See <> ------------------------------------------ [...truncated 4034 lines...] on MASTER2 (even if on MASTER2 47653 is NOT fixed). Then update on MASTER2 and check the update on MASTER1 It checks that, bound as bind_entry, - we can not ADD an entry without the proper SELFDN aci. - with the proper ACI we can not ADD with '\''member'\'' attribute - with the proper ACI and '\''member'\'' it succeeds to ADD '\'''\'''\''"\n\n######################### ADD ######################\n") # bind as bind_entry"Bind as %s" % BIND_DN) topology.master1.simple_bind_s(BIND_DN, BIND_PW) # Prepare the entry with multivalued members entry_with_members = Entry(ENTRY_DN) entry_with_members.setValues('\''objectclass'\'', '\''top'\'', '\''person'\'', '\''OCticket47653'\'') entry_with_members.setValues('\''sn'\'', ENTRY_NAME) entry_with_members.setValues('\''cn'\'', ENTRY_NAME) entry_with_members.setValues('\''postalAddress'\'', '\''here'\'') entry_with_members.setValues('\''postalCode'\'', '\''1234'\'') members = [] for cpt in range(MAX_OTHERS): name = "%s%d" % (OTHER_NAME, cpt) members.append("cn=%s,%s" % (name, SUFFIX)) members.append(BIND_DN) entry_with_members.setValues('\''member'\'', members) # Prepare the entry with only one member value entry_with_member = Entry(ENTRY_DN) entry_with_member.setValues('\''objectclass'\'', '\''top'\'', '\''person'\'', '\''OCticket47653'\'') entry_with_member.setValues('\''sn'\'', ENTRY_NAME) entry_with_member.setValues('\''cn'\'', ENTRY_NAME) entry_with_member.setValues('\''postalAddress'\'', '\''here'\'') entry_with_member.setValues('\''postalCode'\'', '\''1234'\'') member = [] member.append(BIND_DN) entry_with_member.setValues('\''member'\'', member) # entry to add WITH member being BIND_DN but WITHOUT the ACI -> ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS try:"Try to add Add %s (aci is missing): %r" % (ENTRY_DN, entry_with_member)) topology.master1.add_s(entry_with_member) except Exception as e:"Exception (expected): %s" % type(e).__name__) assert isinstance(e, ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS) # Ok Now add the proper ACI"Bind as %s and add the ADD SELFDN aci" % DN_DM) topology.master1.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD) ACI_TARGET = "(target = \"ldap:///cn=*,%s\")" % SUFFIX ACI_TARGETFILTER = "(targetfilter =\"(objectClass=%s)\")" % OC_NAME ACI_ALLOW = "(version 3.0; acl \"SelfDN add\"; allow (add)" ACI_SUBJECT = " userattr = \"member#selfDN\";)" ACI_BODY = ACI_TARGET + ACI_TARGETFILTER + ACI_ALLOW + ACI_SUBJECT mod = [(ldap.MOD_ADD, '\''aci'\'', ACI_BODY)] topology.master1.modify_s(SUFFIX, mod) time.sleep(1) # bind as bind_entry"Bind as %s" % BIND_DN) topology.master1.simple_bind_s(BIND_DN, BIND_PW) # entry to add WITHOUT member and WITH the ACI -> ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS try:"Try to add Add %s (member is missing)" % ENTRY_DN) topology.master1.add_s(Entry((ENTRY_DN, { '\''objectclass'\'': ENTRY_OC.split(), '\''sn'\'': ENTRY_NAME, '\''cn'\'': ENTRY_NAME, '\''postalAddress'\'': '\''here'\'', '\''postalCode'\'': '\''1234'\''}))) except Exception as e:"Exception (expected): %s" % type(e).__name__) assert isinstance(e, ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS) # entry to add WITH memberS and WITH the ACI -> ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS # member should contain only one value try:"Try to add Add %s (with several member values)" % ENTRY_DN) topology.master1.add_s(entry_with_members) except Exception as e:"Exception (expected): %s" % type(e).__name__) assert isinstance(e, ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS)"Try to add Add %s should be successful" % ENTRY_DN) try: topology.master1.add_s(entry_with_member) except ldap.LDAPError as e:"Failed to add entry, error: " + e.message['\''desc'\'']) > assert False E assert False tickets/ AssertionError ----------------------------- Captured stderr call ----------------------------- INFO:lib389: ######################### ADD ###################### INFO:lib389:Bind as cn=bind_entry, dc=example,dc=com INFO:lib389:Try to add Add cn=test_entry, dc=example,dc=com (aci is missing): dn: cn=test_entry, dc=example,dc=com cn: test_entry member: cn=bind_entry, dc=example,dc=com objectclass: top objectclass: person objectclass: OCticket47653 postalAddress: here postalCode: 1234 sn: test_entry INFO:lib389:Exception (expected): INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS INFO:lib389:Bind as cn=Directory Manager and add the ADD SELFDN aci INFO:lib389:Bind as cn=bind_entry, dc=example,dc=com INFO:lib389:Try to add Add cn=test_entry, dc=example,dc=com (member is missing) INFO:lib389:Exception (expected): INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS INFO:lib389:Try to add Add cn=test_entry, dc=example,dc=com (with several member values) INFO:lib389:Exception (expected): INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS INFO:lib389:Try to add Add cn=test_entry, dc=example,dc=com should be successful INFO:lib389:Failed to add entry, error: Insufficient access ___________________________ test_ticket47653_modify ____________________________ topology = <tickets.ticket47653MMR_test.TopologyMaster1Master2 object at 0x7f2901017f10> def test_ticket47653_modify(topology): '\'''\'''\'' This test MOD an entry on MASTER1 where 47653 is fixed. Then it checks that update is replicated on MASTER2 (even if on MASTER2 47653 is NOT fixed). Then update on MASTER2 (bound as BIND_DN). This update may fail whether or not 47653 is fixed on MASTER2 It checks that, bound as bind_entry, - we can not modify an entry without the proper SELFDN aci. - adding the ACI, we can modify the entry '\'''\'''\'' # bind as bind_entry"Bind as %s" % BIND_DN) topology.master1.simple_bind_s(BIND_DN, BIND_PW)"\n\n######################### MODIFY ######################\n") # entry to modify WITH member being BIND_DN but WITHOUT the ACI -> ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS try:"Try to modify %s (aci is missing)" % ENTRY_DN) mod = [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, '\''postalCode'\'', '\''9876'\'')] topology.master1.modify_s(ENTRY_DN, mod) except Exception as e:"Exception (expected): %s" % type(e).__name__) assert isinstance(e, ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS) # Ok Now add the proper ACI"Bind as %s and add the WRITE SELFDN aci" % DN_DM) topology.master1.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD) ACI_TARGET = "(target = \"ldap:///cn=*,%s\")" % SUFFIX ACI_TARGETATTR = "(targetattr = *)" ACI_TARGETFILTER = "(targetfilter =\"(objectClass=%s)\")" % OC_NAME ACI_ALLOW = "(version 3.0; acl \"SelfDN write\"; allow (write)" ACI_SUBJECT = " userattr = \"member#selfDN\";)" ACI_BODY = ACI_TARGET + ACI_TARGETATTR + ACI_TARGETFILTER + ACI_ALLOW + ACI_SUBJECT mod = [(ldap.MOD_ADD, '\''aci'\'', ACI_BODY)] topology.master1.modify_s(SUFFIX, mod) time.sleep(1) # bind as bind_entry"M1: Bind as %s" % BIND_DN) topology.master1.simple_bind_s(BIND_DN, BIND_PW) # modify the entry and checks the value"M1: Try to modify %s. It should succeeds" % ENTRY_DN) mod = [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, '\''postalCode'\'', '\''1928'\'')] > topology.master1.modify_s(ENTRY_DN, mod) tickets/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ../../../lib389/lib389/ in inner return f(*args, **kwargs) /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ldap/ in modify_s return self.result(msgid,all=1,timeout=self.timeout) ../../../lib389/lib389/ in inner objtype, data = f(*args, **kwargs) /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ldap/ in result resp_type, resp_data, resp_msgid = self.result2(msgid,all,timeout) ../../../lib389/lib389/ in inner return f(*args, **kwargs) /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ldap/ in result2 resp_type, resp_data, resp_msgid, resp_ctrls = self.result3(msgid,all,timeout) ../../../lib389/lib389/ in inner return f(*args, **kwargs) /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ldap/ in result3 resp_ctrl_classes=resp_ctrl_classes ../../../lib389/lib389/ in inner return f(*args, **kwargs) /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ldap/ in result4 ldap_result = self._ldap_call(self._l.result4,msgid,all,timeout,add_ctrls,add_intermediates,add_extop) ../../../lib389/lib389/ in inner return f(*args, **kwargs) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ self = <lib389.DirSrv instance at 0x7f290115dd88> func = <built-in method result4 of LDAP object at 0x7f2901c1b4e0> args = (37, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), kwargs = {}, diagnostic_message_success = None e = INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS({'\''desc'\'': '\''Insufficient access'\''},) def _ldap_call(self,func,*args,**kwargs): """ Wrapper method mainly for serializing calls into OpenLDAP libs and trace logs """ self._ldap_object_lock.acquire() if __debug__: if self._trace_level>=1: self._trace_file.write('\''*** %s %s - %s\n%s\n'\'' % ( repr(self), self._uri, '\''.'\''.join((self.__class__.__name__,func.__name__)), pprint.pformat((args,kwargs)) )) if self._trace_level>=9: traceback.print_stack(limit=self._trace_stack_limit,file=self._trace_file) diagnostic_message_success = None try: try: > result = func(*args,**kwargs) E INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS: {'\''desc'\'': '\''Insufficient access'\''} /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ldap/ INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS ----------------------------- Captured stderr call ----------------------------- INFO:lib389:Bind as cn=bind_entry, dc=example,dc=com INFO:lib389: ######################### MODIFY ###################### INFO:lib389:Try to modify cn=test_entry, dc=example,dc=com (aci is missing) INFO:lib389:Exception (expected): INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS INFO:lib389:Bind as cn=Directory Manager and add the WRITE SELFDN aci INFO:lib389:M1: Bind as cn=bind_entry, dc=example,dc=com INFO:lib389:M1: Try to modify cn=test_entry, dc=example,dc=com. It should succeeds =================== 2 failed, 522 passed in 9828.58 seconds ====================' + '[' 1 -ne 0 ']' + echo CI Tests 'FAILED!' 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47653 is fixed. Then it checks that entry is replicated on MASTER2 '(even' if on MASTER2 47653 is NOT 'fixed).' Then update on MASTER2 and check the update on MASTER1 It checks that, bound as bind_entry, - we can not ADD an entry without the proper SELFDN aci. - with the proper ACI we can not ADD with ''\''member'\''' attribute - with the proper ACI and ''\''member'\''' it succeeds to ADD ''\'''\'''\''' '"\n\n#########################' ADD '######################\n")' '#' bind as bind_entry '"Bind' as '%s"' % 'BIND_DN)' 'topology.master1.simple_bind_s(BIND_DN,' 'BIND_PW)' '#' Prepare the entry with multivalued members entry_with_members = 'Entry(ENTRY_DN)' 'entry_with_members.setValues('\''objectclass'\'',' ''\''top'\'',' ''\''person'\'',' ''\''OCticket47653'\'')' 'entry_with_members.setValues('\''sn'\'',' 'ENTRY_NAME)' 'entry_with_members.setValues('\''cn'\'',' 'ENTRY_NAME)' 'entry_with_members.setValues('\''postalAddress'\'',' ''\''here'\'')' 'entry_with_members.setValues('\''postalCode'\'',' ''\''1234'\'')' members = '[]' for cpt in 'range(MAX_OTHERS):' name = '"%s%d"' % '(OTHER_NAME,' 'cpt)' 'members.append("cn=%s,%s"' % '(name,' 'SUFFIX))' 'members.append(BIND_DN)' 'entry_with_members.setValues('\''member'\'',' 'members)' '#' Prepare the entry with only one member value entry_with_member = 'Entry(ENTRY_DN)' 'entry_with_member.setValues('\''objectclass'\'',' ''\''top'\'',' ''\''person'\'',' ''\''OCticket47653'\'')' 'en try_with_member.setValues('\''sn'\'',' 'ENTRY_NAME)' 'entry_with_member.setValues('\''cn'\'',' 'ENTRY_NAME)' 'entry_with_member.setValues('\''postalAddress'\'',' ''\''here'\'')' 'entry_with_member.setValues('\''postalCode'\'',' ''\''1234'\'')' member = '[]' 'member.append(BIND_DN)' 'entry_with_member.setValues('\''member'\'',' 'member)' '#' entry to add WITH member being BIND_DN but WITHOUT the ACI '->' ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS try: '"Try' to add Add %s '(aci' is 'missing):' '%r"' % '(ENTRY_DN,' 'entry_with_member))' 'topology.master1.add_s(entry_with_member)' except Exception as e: '"Exception' '(expected):' '%s"' % 'type(e).__name__)' assert 'isinstance(e,' 'ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS)' '#' Ok Now add the proper ACI '"Bind' as %s and add the ADD SELFDN 'aci"' % 'DN_DM)' 'topology.master1.simple_bind_s(DN_DM,' 'PASSWORD)' ACI_TARGET = '"(target' = '\"ldap:///cn=*,%s\")"' % SUFFIX ACI_TARGETFILTER = '"(targetfilter' '=\"(objectClass=%s)\")"' % OC_NAME ACI_ALLOW = '"(version' '3.0;' acl '\"SelfDN' 'add\";' allow '(add)"' ACI_SUBJECT = '"' userattr = '\"member#selfDN\";)"' ACI_BODY = ACI_TARGET + ACI_TARGETFILTER + ACI_ALLOW + ACI_SUBJECT mod = '[(ldap.MOD_ADD,' ''\''aci'\'',' 'ACI_BODY)]' 'topology.master1.modify_s(SUFFIX,' 'mod)' 'time.sleep(1)' '#' bind as bind_entry '"Bind' as '%s"' % 'BIND_DN)' 'topology.master1.simple_bind_s(BIND_DN,' 'BIND_PW)' '#' entry to add WITHOUT member and WITH the ACI '->' ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS try: '"Try' to add Add %s '(member' is 'missing)"' % 'ENTRY_DN)' 'topology.master1.add_s(Entry((ENTRY_DN,' '{' ''\''objectclass'\'':' 'ENTRY_OC.split(),' ''\''sn'\'':' ENTRY_NAME, ''\''cn'\'':' ENTRY_NAME, ''\''postalAddress'\'':' ''\''here'\'',' ''\''postalCode'\'':' ''\''1234'\''})))' except Exception as e: '"Exception' '(expected):' '%s"' % 'type(e).__name__)' assert 'isinstance(e,' 'ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS)' '#' entry to add WITH memb erS and WITH the ACI '->' ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS '#' member should contain only one value try: '"Try' to add Add %s '(with' several member 'values)"' % 'ENTRY_DN)' 'topology.master1.add_s(entry_with_members)' except Exception as e: '"Exception' '(expected):' '%s"' % 'type(e).__name__)' assert 'isinstance(e,' 'ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS)' '"Try' to add Add %s should be 'successful"' % 'ENTRY_DN)' try: 'topology.master1.add_s(entry_with_member)' except ldap.LDAPError as e: '"Failed' to add entry, error: '"' + 'e.message['\''desc'\''])' '>' assert False E assert False tickets/ AssertionError ----------------------------- Captured stderr call ----------------------------- INFO:lib389: '#########################' ADD '######################' INFO:lib389:Bind as cn=bind_entry, dc=example,dc=com INFO:lib389:Try to add Add cn=test_entry, dc=example,dc=com '(aci' is 'missing):' dn: cn=test_entry, dc=example,dc=com cn: test_entry member: cn=bind_entry, dc=example,dc=com objectclass: top objectclass: person objectclass: OCticket47653 postalAddress: here postalCode: 1234 sn: test_entry INFO:lib389:Exception '(expected):' INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS INFO:lib389:Bind as cn=Directory Manager and add the ADD SELFDN aci INFO:lib389:Bind as cn=bind_entry, dc=example,dc=com INFO:lib389:Try to add Add cn=test_entry, dc=example,dc=com '(member' is 'missing)' INFO:lib389:Exception '(expected):' INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS INFO:lib389:Try to add Add cn=test_entry, dc=example,dc=com '(with' several member 'values)' INFO:lib389:Exception '(expected):' INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS INFO:lib389:Try to add Add cn=test_entry, dc=example,dc=com should be successful INFO:lib389:Failed to add entry, error: Insufficient access ___________________________ test_ticket47653_modify ____________________________ topology = '<tickets.ticket47653MMR_test.TopologyMaster1Master2' object at '0x7f2901017f10>' def 'test_ticket47653_modify(topology):' ''\' ''\'''\''' This test MOD an entry on MASTER1 where 47653 is fixed. Then it checks that update is replicated on MASTER2 '(even' if on MASTER2 47653 is NOT 'fixed).' Then update on MASTER2 '(bound' as 'BIND_DN).' This update may fail whether or not 47653 is fixed on MASTER2 It checks that, bound as bind_entry, - we can not modify an entry without the proper SELFDN aci. - adding the ACI, we can modify the entry ''\'''\'''\''' '#' bind as bind_entry '"Bind' as '%s"' % 'BIND_DN)' 'topology.master1.simple_bind_s(BIND_DN,' 'BIND_PW)' '"\n\n#########################' MODIFY '######################\n")' '#' entry to modify WITH member being BIND_DN but WITHOUT the ACI '->' ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS try: '"Try' to modify %s '(aci' is 'missing)"' % 'ENTRY_DN)' mod = '[(ldap.MOD_REPLACE,' ''\''postalCode'\'',' ''\''9876'\'')]' 'topology.master1.modify_s(ENTRY_DN,' 'mod)' except Exception as e: '"Exception' '(expected):' '%s"' % 'type(e).__name__)' assert 'isinstance(e,' 'ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS)' '#' Ok Now add the proper ACI '"Bind' as %s and add the WRITE SELFDN 'aci"' % 'DN_DM)' 'topology.master1.simple_bind_s(DN_DM,' 'PASSWORD)' ACI_TARGET = '"(target' = '\"ldap:///cn=*,%s\")"' % SUFFIX ACI_TARGETATTR = '"(targetattr' = '*)"' ACI_TARGETFILTER = '"(targetfilter' '=\"(objectClass=%s)\")"' % OC_NAME ACI_ALLOW = '"(version' '3.0;' acl '\"SelfDN' 'write\";' allow '(write)"' ACI_SUBJECT = '"' userattr = '\"member#selfDN\";)"' ACI_BODY = ACI_TARGET + ACI_TARGETATTR + ACI_TARGETFILTER + ACI_ALLOW + ACI_SUBJECT mod = '[(ldap.MOD_ADD,' ''\''aci'\'',' 'ACI_BODY)]' 'topology.master1.modify_s(SUFFIX,' 'mod)' 'time.sleep(1)' '#' bind as bind_entry '"M1:' Bind as '%s"' % 'BIND_DN)' 'topology.master1.simple_bind_s(BIND_DN,' 'BIND_PW)' '#' modify the entry and checks the value '"M1:' Try to modify %s. It should 'succeeds"' % 'ENTRY_DN)' mod = '[(ldap.MOD_REPL ACE,' ''\''postalCode'\'',' ''\''1928'\'')]' '>' 'topology.master1.modify_s(ENTRY_DN,' 'mod)' tickets/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ../../../lib389/lib389/ in inner return 'f(*args,' '**kwargs)' /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ldap/ in modify_s return 'self.result(msgid,all=1,timeout=self.timeout)' ../../../lib389/lib389/ in inner objtype, data = 'f(*args,' '**kwargs)' /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ldap/ in result resp_type, resp_data, resp_msgid = 'self.result2(msgid,all,timeout)' ../../../lib389/lib389/ in inner return 'f(*args,' '**kwargs)' /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ldap/ in result2 resp_type, resp_data, resp_msgid, resp_ctrls = 'self.result3(msgid,all,timeout)' ../../../lib389/lib389/ in inner return 'f(*args,' '**kwargs)' /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ldap/ in result3 resp_ctrl_classes=resp_ctrl_classes ../../../lib389/lib389/ in inner return 'f(*args,' '**kwargs)' /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ldap/ in result4 ldap_result = 'self._ldap_call(self._l.result4,msgid,all,timeout,add_ctrls,add_intermediates,add_extop)' ../../../lib389/lib389/ in inner return 'f(*args,' '**kwargs)' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ self = '<lib389.DirSrv' instance at '0x7f290115dd88>' func = '<built-in' method result4 of LDAP object at '0x7f2901c1b4e0>' args = '(37,' 1, -1, 0, 0, '0),' kwargs = '{},' diagnostic_message_success = None e = 'INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS({'\''desc'\'':' ''\''Insufficient' 'access'\''},)' def '_ldap_call(self,func,*args,**kwargs):' '"""' Wrapper method mainly for serializing calls into OpenLDAP libs and trace logs '"""' 'self._ldap_object_lock.acquire()' if __debug__: if 'self._trace_level>=1:' 'self._trace_file.write('\''***' %s %s - '%s\n%s\n'\''' % '(' 'repr(self),' self._uri, ''\''.'\''.join((self.__class__.__name__,func.__name__)),' 'pprint.pformat((args,kwargs))' '))' if 'self._trace_level>=9:' 'traceback.print_stack(limit=self._trace_stack_limit,file=self._trace_file)' diagnostic_message_success = None try: try: '>' result = 'func(*args,**kwargs)' E INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS: '{'\''desc'\'':' ''\''Insufficient' 'access'\''}' /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ldap/ INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS ----------------------------- Captured stderr call ----------------------------- INFO:lib389:Bind as cn=bind_entry, dc=example,dc=com INFO:lib389: '#########################' MODIFY '######################' INFO:lib389:Try to modify cn=test_entry, dc=example,dc=com '(aci' is 'missing)' INFO:lib389:Exception '(expected):' INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS INFO:lib389:Bind as cn=Directory Manager and add the WRITE SELFDN aci INFO:lib389:M1: Bind as cn=bind_entry, dc=example,dc=com INFO:lib389:M1: Try to modify cn=test_entry, dc=example,dc=com. It should succeeds =================== 2 failed, 522 passed in 9828.58 seconds ==================== ============================= test session starts ============================== platform linux2 -- Python 2.7.12, pytest-2.9.2, py-1.4.31, pluggy-0.3.1 -- /usr/bin/python2 cachedir: .cache rootdir: <,> inifile: plugins: sourceorder-0.5, multihost-1.0 collecting ... collected 524 items tickets/ PASSED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ t_ticket47619_reindex PASSED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ FAILED tickets/ FAILED tickets/ PASSED tickets/ PASSED 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Then it checks that entry is replicated on MASTER2 (even if on MASTER2 47653 is NOT fixed). Then update on MASTER2 and check the update on MASTER1 It checks that, bound as bind_entry, - we can not ADD an entry without the proper SELFDN aci. - with the proper ACI we can not ADD with 'member' attribute - with the proper ACI and 'member' it succeeds to ADD '''"\n\n######################### ADD ######################\n") # bind as bind_entry"Bind as %s" % BIND_DN) topology.master1.simple_bind_s(BIND_DN, BIND_PW) # Prepare the entry with multivalued members entry_with_members = Entry(ENTRY_DN) entry_with_members.setValues('objectclass', 'top', 'person', 'OCticket47653') entry_with_members.setValues('sn', ENTRY_NAME) entry_with_members.setValues('cn', ENTRY_NAME) entry_with_members.setValues('postalAddress', 'here') entry_with_members.setValues('postalCode', '1234') members = [] for cpt in range(MAX_OTHERS): name = "%s%d" % (OTHER_NAME, cpt) members.append("cn=%s,%s" % (name, SUFFIX)) members.append(BIND_DN) entry_with_members.setValues('member', members) # Prepare the entry with only one member value entry_with_member = Entry(ENTRY_DN) entry_with_member.setValues('objectclass', 'top', 'person', 'OCticket47653') entry_with_member.setValues('sn', ENTRY_NAME) entry_with_member.setValues('cn', ENTRY_NAME) entry_with_member.setValues('postalAddress', 'here') entry_with_member.setValues('postalCode', '1234') member = [] member.append(BIND_DN) entry_with_member.setValues('member', member) # entry to add WITH member being BIND_DN but WITHOUT the ACI -> ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS try:"Try to add Add %s (aci is missing ): %r" % (ENTRY_DN, entry_with_member)) topology.master1.add_s(entry_with_member) except Exception as e:"Exception (expected): %s" % type(e).__name__) assert isinstance(e, ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS) # Ok Now add the proper ACI"Bind as %s and add the ADD SELFDN aci" % DN_DM) topology.master1.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD) ACI_TARGET = "(target = \"ldap:///cn=*,%s\")" % SUFFIX ACI_TARGETFILTER = "(targetfilter =\"(objectClass=%s)\")" % OC_NAME ACI_ALLOW = "(version 3.0; acl \"SelfDN add\"; allow (add)" ACI_SUBJECT = " userattr = \"member#selfDN\";)" ACI_BODY = ACI_TARGET + ACI_TARGETFILTER + ACI_ALLOW + ACI_SUBJECT mod = [(ldap.MOD_ADD, 'aci', ACI_BODY)] topology.master1.modify_s(SUFFIX, mod) time.sleep(1) # bind as bind_entry"Bind as %s" % BIND_DN) topology.master1.simple_bind_s(BIND_DN, BIND_PW) # entry to add WITHOUT member and WITH the ACI -> ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS try:"Try to add Add %s (member is missing)" % ENTRY_DN) topology.master1.add_s(Entry((ENTRY_DN, { 'objectclass': ENTRY_OC.split(), 'sn': ENTRY_NAME, 'cn': ENTRY_NAME, 'postalAddress': 'here', 'postalCode': '1234'}))) except Exception as e:"Exception (expected): %s" % type(e).__name__) assert isinstance(e, ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS) # entry to add WITH memberS and WITH the ACI -> ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS # member should contain only one value try:"Try to add Add %s (with several member values)" % ENTRY_DN) topology.master1.add_s(entry_with_members) except Exception as e:"Exception (expected): %s" % type(e).__name__) assert isinstance(e, ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS)"Try to add Add %s should be successful" % ENTRY_DN) try: topology.master1.add_s(entry_with_member) except ldap.LDAPError as e:"Failed to add entry, error: " + e.message['desc']) > assert False E assert False tickets/ AssertionEr ror ----------------------------- Captured stderr call ----------------------------- INFO:lib389: ######################### ADD ###################### INFO:lib389:Bind as cn=bind_entry, dc=example,dc=com INFO:lib389:Try to add Add cn=test_entry, dc=example,dc=com (aci is missing): dn: cn=test_entry, dc=example,dc=com cn: test_entry member: cn=bind_entry, dc=example,dc=com objectclass: top objectclass: person objectclass: OCticket47653 postalAddress: here postalCode: 1234 sn: test_entry INFO:lib389:Exception (expected): INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS INFO:lib389:Bind as cn=Directory Manager and add the ADD SELFDN aci INFO:lib389:Bind as cn=bind_entry, dc=example,dc=com INFO:lib389:Try to add Add cn=test_entry, dc=example,dc=com (member is missing) INFO:lib389:Exception (expected): INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS INFO:lib389:Try to add Add cn=test_entry, dc=example,dc=com (with several member values) INFO:lib389:Exception (expected): INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS INFO:lib389:Try to add Add cn=test_entry, dc=example,dc=com should be successful INFO:lib389:Failed to add entry, error: Insufficient access ___________________________ test_ticket47653_modify ____________________________ topology = <tickets.ticket47653MMR_test.TopologyMaster1Master2 object at 0x7f2901017f10> def test_ticket47653_modify(topology): ''' This test MOD an entry on MASTER1 where 47653 is fixed. Then it checks that update is replicated on MASTER2 (even if on MASTER2 47653 is NOT fixed). Then update on MASTER2 (bound as BIND_DN). This update may fail whether or not 47653 is fixed on MASTER2 It checks that, bound as bind_entry, - we can not modify an entry without the proper SELFDN aci. - adding the ACI, we can modify the entry ''' # bind as bind_entry"Bind as %s" % BIND_DN) topology.master1.simple_bind_s(BIND_DN, BIND_PW)"\n\n######################### MODIFY ######################\n") # entry to modify WITH member being BIND_DN but WITHOUT the ACI -> ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS try:"Try to modify %s (a ci is missing)" % ENTRY_DN) mod = [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'postalCode', '9876')] topology.master1.modify_s(ENTRY_DN, mod) except Exception as e:"Exception (expected): %s" % type(e).__name__) assert isinstance(e, ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS) # Ok Now add the proper ACI"Bind as %s and add the WRITE SELFDN aci" % DN_DM) topology.master1.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD) ACI_TARGET = "(target = \"ldap:///cn=*,%s\")" % SUFFIX ACI_TARGETATTR = "(targetattr = *)" ACI_TARGETFILTER = "(targetfilter =\"(objectClass=%s)\")" % OC_NAME ACI_ALLOW = "(version 3.0; acl \"SelfDN write\"; allow (write)" ACI_SUBJECT = " userattr = \"member#selfDN\";)" ACI_BODY = ACI_TARGET + ACI_TARGETATTR + ACI_TARGETFILTER + ACI_ALLOW + ACI_SUBJECT mod = [(ldap.MOD_ADD, 'aci', ACI_BODY)] topology.master1.modify_s(SUFFIX, mod) time.sleep(1) # bind as bind_entry"M1: Bind as %s" % BIND_DN) topology.master1.simple_bind_s(BIND_DN, BIND_PW) # modify the entry and checks the value"M1: Try to modify %s. It should succeeds" % ENTRY_DN) mod = [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'postalCode', '1928')] > topology.master1.modify_s(ENTRY_DN, mod) tickets/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ../../../lib389/lib389/ in inner return f(*args, **kwargs) /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ldap/ in modify_s return self.result(msgid,all=1,timeout=self.timeout) ../../../lib389/lib389/ in inner objtype, data = f(*args, **kwargs) /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ldap/ in result resp_type, resp_data, resp_msgid = self.result2(msgid,all,timeout) ../../../lib389/lib389/ in inner return f(*args, **kwargs) /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ldap/ in result2 resp_type, resp_data, resp_msgid, resp_ctrls = self.result3(msgid,all,timeout) ../../../lib389/lib389/ in inner return f(*args, **kwargs) /usr/lib64/pyth on2.7/site-packages/ldap/ in result3 resp_ctrl_classes=resp_ctrl_classes ../../../lib389/lib389/ in inner return f(*args, **kwargs) /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ldap/ in result4 ldap_result = self._ldap_call(self._l.result4,msgid,all,timeout,add_ctrls,add_intermediates,add_extop) ../../../lib389/lib389/ in inner return f(*args, **kwargs) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ self = <lib389.DirSrv instance at 0x7f290115dd88> func = <built-in method result4 of LDAP object at 0x7f2901c1b4e0> args = (37, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0), kwargs = {}, diagnostic_message_success = None e = INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS({'desc': 'Insufficient access'},) def _ldap_call(self,func,*args,**kwargs): """ Wrapper method mainly for serializing calls into OpenLDAP libs and trace logs """ self._ldap_object_lock.acquire() if __debug__: if self._trace_level>=1: self._trace_file.write('*** %s %s - %s\n%s\n' % ( repr(self), self._uri, '.'.join((self.__class__.__name__,func.__name__)), pprint.pformat((args,kwargs)) )) if self._trace_level>=9: traceback.print_stack(limit=self._trace_stack_limit,file=self._trace_file) diagnostic_message_success = None try: try: > result = func(*args,**kwargs) E INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS: {'desc': 'Insufficient access'} /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ldap/ INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS ----------------------------- Captured stderr call ----------------------------- INFO:lib389:Bind as cn=bind_entry, dc=example,dc=com INFO:lib389: ######################### MODIFY ###################### INFO:lib389:Try to modify cn=test_entry, dc=example,dc=com (aci is missing) INFO:lib389:Exception (expected): INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS INFO:lib389:Bind as cn=Directory Manager and add the WRITE SELFDN aci INFO:lib389:M1: Bind as cn=bind_entry, dc=example,dc=com INFO:lib389:M1: Try to modify cn=test_entry, dc=example,dc=com. It should succeeds =================== 2 failed, 522 passed in 9828.58 seconds ==================== + MSG=FAILED + RC=1 + sudo /usr/sbin/sendmail mreynolds@xxxxxxxxxx + exit 1 Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure _______________________________________________ 389-devel mailing list -- 389-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe send an email to 389-devel-leave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx