[perl-constant] Patched to provide the version 1.31

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commit 3a82611fb745ce26de387657b1f546593e47720d
Author: Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Tue Sep 9 13:28:38 2014 +0200

    Patched to provide the version 1.31

 constant-1.31-update.patch |  151 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 perl-constant.spec         |   16 ++++-
 2 files changed, 163 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/constant-1.31-update.patch b/constant-1.31-update.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..551ddb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/constant-1.31-update.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+diff -up constant-1.27/lib/constant.pm.orig constant-1.27/lib/constant.pm
+--- constant-1.27/lib/constant.pm.orig	2014-09-09 10:42:02.450977378 +0200
++++ constant-1.27/lib/constant.pm	2014-09-09 10:42:25.026227379 +0200
+@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use strict;
+ use warnings::register;
+ use vars qw($VERSION %declared);
+-$VERSION = '1.27';
++$VERSION = '1.31';
+ #=======================================================================
+@@ -25,12 +25,22 @@ BEGIN {
+     # We'd like to do use constant _CAN_PCS => $] > 5.009002
+     # but that's a bit tricky before we load the constant module :-)
+     # By doing this, we save 1 run time check for *every* call to import.
+-    no strict 'refs';
+     my $const = $] > 5.009002;
+-    *_CAN_PCS = sub () {$const};
+     my $downgrade = $] < 5.015004; # && $] >= 5.008
+-    *_DOWNGRADE = sub () { $downgrade };
++    my $constarray = exists &_make_const;
++    if ($const) {
++	Internals::SvREADONLY($const, 1);
++	Internals::SvREADONLY($downgrade, 1);
++	$constant::{_CAN_PCS}   = \$const;
++	$constant::{_DOWNGRADE} = \$downgrade;
++	$constant::{_CAN_PCS_FOR_ARRAY} = \$constarray;
++    }
++    else {
++	no strict 'refs';
++	*{"_CAN_PCS"}   = sub () {$const};
++	*{"_DOWNGRADE"} = sub () { $downgrade };
++	*{"_CAN_PCS_FOR_ARRAY"} = sub () { $constarray };
++    }
+ }
+ #=======================================================================
+@@ -128,20 +138,41 @@ sub import {
+ 		# The constant serves to optimise this entire block out on
+ 		# 5.8 and earlier.
+-		if (_CAN_PCS && $symtab && !exists $symtab->{$name}) {
+-		    # No typeglob yet, so we can use a reference as space-
+-		    # efficient proxy for a constant subroutine
++		if (_CAN_PCS) {
++		    # Use a reference as a proxy for a constant subroutine.
++		    # If this is not a glob yet, it saves space.  If it is
++		    # a glob, we must still create it this way to get the
++		    # right internal flags set, as constants are distinct
++		    # from subroutines created with sub(){...}.
+ 		    # The check in Perl_ck_rvconst knows that inlinable
+ 		    # constants from cv_const_sv are read only. So we have to:
+ 		    Internals::SvREADONLY($scalar, 1);
+-		    $symtab->{$name} = \$scalar;
+-		    ++$flush_mro;
++		    if ($symtab && !exists $symtab->{$name}) {
++			$symtab->{$name} = \$scalar;
++			++$flush_mro;
++		    }
++		    else {
++			local $constant::{_dummy} = \$scalar;
++			*$full_name = \&{"_dummy"};
++		    }
+ 		} else {
+ 		    *$full_name = sub () { $scalar };
+ 		}
+ 	    } elsif (@_) {
+ 		my @list = @_;
+-		*$full_name = sub () { @list };
++		if (_CAN_PCS_FOR_ARRAY) {
++		    _make_const($list[$_]) for 0..$#list;
++		    _make_const(@list);
++		    if ($symtab && !exists $symtab->{$name}) {
++			$symtab->{$name} = \@list;
++			$flush_mro++;
++		    }
++		    else {
++			local $constant::{_dummy} = \@list;
++			*$full_name = \&{"_dummy"};
++		    }
++		}
++		else { *$full_name = sub () { @list }; }
+ 	    } else {
+ 		*$full_name = sub () { };
+ 	    }
+@@ -190,7 +221,7 @@ This pragma allows you to declare consta
+ When you declare a constant such as C<PI> using the method shown
+ above, each machine your script runs upon can have as many digits
+-of accuracy as it can use. Also, your program will be easier to
++of accuracy as it can use.  Also, your program will be easier to
+ read, more likely to be maintained (and maintained correctly), and
+ far less likely to send a space probe to the wrong planet because
+ nobody noticed the one equation in which you wrote C<3.14195>.
+@@ -203,7 +234,7 @@ away if the constant is false.
+ =head1 NOTES
+ As with all C<use> directives, defining a constant happens at
+-compile time. Thus, it's probably not correct to put a constant
++compile time.  Thus, it's probably not correct to put a constant
+ declaration inside of a conditional statement (like C<if ($foo)
+ { use constant ... }>).
+@@ -236,8 +267,8 @@ their own constants to override those in
+ The use of all caps for constant names is merely a convention,
+ although it is recommended in order to make constants stand out
+ and to help avoid collisions with other barewords, keywords, and
+-subroutine names. Constant names must begin with a letter or
+-underscore. Names beginning with a double underscore are reserved. Some
++subroutine names.  Constant names must begin with a letter or
++underscore.  Names beginning with a double underscore are reserved.  Some
+ poor choices for names will generate warnings, if warnings are enabled at
+ compile time.
+@@ -312,15 +343,15 @@ constants without any problems.
+ In the current implementation, scalar constants are actually
+-inlinable subroutines. As of version 5.004 of Perl, the appropriate
++inlinable subroutines.  As of version 5.004 of Perl, the appropriate
+ scalar constant is inserted directly in place of some subroutine
+-calls, thereby saving the overhead of a subroutine call. See
++calls, thereby saving the overhead of a subroutine call.  See
+ L<perlsub/"Constant Functions"> for details about how and when this
+ happens.
+ In the rare case in which you need to discover at run time whether a
+ particular constant has been declared via this module, you may use
+-this function to examine the hash C<%constant::declared>. If the given
++this function to examine the hash C<%constant::declared>.  If the given
+ constant name does not include a package name, the current package is
+ used.
+@@ -335,11 +366,12 @@ used.
+ =head1 CAVEATS
+-In the current version of Perl, list constants are not inlined
+-and some symbols may be redefined without generating a warning.
++List constants are not inlined unless you are using Perl v5.20 or higher.
++In v5.20 or higher, they are still not read-only, but that may change in
++future versions.
+ It is not possible to have a subroutine or a keyword with the same
+-name as a constant in the same package. This is probably a Good Thing.
++name as a constant in the same package.  This is probably a Good Thing.
+ A constant with a name in the list C<STDIN STDOUT STDERR ARGV ARGVOUT
+ ENV INC SIG> is not allowed anywhere but in package C<main::>, for
diff --git a/perl-constant.spec b/perl-constant.spec
index f45e624..76a8156 100644
--- a/perl-constant.spec
+++ b/perl-constant.spec
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
+%global cpan_version 1.27
 Name:           perl-constant
-Version:        1.27
-Release:        295%{?dist}
+Version:        1.31
+Release:        310%{?dist}
 Summary:        Perl pragma to declare constants
 License:        GPL+ or Artistic
 Group:          Development/Libraries
 URL:            http://search.cpan.org/dist/constant/
-Source0:        http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/S/SA/SAPER/constant-%{version}.tar.gz
+Source0:        http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/S/SA/SAPER/constant-%{cpan_version}.tar.gz
+# Update to 1.31
+Patch0:         constant-1.31-update.patch
 BuildArch:      noarch
 BuildRequires:  perl
 BuildRequires:  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)
@@ -44,7 +48,8 @@ In particular, any code in an "if (CONSTANT)" block will be optimized
 away if the constant is false.
-%setup -q -n constant-%{version}
+%setup -q -n constant-%{cpan_version}
+%patch0 -p1
 perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor
@@ -64,6 +69,9 @@ make test
+* Tue Sep 09 2014 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.31-310
+- Patched to provide the version 1.31 which is bundled in Perl 5.20
 * Mon Sep 08 2014 Jitka Plesnikova <jplesnik@xxxxxxxxxx> - 1.27-295
 - Perl 5.20 re-rebuild of bootstrapped packages
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