389 Admin Server 1.1.38
The 389 Directory Server team is proud to announce 389-admin
version 1.1.38 and 389-adminutil
version 1.1.21.
Fedora packages are available from the EPEL7,
Fedora 20, Fedora 21 and Rawhide repositories.
The new packages and versions are:
- 389-admin-1.1.38-1
- 389-adminutil-1.1.21-1
Source tarballs are available for download at Download
Admin Source and Download
Adminutil Source.
in 389-admin-1.1.38 and 389-adminutil-1.1.21
- Several bugs are fixed including security bugs – stop using DES and old SSL version.
Installation and Upgrade
See Download
for information about setting up your yum repositories.
To install, use yum install 389-ds yum install
389-ds After install completes, run setup-ds-admin.pl
to set up your directory server. setup-ds-admin.pl
To upgrade, use yum upgrade yum upgrade After
upgrade completes, run setup-ds-admin.pl -u to
update your directory server/admin server/console information.
setup-ds-admin.pl -u
See Install_Guide
for more information about the initial installation, setup,
and upgrade
See Source
for information about source tarballs and SCM
(git) access.
We are very interested in your feedback!
Please provide feedback and comments to the 389-users mailing
list: https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/389-users
and following pages:
If you find a bug, or would like to see a new feature, file it in
our Trac instance: https://fedorahosted.org/389
Detailed Changelog
since 389-admin-1.1.35
- Ticket 48024 - repl-monitor invoked from adminserver cgi fails
- Ticket 47995 - Admin Server: source code cleaning
- Ticket 47891 - Admin Server reconfig breaks SSL config
- Ticket 47929 - Admin Server - disable SSLv3 by default
- Ticket 201 - nCipher HSM cannot be
configured via the console
- Ticket 47493 - Configuration Tab does not work with FIPS mode enabled
- Ticket 47697 - Resource leak in lib/libdsa/dsalib_updown.c
- Ticket 47860 - register-ds-admin.pl problem when following
steps to replicate o=netscaperoot
- Ticket 47548 - register-ds-admin does not register into remote
config ds
- Ticket 47893 - Admin Server should use Sys::Hostname
instead Net::Domain
- Ticket 47891 - Admin Server reconfig breaks SSL config
- Ticket 47300 - Update man page for remove-ds-admin.pl
- Ticket 47850 - “nsslapd-allow-anonymous-access: rootdse” makes
login as “admin” fail at the first time
- Ticket 47497 - Admin Express - remove “Security Level”
- Ticket 47495 - admin express: wrong instance creation time
- Ticket 47665 - Create new instance results in setting wrong ACI for the “cn=config” entry
- Ticket 47478 - No groups file? error restarting Admin server
- Ticket 47300 - [RFE]
remove-ds-admin.pl: redesign the behaviour
- Ticket 434 - admin-serv logs filling with
“admserv_host_ip_check: ap_get_remote_host could not resolve “
- Ticket 47563 - cannot restart directory server from console
- Ticket 222 - Admin Express issues “Internal Server Error” when
the Config DS is down.
- Ticket 418 - Error with register-ds-admin.pl
- Ticket 377 - Unchecked use of SELinux command Reviewed
by: rmeggins
- Ticket 47498 - Error Message for Failed to create the
configuration directory server
Changelog since 389-adminutil-1.1.19
- Ticket 47929 - adminutil - future proof getSSLVersion
- Ticket 47929 - Adminutil - do not use SSL3
by default
- Ticket 47850 - “nsslapd-allow-anonymous-access: rootdse” makes
login as “admin” fail at the first time
- Ticket 47881 - crash during debug session in adminutil
- Ticket 47680 - Upgraded 389-admin rpms and now I can’t
start dirsrv-admin