The server is written in C. So your C experience may be helpful. The scripts around the server are mainly perl- and bash-based. The management console is written in Java. The database backend is Berkley DB. You can start from this page in order to see how you can contribute to the server development :
You may also be interested in looking at the roadmap
The current bugs/requested features are mainly listed in bugzilla and on the wishlist
You are also welcome to make your suggestions and help others on this mailing list.
It's up to you how you prefer to contribute - test the latest builds/add features/resolve bugs/participate in the mailing lists/other...
2009/10/28 Dmitry Kolesov <kolesov_dv@xxxxxxx>
My name is Dmitry Kolesov and I would like to contribute to the Directory Server project.
I have experience with C/C++, bash, Python, PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL.
I use Directory Server in my work and I would like to help in development it.
My Fedora Account and account in irc is kolesovdv.
Best regards.
389-devel mailing list
-- 389-devel mailing list 389-devel@xxxxxxxxxx