On 10/06/2009 08:25 AM, Nathan Kinder wrote:
On 10/05/2009 07:37 PM, Rich Megginson wrote:
It is
problem that upgrade is not run automatically during rpm installation.
It causes problems for other packages that depend on 389. This fix
allows rpm to run the upgrade script. Some notes:
* had to write scriptlets in lua to allow data to be passed among
different phases - %posttrans does not know if it is being run as a
fresh install or an upgrade, so we have to get that information from
%post to pass to %posttrans
* upgrade must be run in posttrans - in %post, the old package that is
being upgraded will still be around - this includes the old schema in
the schema dir - the update script assumes the contents of the schema
dir are correct and current - so we have to wait until %posttrans when
the schema dir will contain only the new schema
* the upgrade script can only run non-interactively if the servers are
all shutdown first - so we have to shutdown the servers, run the
upgrade, then start the servers back up - however, if the user did not
want certain servers to be running, we first get a list of the running
servers, and only start those back up after the upgrade
I believe you need to add something like the following since you added
the new dirsrv-snmp init script to the package:
os.execute('/sbin/chkconfig --add %{pkgname}')
Sorry, I meant the following for the above line:
os.execute('/sbin/chkconfig --add %{pkgname}-snmp')
/sbin/service %{pkgname}-snmp stop >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
/sbin/chkconfig --del %{pkgname}-snmp
Other than that, it looks good.
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