On 02/25/2014 07:42 AM, thierry bordaz
On 02/25/2014 03:34 PM, Rich
Megginson wrote:
On 02/25/2014 07:24 AM, thierry
bordaz wrote:
On 02/24/2014 10:47 PM, Noriko
Hosoi wrote:
Rich Megginson wrote:
On 02/24/2014 09:00 AM,
thierry bordaz wrote:
team filled this ticket https://fedorahosted.org/389/ticket/47553.
It requires an ACI improvement so that during a
MODDN a given user is only allowed to move an entry
from one specified part of the DIT to an other
specified part of the DIT. This without the need to
grant the ADD permission.
Here is the design of what could be implemented to
support this need http://port389.org/wiki/Access_control_on_trees_specified_in_MODDN_operation
Since this not related to any Red Hat internal or customer
information, we should move this discussion to the
389-devel list.
Hi Thierry,
Your design looks good. A minor question. The doc does not
mention about "deny". For instance, in your example DIT,
can I allow "moddn_to" and "moddn_from" on the top
"dc=example,dc=com" and deny them on "cn=tests". Then, I
can move an entry between cn=accounts and staging, but not
to/from cn=tests? Or "deny" is not supposed to use there?
Hi Noriko,
Thanks for having looked at the document. You are right, I
missed to document how 'DENY' aci would work.
I updated the design http://port389.org/wiki/Access_control_on_trees_specified_in_MODDN_operation#ACI_allow.2Fdeny_rights
to indicate how a DENY rights could be used.
By default if there is no ACI granting 'allow', the operation
is rejected. So in that case, without ACI applicable on
'cn=tests', MODDN to/from 'cn=tests' will not be authorized.
Adding a DENY to target 'cn=tests' would also work but I think
it is not required.
In the example I added, the 'ALLOW' right is granted to a tree
(cn=accounts,SUFFIX) except to a subtree of it
So in order to do a MODDN operation, you need both the
moddn_from aci and moddn_to aci?
For example:
dn: dc=example,dc=com
aci: (target="ldap:///cn=staging,dc=example,dc=com")(version
3.0; acl "MODDN from"; allow (moddn_from))
If I only have this aci, will it allow anything? That is, if I
don't have a (moddn_to) aci somewhere, will this (moddn_from)
aci allow me to move anything?
Yes it will allow you to do a MODDN if you are granted the 'ADD'
right on the new superior entry.
I think this double ACI can be an issue as freeipa was hoping to
use a single ACI. But I have not found a solution to grant move
(to/from) in a single aci syntax.
I think it is very important to specify both the source and the
destination of a MODDN operation. I don't think this will be
possible in all cases without having 2 target DNs in a single ACI
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