Orphaned Packages in epel5 (2015-11-02)

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The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.

         Package                    (co)maintainers           Status Change 
alliance                     orphan, chitlesh                 3 weeks ago   
archimedes                   orphan, chitlesh                 3 weeks ago   
autodir                      orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
cvs2svn                      orphan, mjakubicek               4 weeks ago   
d4x                          orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
dclib                        orphan, mjakubicek               4 weeks ago   
dinotrace                    orphan, chitlesh                 3 weeks ago   
directfb                     orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
electric                     orphan, chitlesh                 3 weeks ago   
electronics-menu             orphan, chitlesh                 3 weeks ago   
emacs-verilog-mode           orphan, chitlesh                 3 weeks ago   
freehdl                      orphan, chitlesh                 3 weeks ago   
geda-gaf                     orphan, chitlesh                 3 weeks ago   
gerbv                        orphan, chitlesh                 3 weeks ago   
gnucap                       orphan, chitlesh                 3 weeks ago   
irsim                        orphan, chitlesh, filiperosset   3 weeks ago   
iverilog                     orphan, chitlesh                 3 weeks ago   
jna                          orphan, lfarkas, walters         21 weeks ago  
kannel                       orphan, linuxthomass, thias      4 weeks ago   
libstroke                    orphan, chitlesh                 3 weeks ago   
linsmith                     orphan, chitlesh, filiperosset   3 weeks ago   
magic                        orphan, chitlesh                 3 weeks ago   
mdsplib                      orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
netgen                       orphan, chitlesh                 3 weeks ago   
ngspice                      orphan, chitlesh                 3 weeks ago   
oidentd                      orphan, athmane, thias           3 weeks ago   
openvpn-auth-ldap            orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
osslsigncode                 orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
pcb                          orphan, chitlesh                 3 weeks ago   
perl-Algorithm-FastPermute   orphan, mjakubicek               4 weeks ago   
perl-libintl                 orphan, perl-sig, rjones,        4 weeks ago   
php-ZendFramework            orphan                           2 weeks ago   
php-eaccelerator             orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
php-pecl-mailparse           orphan, remi, thias              4 weeks ago   
pigment                      orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
postgrey                     orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
prototype                    orphan                           6 weeks ago   
python-Coherence             orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
python-louie                 orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
python-matplotlib            orphan, jspaleta                 7 weeks ago   
python-metar                 orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
python-nevow                 orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
re2c                         orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
rubygem-bacon                orphan, bkabrda, stevetraylen    17 weeks ago  
scipy                        orphan, jspaleta, mmahut,        7 weeks ago   
                             orion, ttomecek                                
scriptaculous                orphan                           6 weeks ago   
suitesparse                  orphan, davidcl, mjakubicek,     4 weeks ago   
synergy                      orphan, opuk, thias              4 weeks ago   
thttpd                       orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
toped                        orphan, chitlesh                 3 weeks ago   
trac-peerreview-plugin       orphan, chitlesh                 3 weeks ago   
vhd2vl                       orphan, chitlesh, filiperosset   3 weeks ago   
xar                          orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   
xcircuit                     orphan, chitlesh                 3 weeks ago   
zziplib                      orphan, thias                    4 weeks ago   

The following packages require above mentioned packages:
Depending on: dinotrace (1), status change: 2015-10-07 (3 weeks ago)
	gplcver (maintained by: jcapik, chitlesh)
		gplcver-2.11a-2.el5.x86_64 requires dinotrace = 9.4c-1.el5

Depending on: electronics-menu (2), status change: 2015-10-07 (3 weeks ago)
	qucs (maintained by: jcapik, chitlesh)
		qucs-0.0.15-6.el5.x86_64 requires electronics-menu = 1.0-6.el5

	tkgate (maintained by: tnorth, chitlesh)
		tkgate-2.0-7.beta9.el5.x86_64 requires electronics-menu = 1.0-6.el5

Depending on: gnucap (1), status change: 2015-10-07 (3 weeks ago)
	emacs-spice-mode (maintained by: sagarun, chitlesh)
		emacs-spice-mode-1.2.25-4.el5.noarch requires gnucap = 0.35-6.el5

Depending on: iverilog (1), status change: 2015-10-07 (3 weeks ago)
	teal (maintained by: jcapik, chitlesh)
		teal-1_40b-4.el5.i386 requires iverilog = 0.9.20111101-1.el5
		teal-1_40b-4.el5.src requires iverilog-devel = 0.9.20111101-1.el5
		teal-1_40b-4.el5.x86_64 requires iverilog = 0.9.20111101-1.el5

Depending on: jna (2), status change: 2015-06-03 (21 weeks ago)
	gstreamer-java (maintained by: lfarkas)
		gstreamer-java-1.5-1.el5.src requires jna = 3.4.0-4.el5, jna-contrib = 3.4.0-4.el5
		gstreamer-java-1.5-1.el5.x86_64 requires jna = 3.4.0-4.el5
		gstreamer-java-swt-1.5-1.el5.x86_64 requires jna-contrib = 3.4.0-4.el5

	java-dirq (maintained by: mpaladin, stevetraylen)
		java-dirq-1.4-1.el5.noarch requires jna = 3.4.0-4.el5
		java-dirq-1.4-1.el5.src requires jna = 3.4.0-4.el5

Depending on: libstroke (1), status change: 2015-10-07 (3 weeks ago)
	fvwm (maintained by: peter, jhogarth, pertusus)
		fvwm-2.5.26-2.el5.2.src requires libstroke-devel = 0.5.1-21.el5
		fvwm-2.5.26-2.el5.2.x86_64 requires libstroke.so.0()(64bit)

Depending on: perl-libintl (4), status change: 2015-09-30 (4 weeks ago)
	hivex (maintained by: rjones, mdbooth)
		hivex-1.3.5-6.el5.src requires perl-libintl = 1.16-9.el5

	libguestfs (maintained by: rjones, agk, group::virtmaint-sig, mdbooth, ptoscano)
		libguestfs-1.20.8-1.el5.src requires perl-libintl = 1.16-9.el5
		libguestfs-tools-1.20.8-1.el5.x86_64 requires perl(Locale::TextDomain) = 1.16
		perl-Sys-Guestfs-1.20.8-1.el5.x86_64 requires perl(Locale::TextDomain) = 1.16

	pgp-tools (maintained by: s4504kr)
		pgp-tools-1.1.4-1.el5.x86_64 requires perl(Locale::Recode)

	xls2csv (maintained by: hubbitus, fale)
		xls2csv-1.06-5.el5.noarch requires perl(Locale::Recode)
		xls2csv-1.06-5.el5.src requires perl(Locale::Recode)

Depending on: php-ZendFramework (1), status change: 2015-10-12 (2 weeks ago)
	ganglia (maintained by: noodles, georgiou, ggillies, terjeros)
		ganglia-web-3.6.2-1.el5.x86_64 requires php-ZendFramework = 1.12.13-2.el5

Depending on: python-matplotlib (8), status change: 2015-09-09 (7 weeks ago)
	gdl (maintained by: orion)
		gdl-0.9-0.pre6.el5.src requires python-matplotlib =

	pondus (maintained by: jussilehtola)
		pondus-0.7.3-1.el5.noarch requires python-matplotlib =

	python-ase (maintained by: marcindulak, besser82)
		python-ase- requires python-matplotlib =

	python-basemap (maintained by: limb, jspaleta)
		python-basemap-0.99.4-6.el5.x86_64 requires python-matplotlib =

	python-nltk (maintained by: salimma)
		python-nltk-0.9.9-2.el5.noarch requires python-matplotlib =

	rootplot (maintained by: stevetraylen)
		rootplot-2.2.1-3.el5.noarch requires python-matplotlib =

	seekwatcher (maintained by: sandeen)
		seekwatcher-0.12-1.el5.noarch requires python-matplotlib =

	python-basemap-data (maintained by: limb, jspaleta)
		python-basemap-data-0.99.4-1.el5.noarch requires python-basemap = 0.99.4-6.el5
		python-basemap-examples-0.99.4-1.el5.noarch requires python-basemap = 0.99.4-6.el5

Depending on: rubygem-bacon (1), status change: 2015-07-02 (17 weeks ago)
	rubygem-facon (maintained by: stahnma)
		rubygem-facon-0.4.1-2.el5.noarch requires rubygem(bacon) = 1.1.0
		rubygem-facon-0.4.1-2.el5.src requires rubygem(bacon) = 1.1.0

Depending on: suitesparse (7), status change: 2015-09-30 (4 weeks ago)
	octave (maintained by: jussilehtola, fkluknav, mmahut)
		octave-3.0.5-1.el5.i386 requires libamd.so.2, libcamd.so.2, libccolamd.so.2, libcholmod.so.1, libcolamd.so.2, libcxsparse.so.2, libumfpack.so.5
		octave-3.0.5-1.el5.src requires suitesparse-devel = 3.1.0-1.el5
		octave-3.0.5-1.el5.x86_64 requires libamd.so.2()(64bit), libcamd.so.2()(64bit), libccolamd.so.2()(64bit), libcholmod.so.1()(64bit), libcolamd.so.2()(64bit), libcxsparse.so.2()(64bit), libumfpack.so.5()(64bit)

	GMT (maintained by: orion, pertusus)
		GMT-octave-4.5.6-1.el5.x86_64 requires libcruft.so()(64bit), liboctave.so()(64bit), liboctinterp.so()(64bit), octave(api) = api-v32

	mathgl (maintained by: mycae)
		mathgl-1.9-8.el5.i386 requires octave(api) = api-v32
		mathgl-1.9-8.el5.x86_64 requires octave(api) = api-v32

	NLopt (maintained by: besser82, ml-sig)
		octave-NLopt-2.4.2-2.el5.x86_64 requires libcruft.so()(64bit), liboctave.so()(64bit), liboctinterp.so()(64bit), octave = 6:3.0.5-1.el5, octave(api) = api-v32

	lhapdf (maintained by: ellert)
		octave-lhapdf-5.9.1-9.el5.x86_64 requires libcruft.so()(64bit), liboctave.so()(64bit), liboctinterp.so()(64bit), octave = 6:3.0.5-1.el5, octave(api) = api-v32

	pythia8 (maintained by: ellert)
		pythia8-8.1.86-1.el5.i386 requires libLHAPDF.so.0
		pythia8-8.1.86-1.el5.x86_64 requires libLHAPDF.so.0()(64bit)

	root (maintained by: ellert, stevetraylen)
		root-montecarlo-pythia8-5.34.32-1.el5.x86_64 requires libpythia8.so.8.1.86()(64bit)

Affected (co)maintainers
agk: perl-libintl
athmane: oidentd
besser82: python-matplotlib, suitesparse
bkabrda: rubygem-bacon
chitlesh: geda-gaf, archimedes, emacs-verilog-mode, electronics-menu, xcircuit, gnucap, alliance, irsim, gerbv, dinotrace, pcb, freehdl, electric, libstroke, trac-peerreview-plugin, vhd2vl, iverilog, ngspice, linsmith, magic, netgen, toped
davidcl: suitesparse
ellert: suitesparse
fale: perl-libintl
filiperosset: linsmith, irsim, vhd2vl
fkluknav: suitesparse
georgiou: php-ZendFramework
ggillies: php-ZendFramework
group::virtmaint-sig: perl-libintl
hubbitus: perl-libintl
jcapik: iverilog, dinotrace, electronics-menu
jhogarth: libstroke
jspaleta: python-matplotlib, scipy
jussilehtola: python-matplotlib, suitesparse
lfarkas: jna
limb: python-matplotlib
linuxthomass: kannel
marcindulak: python-matplotlib
mdbooth: perl-libintl
mjakubicek: dclib, perl-Algorithm-FastPermute, cvs2svn, suitesparse
ml-sig: suitesparse
mmahut: scipy, suitesparse
mpaladin: jna
mycae: suitesparse
noodles: php-ZendFramework
opuk: synergy
orion: python-matplotlib, scipy, suitesparse
perl-sig: perl-libintl
pertusus: libstroke, suitesparse
peter: libstroke
ptoscano: perl-libintl
remi: php-pecl-mailparse
rjones: perl-libintl
s4504kr: perl-libintl
sagarun: gnucap
salimma: python-matplotlib
sandeen: python-matplotlib
stahnma: rubygem-bacon
stevetraylen: rubygem-bacon, suitesparse, jna, python-matplotlib
terjeros: php-ZendFramework
thias: osslsigncode, python-Coherence, synergy, kannel, php-eaccelerator, postgrey, php-pecl-mailparse, xar, d4x, oidentd, python-metar, directfb, openvpn-auth-ldap, pigment, autodir, zziplib, perl-libintl, thttpd, mdsplib, re2c, python-nevow, python-louie
tnorth: electronics-menu
ttomecek: scipy, suitesparse
walters: jna

Orphans (55): alliance archimedes autodir cvs2svn d4x dclib dinotrace
    directfb electric electronics-menu emacs-verilog-mode freehdl
    geda-gaf gerbv gnucap irsim iverilog jna kannel libstroke linsmith
    magic mdsplib netgen ngspice oidentd openvpn-auth-ldap
    osslsigncode pcb perl-Algorithm-FastPermute perl-libintl
    php-ZendFramework php-eaccelerator php-pecl-mailparse pigment
    postgrey prototype python-Coherence python-louie python-matplotlib
    python-metar python-nevow re2c rubygem-bacon scipy scriptaculous
    suitesparse synergy thttpd toped trac-peerreview-plugin vhd2vl xar
    xcircuit zziplib

Orphans (dependend on) (11): dinotrace electronics-menu gnucap
    iverilog jna libstroke perl-libintl php-ZendFramework
    python-matplotlib rubygem-bacon suitesparse

Orphans (epel5) for at least 6 weeks (dependend on) (3): jna
    python-matplotlib rubygem-bacon

Orphans  (epel5)(not depended on) (44): alliance archimedes autodir
    cvs2svn d4x dclib directfb electric emacs-verilog-mode freehdl
    geda-gaf gerbv irsim kannel linsmith magic mdsplib netgen ngspice
    oidentd openvpn-auth-ldap osslsigncode pcb
    perl-Algorithm-FastPermute php-eaccelerator php-pecl-mailparse
    pigment postgrey prototype python-Coherence python-louie
    python-metar python-nevow re2c scipy scriptaculous synergy thttpd
    toped trac-peerreview-plugin vhd2vl xar xcircuit zziplib

Orphans (epel5) for at least 6 weeks (not dependend on) (3): prototype
    scipy scriptaculous

Depending packages (epel5) (29): GMT NLopt emacs-spice-mode fvwm
    ganglia gdl gplcver gstreamer-java hivex java-dirq lhapdf
    libguestfs mathgl octave pgp-tools pondus pythia8 python-ase
    python-basemap python-basemap-data python-nltk qucs root rootplot
    rubygem-facon seekwatcher teal tkgate xls2csv

Packages depending on packages orphaned (epel5) for more than 6 weeks
    (11): gdl gstreamer-java java-dirq pondus python-ase
    python-basemap python-basemap-data python-nltk rootplot
    rubygem-facon seekwatcher

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Release Engineering. Please report issues at its trac instance:
The sources of this script can be found at:
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