Graham Leggett wrote:
Rich Megginson wrote:
I think the problem is that having !(associatedDomain=somevalue) does
not imply (associatedDomain=*). Do you want to search for entries
that have associatedDomain and !(associatedDomain=somevalue)?
Try a search filter like
The filter I have is testing whether a specific known domain exists in
the directory, with the extra proviso that the name of the domain is not
allowed to be the name of the machine itself (thus the not part).
So it should be
Am I correct in understanding that the first part of your query above
(associatedDomain=*) will limit the results within which to search for
the rest of the query?
Apart from implementation issues, a filter like "(!(attr=value))"
matches all entries whose values of "attr" differ from "value", *and*
all entries without "attr" at all. That's why Rich's suggestion should
work. In fact, "(attr=*)" makes use of the "presence" index, while
"(!(attr=value))" makes use of the "equality" index. If the "look
through" limit applies to selected candidates, if you have presence
indexes in place for "attr" but no equality indexes, the difference
between your query and the one Rich suggested is exactly *all* - entries
with "attr", which could really make the difference between 7000 and 50.
Ing. Pierangelo Masarati
OpenLDAP Core Team
SysNet s.r.l.
via Dossi, 8 - 27100 Pavia - ITALIA
Office: +39 02 23998309
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Email: ando@xxxxxxxxxx
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