commit 2dbb1015031e0ea6ec42e54a5ee8a8affbfaa173 Author: Petr Písař <ppisar@xxxxxxxxxx> Date: Tue Oct 14 14:15:13 2014 +0200 Import .gitignore | 1 + perl-Number-Tolerant.spec | 81 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ sources | 1 + 3 files changed, 83 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) --- diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index e69de29..71b675b 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +/Number-Tolerant-1.703.tar.gz diff --git a/perl-Number-Tolerant.spec b/perl-Number-Tolerant.spec new file mode 100644 index 0000000..115ea60 --- /dev/null +++ b/perl-Number-Tolerant.spec @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +Name: perl-Number-Tolerant +Version: 1.703 +Release: 1%{?dist} +Summary: Tolerance ranges for inexact numbers +License: GPL+ or Artistic +Group: Development/Libraries +URL: +Source0:{version}.tar.gz +BuildArch: noarch +BuildRequires: perl +BuildRequires: perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker) >= 6.30 +BuildRequires: perl(strict) +BuildRequires: perl(warnings) +# Run-time: +BuildRequires: perl(Carp) +BuildRequires: perl(Math::BigFloat) +BuildRequires: perl(Math::BigRat) +BuildRequires: perl(overload) +BuildRequires: perl(parent) +BuildRequires: perl(Scalar::Util) +BuildRequires: perl(Sub::Exporter) >= 0.950 +BuildRequires: perl(Sub::Exporter::Util) +BuildRequires: perl(Test::Builder) +# Tests: +BuildRequires: perl(base) +BuildRequires: perl(feature) +BuildRequires: perl(if) +BuildRequires: perl(Test::More) >= 0.96 +BuildRequires: perl(Test::Tester) +Requires: perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(eval "`perl -V:version`"; echo $version)) +Requires: perl(overload) + +# Remove under-specified dependencies +%global __requires_exclude %{?__requires_exclude|%__requires_exclude|}^perl\\(Sub::Exporter\\)$ + +%description +These Perl modules create a number-like object whose value refers +to a range of possible values, each equally acceptable. It overloads +comparison operations to reflect this. + +%package -n perl-Test-Tolerant +Summary: Test routines for testing numbers against tolerances +Requires: perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(eval "`perl -V:version`"; echo $version)) +Requires: perl(Sub::Exporter) >= 0.950 + +%description -n perl-Test-Tolerant +"is_tol" is the only routine provided by Test::Tolerant Perl module. It +behaves like "is" from Test::More, asserting that two values must be equal, +but it will always use numeric equality, and the second argument is not always +used as the right hand side of comparison directly, but it used to produce +a Number::Tolerant to compare to. + + +%prep +%setup -q -n Number-Tolerant-%{version} + +%build +perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor +make %{?_smp_mflags} + +%install +make pure_install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT +find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -type f -name .packlist -exec rm -f {} \; +%{_fixperms} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/* + +%check +make test + +%files +%doc Changes LICENSE README +%{perl_vendorlib}/Number/ +%{_mandir}/man3/Number::* + +%files -n perl-Test-Tolerant +%doc Changes LICENSE README +%{perl_vendorlib}/Test/ +%{_mandir}/man3/Test::* + +%changelog +* Fri Oct 10 2014 Petr Pisar <ppisar@xxxxxxxxxx> 1.703-1 +- Specfile autogenerated by cpanspec 1.78. diff --git a/sources b/sources index e69de29..085e683 100644 --- a/sources +++ b/sources @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +bb13130da7125e3fdabb2ea6cf8652ea Number-Tolerant-1.703.tar.gz -- Fedora Extras Perl SIG perl-devel mailing list perl-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx