I think I finally found the issue, the problem is with my version of 389-ds-base, my version of 389-ds-base is 389-ds-base- Because of this the defaults.inf file of my version has some keys missing in section "slapd"
and hence I am getting the error :
===================== error start ===================
E NoOptionError: No option 'pid_file' in section: 'slapd'
/usr/lib64/python2.7/ConfigParser.py:618: NoOptionError
=======================error end ==================
Contents of my defaults.inf files are:
; Copyright (C) 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
; All rights reserved.
; License: GPL (version 3 or any later version).
; See LICENSE for details.
; Author: firstyear at redhat.com
; This is a set of default paths that tools consuming DS should search
; for paths. This is the foundation of the version 2 ds setup inf
; All format strings should be in python syntax IE {key}
; These values should NOT be altered in an installation.
; This is because the server itself depends on these locations and values
; being known, and are set at compilation time.
product = 389 Directory Server
version =
asan_enabled = 0
prefix = /usr
bin_dir = /usr/bin
sbin_dir = /usr/sbin
lib_dir = /usr/lib64
data_dir = /usr/share
tmp_dir = /tmp
sysconf_dir = /etc
initconfig_dir = /etc/sysconfig
config_dir = /etc/dirsrv/slapd-{instance_name}
local_state_dir = /var
run_dir = /var/run/dirsrv
plugin_dir = /usr/lib64/dirsrv/plugins
; These values can be altered in an installation of ds
user = dirsrv
group = dirsrv
root_dn = cn=Directory Manager
schema_dir = /etc/dirsrv/slapd-{instance_name}/schema
cert_dir = /etc/dirsrv/slapd-{instance_name}
lock_dir = /var/lock/dirsrv/slapd-{instance_name}
log_dir = /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-{instance_name}
inst_dir = /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-{instance_name}
db_dir = /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-{instance_name}/db
backup_dir = /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-{instance_name}/bak
ldif_dir = /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-{instance_name}/ldif
After reading this file the error is obvious.
I tried to find the latest version (1.3.6) of 389--ds-base but was unable to find. Then I asked about this on IRC, got to know from one member that latest version is not available for fedora 25.
If my conclusions are right then what to do in that case?
Ankit yadav
On 16 March 2017 at 23:20, Ankit Yadav <ankitwrk@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
After reinstalling the 389-ds-base I realized that the same error I am getting even if I don't setup the 389-ds-base using setup-ds-admin.plSo conclusion from above statement is When I install 389-ds-base then I do setup using this ==> "setup-ds-admin.pl" then I am getting the error mentioned in previous mail. And when I just install 389-ds-base and don't do the setup then also I am getting the error mentioned in previous mail error.Getting same error before and after Setting up the 389-ds-base using "setup-ds-admin.pl" means there is something wrong with my setup of 389-ds-base.Steps I follow to setup 389-ds-base :1. Installed 389-ds-base using sudo dnf install "389*"2. setup 389-ds-base using sudo setup-ds-admin.plAre these the only steps required to setup the 389-ds-base?If the above steps are not sufficient then let me know how to setup it on fedora 25.Regards,Ankit Yadav.On 16 March 2017 at 12:46, Ankit Yadav <ankitwrk@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:I am again getting same errorSteps I followed:step 1 : cleaned every instance using remove-ds-admin.plstep 2: Removed 389-ds-base.step 3: Installed 389-ds-base using ==> sudo dnf install "389*"step 4: Setup 389-ds-base using "sudo setup-ds-admin.pl"step 5: Tried this command in updated lib389 repo ==>sudo PYTHONPATH=`pwd` py.test -s lib389/tests/cli/conf_backend.py step 6: Got some INFO logs and and 2 errorsErrors:This error two times:==================== error start =======================self = <ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser instance at 0x7efc0bcfe7e8>, section = 'slapd'option = 'pid_file', raw = False, vars = Nonedef get(self, section, option, raw=False, vars=None):"""Get an option value for a given section.If `vars' is provided, it must be a dictionary. The option is looked upin `vars' (if provided), `section', and in `defaults' in that order.All % interpolations are expanded in the return values, unless theoptional argument `raw' is true. Values for interpolation keys arelooked up in the same manner as the option.The section DEFAULT is special."""sectiondict = {}try:sectiondict = self._sections[section]except KeyError:if section != DEFAULTSECT:raise NoSectionError(section)# Update with the entry specific variablesvardict = {}if vars:for key, value in vars.items():vardict[self.optionxform(key)] = valued = _Chainmap(vardict, sectiondict, self._defaults)option = self.optionxform(option)try:value = d[option]except KeyError:> raise NoOptionError(option, section)E NoOptionError: No option 'pid_file' in section: 'slapd'/usr/lib64/python2.7/ConfigParser.py:618: NoOptionError ==================== error ends ====================After removing all the instances this is what I am getting every time.What could be the possible reason for this error?Regards,Ankit Yadav.On 16 March 2017 at 12:18, Ankit Yadav <ankitwrk@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Sorry I was travelling so was unable to try that.I have tried this command several times. Then I got a error like this:> except KeyError:
> > raise NoOptionError(option, section)
> E NoOptionError: No option 'pid_file' in section: 'slapd'This shows my 389-ds-base is not installed properly so,I have purged all the ds instances.Now I am reinstalling the 389-ds-base and then try once again.I will update you about this once I am done.Regards,Ankit Yadav.On 15 March 2017 at 13:48, William Brown <wibrown@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:______________________________On Wed, 2017-03-15 at 12:50 +0530, Ankit Yadav wrote:
> I have uninstalled that package.
> There were some issues with my installation but now I am getting some
> different errors.
That means you already have the instance of that name: The error is
still a bit rough.
sudo /sbin/remove-ds.pl -i slapd-standalone
Then run the test again.
William Brown
Software Engineer
Red Hat, Australia/Brisbane
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