Hello, Warning: This e-mail is long and proposes changes in Perl packaging. The Problem =========== I decided to tackle the long standing issue with Perl versions that are not compatible with RPM. For example, you have a module or distribution in version 1.2, then 1.21, then 1.3. In addition, Perl 5 mixes fraction (1.200300) and dotted (1.2.3 or v1.2.3) versions. In addition to addition, there can be underscores for unstable releases that everybody explains differently (pre-release, post-release, ignorance). The difficulty comes when writing these "numbers" into spec files as dependencies or tracking monotonic upgrade-path. Preparation =========== You could notice Fedora possess perl-Fedora-VSP and fvsp packages. Both of them implement version normalization so that Perl version input is converted into RPM-compatible output. perl-Fedora-VSP is a pure-perl implementation used in dependency generators for exporting "Requires: perl(:VERSION) >= 5.22.1" from "use 5.022001". That fixed the wrong "1:perl >= 5.02201" format. fvsp is a native C code. A fvsp(1) tool and vsp(3) function in libfvsp library. It's not used now, but it's inteded for SRPM macros living in minimal build root (that will miss perl in the future). The normalization follows the Perl's version->parse->normalize rules and then it removes redundand zeros for brevity: $ fvsp 1.2 1.200 $ fvsp 1.23 1.230 $ fvsp 1.2345 1.234.500 $ fvsp 1.2.3 1.2.3 $ fvsp v1.2.3 1.2.3 $ fvsp v1.2 1.2 A text after an underscore is ignored currently. Minimal Spec File Changes ========================= How a minimal spec file change could look like: BuildRequires: perl(File::Spec) >= %{perl_v 1.2} The %perl_v macro would do the trick. More Changes Possible ===================== But as you can see this notation is actually longer, so I immediatelly tried something more useful: BuildRequires: %perl_d File::Spec 1.2 This one is shorter, it hides the Perl specifics and you don't have to write the omnipresent relation operator ">=". (You can still supply it like in "Conflicts: %perl_d File::Spec < 1.2".) Looking at other parts of the spec file, you can see the %prep, %build, %install, %check sections are all the same. They only depend on Makefile.PL or Build.PL build script. Also all CPAN packages have very similar Name, Source, and URL tags. Therefore I wrote more macros and then showed a rewritten perl-aliased.spec file to my coworker. He said: "All the BuildRequires and Requires words is a boiler plate code. Could you make it shorter?" I replied that it's not possible because of multi-line macro arguments, but then I discovered that macros written in Lua can handle multi-line macros to some extent, so I come up with this: ====START==== %perl_macros 1 %perl_cpan_package ETHER aliased 0.34 Release: 4%{?dist} Summary: Use shorter versions of class names License: GPL+ or Artistic BuildArch: noarch # Module Build %{perl_build_requires \ Module::Build::Tiny 0.039 } # Module Runtime %{perl_build_requires \ Carp Exporter strict warnings } # Test Suite %{perl_build_requires \ B CPAN::Meta 2.120900 File::Spec lib Test::More 0.88 } # Runtime Requires: %perl_d_compat %{perl_requires \ Carp } %description aliased is simple in concept but is a rather handy module. It loads the class you specify and exports into your namespace a subroutine that returns the class name. You can explicitly alias the class to another name or, if you prefer, you can do so implicitly. In the latter case, the name of the subroutine is the last part of the class name. %prep %perl_prep_cpan %build %perl_build %install %perl_install %check %perl_check %files %license LICENSE %doc Changes CONTRIBUTING README %{perl_vendorlib}/aliased.pm %{_mandir}/man3/aliased.3* %changelog ====END==== There are some issues: You have to write something after the %perl_build_requires macro name (a plain space character is enough, but backslash emphases it), you cannot put comments into into %perl_build_requires argments (well you could, but the Lua code would have to handle it and I worry I would step on undefined behavior in the RPM), you have to declare that a package is noarch manully, you still have write %files section etc. Maybe you are curious what the "%perl_macros 1" is. First it is necessary for %perl_build_requires and %perl_requires to work (it allows them to share the multi-line statement parser). Second it allows the spec file to declare expected macros API on one hand and it allows to introduce incompatible changes in the macro files on the other hand. The macro files can support more API's at the same time. Proof of Concept ================ You can find the macros implementation on <https://ppisar.fedorapeople.org/perlmacros2/>, especially in the src/macros.perl2 file. Please note that the version normalization is not enabled there. (Though you can enable it by swapping %perl_v definition.) Also note that dependency generators have not yet been enhanced to support the normalization. Compatibility ============= Introducing this normalization requires changing both build-requires and run-requires at the same time (you cannot provide "perl(Foo) = 1.2" and build-require "perl(Foo) >= 1.200"), the normalization would be enabled at one of the Perl mass rebuilds. But we could start using the macros gradually even before the big switch. For those who would not find all the macros appealing and would not convert their spec files, we could just wrap the version strings in BuildRequire and Requires statements into %perl_v macro automatically by a script. We also have to think on people, who share spec files among more Fedora braches. There should not be a problem to push the macro files into all Fedoras with disabled version normalization. Another story is EPEL. EPEL cannot replace RHEL packages, but there were attemps to augment minimal build root package group (which broke software collections) with additional macro files. So even here it would be possible. Actually I think that the macro files could provide different implementations for different EPELs, so that packages could share spec file between Fedora and EPEL without thinking on all the specifics (like cleaning build root), so it could be win for all the parties. I will not hide it---it would also allow alternative implementation for software collections. It could be possible the import the spec files into software collections that people want into their COPR or CentOS SIG repositories. In the long term, it could provide common base for Perl 6 packages (there are about 500 upstream Perl 6 distributions, Fedora lacks them all.) If we decide to normalize package version, we should to enable the normalization also in the Relase Monitoring service (or new-hottness bot that is specific to Fedora). There should no be problem to write a simple Python wrapper around libfvsp and inject it into there. Build-requires in Build Root without Perl ========================================= Last question is what package to put the macro files into. What package should all the Perl spec files build- or run-require? Especially with the advent of build root without perl interpreter. If we design it properly, we could achieve it. Questions ========= What are your opinions? Do you like the macros? What packages should (build-)require spec files? Should we handle noarch spec files specially (they do not need GCC and perl-devel (although ExtUtils::CBuilder required by ExtUtils::MakeMaker and Module::Build needs them now). -- Petr
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