I verified the behavior. Our dn
normalization has a problem for CES types.
On 06/06/2016 02:52 PM, Noriko Hosoi wrote:
I'm working on this ticket 48848. Fixing the ticket itself is
easy (please see the proposed patch).
Ticket #48848
- modrdn deleteoldrdn can fail to find old attribute value,
perhaps due to case folding
Fix proposal:
But I'm afraid it might have revealed another tricky issue...
If a DN contains CES type RDN, is it ok to return the entry if a
given basedn does not match the case?
Existing DN:
dn: labeledURI=testURI,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
Please note that labeledURI is caseExactMatch type.
$ ldapsearch [...] -b
"labeleduri=testuri,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" dn
dn: labeleduri=testURI,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
Our dn normalization code does not care the type of rdn but just
lower the case to normalize a dn.
I'm trying to check it with the openldap server, but somehow it is
not happy on my Fedoras... :( Although I continue trying to make
it work, but if someone has the openldap server handy, could you
please add the attached entry, run the command line and check if
it returns the entry or not?
$ ldapsearch [...] -b
"labeleduri=testuri,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" dn
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