes show right values
> >      
> >          :ID: bc8ce431-ff65-41f5-9331-605cbcaaa887
> >          :feature: Single master replication
> >          :setup: Replication setup with master and consumer instances
> >                  without initialization
> >          :steps: 1. Check nsds5replicaLastUpdateStart, nsds5replicaLastUpdateEnd,
> >                     nsds5replicaLastUpdateStatus attrs
> >          :expectedresults: nsds5replicaLastUpdateStart: 0, nsds5replicaLastUpdateEnd: 0 and
> >                   nsds5replicaLastUpdateStatus is not equal to
> >                   "0 Replica acquired successfully: Incremental update started"
> >          """
> >      
> >          master = topo_nr.ins["standalone1"]
> >          consumer = topo_nr.ins["standalone2"]
> >      
> >          assert not master.testReplication(DEFAULT_SUFFIX, consumer)
> >      
> >          agmt = master.search_s(replica_without_init, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, "(objectClass=*)",
> >                                 ["nsds5replicaLastUpdateStart",
> >                                  "nsds5replicaLastUpdateEnd",
> >                                  "nsds5replicaLastUpdateStatus"])[0]
> >      
> >          assert agmt["nsds5replicaLastUpdateStart"] == "19700101000000Z"
> >          assert agmt["nsds5replicaLastUpdateEnd"] == "19700101000000Z"
> >>        assert "Replica acquired successfully" not in agmt["nsds5replicaLastUpdateStatus"]
> > E       assert '\''Replica acq...successfully'\'' not in '\''Error (0) started'\''
> > E         '\''Replica acquired successfully'\'' is contained here:
> > E           Error (0) Replica acquired successfully: Incremental update started
> >
> > <>:170: AssertionError
> > ---------------------------- Captured stdout setup -----------------------------
> > OK group dirsrv exists
> > OK user dirsrv exists
> > OK group dirsrv exists
> > OK user dirsrv exists
> > ---------------------------- Captured stderr setup -----------------------------
> > INFO:lib389.topologies:Instance with parameters {'\''ldap-port'\'': 38901, '\''suffix'\'': '\''dc=example,dc=com'\'', '\''krb5_realm'\'': None, '\''deployed-dir'\'': '\''/usr'\'', '\''inst-backupdir'\'': '\''/tmp'\'', '\''hostname'\'': '\''localhost'\'', '\''server-id'\'': '\''standalone1'\'', '\''root-pw'\'': '\''password'\'', '\''root-dn'\'': '\''cn=Directory Manager'\'', '\''group-id'\'': None, '\''InstScriptsEnabled'\'': None, '\''user-id'\'': None, '\''ldap-secureport'\'': None} was created.
> > INFO:lib389.topologies:Instance with parameters {'\''ldap-port'\'': 38902, '\''suffix'\'': '\''dc=example,dc=com'\'', '\''krb5_realm'\'': None, '\''deployed-dir'\'': '\''/usr'\'', '\''inst-backupdir'\'': '\''/tmp'\'', '\''hostname'\'': '\''localhost'\'', '\''server-id'\'': '\''standalone2'\'', '\''root-pw'\'': '\''password'\'', '\''root-dn'\'': '\''cn=Directory Manager'\'', '\''group-id'\'': None, '\''InstScriptsEnabled'\'': None, '\''user-id'\'': None, '\''ldap-secureport'\'': None} was created.
> > INFO:lib389:List backend with suffix=dc=example,dc=com
> > INFO:lib389:Found entry dn: cn=replrepl,cn=config
> > cn: bind dn pseudo user
> > cn: replrepl
> > objectClass: top
> > objectClass: person
> > sn: bind dn pseudo user
> > userPassword: {SSHA512}fSVgiwmjzWOsGKZZ1a3igvjLrXAtzvviaoqQJxjTCOxq/50irwUXg1uSGGRQlku1eKvg3atsFhADux2dVWHGikmnIhpyDCHZ
> >
> >
> > INFO:lib389:List backend with suffix=dc=example,dc=com
> > INFO:lib389:Found entry dn: cn=replrepl,cn=config
> > cn: bind dn pseudo user
> > cn: replrepl
> > objectClass: top
> > objectClass: person
> > sn: bind dn pseudo user
> > userPassword: {SSHA512}jRRQmpXrtZYjcClT8h0WxbDXSWrOabFbllVqEU7IL7OTMNISaeGCHrOxC8aHhWHXqw7gm8VM+14TR7PEKzTJRYWxpcdPbCow
> >
> >
> > ----------------------------- Captured stderr call -----------------------------
> > CRITICAL:lib389:Replication is not in sync with replica server (standalone2)
> > ============= 2 failed, 580 passed, 1 skipped in 13789.67 seconds =============='
> > + '[' 1 -ne 0 ']'
> > + echo CI Tests 'FAILED!'
> > CI Tests FAILED!
> > + RC=1
> > + sudo /usr/sbin/sendmail mreynolds@xxxxxxxxxx firstyear@xxxxxxxxxx
> > + sudo rm -rf /var/tmp/ /var/tmp/ /var/tmp/ /var/tmp/
> > + exit 1
> > Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
> > _______________________________________________
> > 389-devel mailing list -- 389-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > To unsubscribe send an email to 389-devel-leave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> _______________________________________________
> 389-devel mailing list -- 389-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> To unsubscribe send an email to 389-devel-leave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


William Brown
Software Engineer
Red Hat, Australia/Brisbane

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