Orphaned Packages in branched (2015-03-14)

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The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.

          Package                    (co)maintainers          Status Change 
bfgminer                       orphan, pwouters               4 weeks ago   
clc-intercal                   orphan, iarnell                4 weeks ago   
cone                           orphan, steve                  4 weeks ago   
dbus-tools                     orphan, miminar                4 weeks ago   
dircproxy                      orphan, jwilson, kevin         4 weeks ago   
egtk                           orphan, cicku, odysseus        4 weeks ago   
erlang-jsx                     orphan, erlang-sig, peter      1 weeks ago   
fldigi-doc                     orphan, dp67                   4 weeks ago   
gtk-smooth-engine              orphan, raveit65, vicodan      1 weeks ago   
identicurse                    orphan, smilner                0 weeks ago   
ioprocess                      orphan, bronhaim, dougsland,   0 weeks ago   
ip6sic                         orphan                         4 weeks ago   
isic                           orphan                         4 weeks ago   
ivtv-firmware                  orphan, athimm, jwilson,       2 weeks ago   
ivtv-utils                     orphan, athimm                 2 weeks ago   
jackrabbit                     orphan                         1 weeks ago   
mate-user-share                orphan, raveit65, vicodan      4 weeks ago   
maven-anno-plugin              orphan, goldmann               4 weeks ago   
mediawiki-openid               orphan, athimm, kevin,         2 weeks ago   
mercury                        orphan                         1 weeks ago   
mojomojo                       orphan, iarnell, perl-sig      4 weeks ago   
ninja                          orphan, adrian                 4 weeks ago   
pympdtouchgui                  orphan, slankes                4 weeks ago   
python-asyncmongo              orphan, silas                  4 weeks ago   
python-django-                 orphan                         3 weeks ago   
python-gflags                  orphan, silas                  4 weeks ago   
python-tvrage                  orphan                         3 weeks ago   
rubygem-spruz                  orphan, maxamillion            2 weeks ago   
snoopy                         orphan, stevetraylen           0 weeks ago   
spambayes                      orphan                         3 weeks ago   
system-config-httpd            orphan, pknirsch               0 weeks ago   
tuxcmd                         orphan                         2 weeks ago   
umlgraph                       orphan, akurtakov, fabiand,    4 weeks ago   
visualvm                       orphan, davidcl, dbhole,       4 weeks ago   
                               jerboaa, jvanek                              
wss4j                          orphan                         1 weeks ago   
xnoise                         orphan, salimma                4 weeks ago   
zukini                         orphan, odysseus               4 weeks ago   
zukiwi                         orphan, odysseus               4 weeks ago   

The following packages require above mentioned packages:
Depending on: erlang-jsx (42), status change: 2015-03-04 (1 weeks ago)
	thrift (maintained by: willb)
		erlang-thrift-0.9.1-13.fc22.3.i686 requires erlang-jsx = 1.4.2-4.fc22

	accumulo (maintained by: ctubbsii, mizdebsk)
		accumulo-1.6.1-2.fc22.src requires libthrift-java = 0.9.1-13.fc22.3
		accumulo-core-1.6.1-2.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-client) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.thrift:libthrift) = 0.9.1
		accumulo-gc-1.6.1-2.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-client) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.thrift:libthrift) = 0.9.1
		accumulo-master-1.6.1-2.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-client) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.thrift:libthrift) = 0.9.1
		accumulo-server-base-1.6.1-2.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-client) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.thrift:libthrift) = 0.9.1
		accumulo-tracer-1.6.1-2.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-client) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.thrift:libthrift) = 0.9.1
		accumulo-tserver-1.6.1-2.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-client) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.thrift:libthrift) = 0.9.1
		accumulo-examples-1.6.1-2.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-client) = 2.4.1

	amplab-tachyon (maintained by: tstclair, hchen, java-sig)
		amplab-tachyon-0.4.1-2.SNAPSHOT.4b9c806.fc21.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.thrift:libthrift) = 0.9.1
		amplab-tachyon-0.4.1-2.SNAPSHOT.4b9c806.fc21.src requires mvn(org.apache.thrift:libthrift) = 0.9.1, thrift = 0.9.1-13.fc22.3

	avro (maintained by: ricardo, goldmann)
		avro-1.7.5-9.fc22.src requires libthrift-java = 0.9.1-13.fc22.3
		avro-thrift-1.7.5-9.fc22.noarch requires libthrift-java = 0.9.1-13.fc22.3, mvn(org.apache.thrift:libthrift) = 0.9.1
		avro-mapred-1.7.5-9.fc22.noarch requires hadoop-client = 2.4.1-6.fc22, hadoop-mapreduce = 2.4.1-6.fc22

	hbase (maintained by: rrati, coolsvap, moceap)
		hbase-0.98.3-2.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.thrift:libthrift) = 0.9.1
		hbase-tests-0.98.3-2.fc22.noarch requires hadoop-tests = 2.4.1-6.fc22, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-annotations) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-auth) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-client) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-common) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-hdfs) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-hdfs::tests:) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-mapreduce-client-core) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-mapreduce-client-jobclient) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-mapreduce-client-jobclient::tests:) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-minicluster) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.thrift:libthrift) = 0.9.1, mvn(org.cloudera.htrace:htrace-core) = 2.03

	hive (maintained by: pmackinn, java-sig)
		hive-0.12.0-5.fc22.noarch requires fb303-java = 0.9.1-13.fc22.3, libthrift-java = 0.9.1-13.fc22.3, mvn(org.apache.thrift:libfb303) = 0.9.1, mvn(org.apache.thrift:libthrift) = 0.9.1
		hive-0.12.0-5.fc22.src requires fb303-devel = 0.9.1-13.fc22.3, fb303-java = 0.9.1-13.fc22.3, libthrift-java = 0.9.1-13.fc22.3, thrift-devel = 0.9.1-13.fc22.3

	htrace (maintained by: rrati)
		htrace-2.03-4.fc21.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.thrift:libthrift) = 0.9.1
		htrace-2.03-4.fc21.src requires libthrift-java = 0.9.1-13.fc22.3

	oozie (maintained by: rrati, coolsvap, moceap)
		oozie-4.0.1-2.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.thrift:libfb303) = 0.9.1

	parquet-format (maintained by: gil, java-sig)
		parquet-format-2.1.0-1.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.thrift:libthrift) = 0.9.1
		parquet-format-2.1.0-1.fc22.src requires mvn(org.apache.thrift:libthrift) = 0.9.1, thrift = 0.9.1-13.fc22.3

	python-elasticsearch (maintained by: dbruno)
		python-elasticsearch-1.0.0-2.fc21.noarch requires python-thrift = 0.9.1-13.fc22.3

	hadoop (maintained by: rrati, besser82, coolsvap, matt, moceap)
		hadoop-2.4.1-6.fc22.src requires avro = 1.7.5-9.fc22
		hadoop-common-2.4.1-6.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.avro:avro) = 1.7.5
		hadoop-mapreduce-2.4.1-6.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.avro:avro) = 1.7.5
		hadoop-tests-2.4.1-6.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.avro:avro) = 1.7.5

	hibernate-search (maintained by: goldmann)
		hibernate-search-4.5.1-4.fc21.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.avro:avro) = 1.7.5
		hibernate-search-4.5.1-4.fc21.src requires avro = 1.7.5-9.fc22

	infinispan (maintained by: ricardo, goldmann)
		infinispan-6.0.2-5.fc21.src requires avro = 1.7.5-9.fc22

	pig (maintained by: pmackinn, java-sig)
		pig-0.13.0-1.fc21.noarch requires avro-mapred = 1.7.5-9.fc22, avro-trevni = 1.7.5-9.fc22
		pig-0.13.0-1.fc21.src requires avro-mapred = 1.7.5-9.fc22, avro-trevni = 1.7.5-9.fc22

	wildfly (maintained by: goldmann)
		wildfly-8.1.0-3.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.avro:avro) = 1.7.5

	glusterfs-hadoop (maintained by: matt, lalatendu)
		glusterfs-hadoop-2.3.2-4.fc21.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-common) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-yarn-server-nodemanager) = 2.4.1
		glusterfs-hadoop-2.3.2-4.fc21.src requires mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-common) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-yarn-server-nodemanager) = 2.4.1

	root (maintained by: ellert, stevetraylen)
		root-5.34.24-3.fc22.src requires hadoop-devel = 2.4.1-6.fc22
		root-io-hdfs-5.34.24-3.fc22.i686 requires libhdfs.so.0.0.0

	solr (maintained by: gil, java-sig)
		solr-4.10.3-1.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-annotations) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-auth) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-common) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-hdfs) = 2.4.1
		solr-4.10.3-1.fc22.src requires mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-annotations) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-auth) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-common) = 2.4.1, mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-hdfs) = 2.4.1

	spark (maintained by: willb)
		spark-0.9.1-0.3.rc3.fc21.i686 requires mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-client) = 2.4.1
		spark-0.9.1-0.3.rc3.fc21.src requires mvn(org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-client) = 2.4.1

	hibernate-hql (maintained by: goldmann)
		hibernate-hql-1.0.0-0.4.Alpha6.fc21.noarch requires mvn(org.hibernate:hibernate-search-engine) = 4.5.1.Final
		hibernate-hql-1.0.0-0.4.Alpha6.fc21.src requires hibernate-search = 4.5.1-4.fc21

	hibernate (maintained by: gil, java-sig)
		hibernate-4.3.5-4.fc22.src requires infinispan = 6.0.2-5.fc21
		hibernate-infinispan-4.3.5-4.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.infinispan:infinispan-core) = 6.0.2.Final

	picketbox (maintained by: ricardo, goldmann)
		picketbox-4.0.21-0.1.Beta1.fc21.noarch requires mvn(org.infinispan:infinispan-core) = 6.0.2.Final
		picketbox-4.0.21-0.1.Beta1.fc21.src requires infinispan = 6.0.2-5.fc21

	resteasy (maintained by: vakwetu, edewata, goldmann, weli)
		resteasy-3.0.6-7.fc22.src requires mvn(org.infinispan:infinispan-core) = 6.0.2.Final
		resteasy-optional-3.0.6-7.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.infinispan:infinispan-core) = 6.0.2.Final

	eclipse-jbosstools (maintained by: galileo, goldmann)
		eclipse-jbosstools-4.2.2-1.fc22.src requires wildfly = 8.1.0-3.fc22
		eclipse-jbosstools-as-4.2.2-1.fc22.noarch requires wildfly = 8.1.0-3.fc22
		eclipse-jbosstools-ws-4.2.2-1.fc22.noarch requires resteasy = 3.0.6-7.fc22

	perl-Alien-ROOT (maintained by: ppisar, jplesnik, perl-sig, psabata)
		perl-Alien-ROOT- requires root-core = 5.34.24-3.fc22
		perl-Alien-ROOT- requires root-core = 5.34.24-3.fc22

	perl-SOOT (maintained by: ppisar, jplesnik, perl-sig, psabata)
		perl-SOOT-0.17-6.fc22.i686 requires libCint.so.5.34, libCore.so.5.34, libGpad.so.5.34, libGraf.so.5.34, libGraf3d.so.5.34, libHist.so.5.34, libMathCore.so.5.34, libMatrix.so.5.34, libNet.so.5.34, libPhysics.so.5.34, libPostscript.so.5.34, libRIO.so.5.34, libRint.so.5.34, libThread.so.5.34, libTree.so.5.34
		perl-SOOT-0.17-6.fc22.src requires root-graf3d = 5.34.24-3.fc22, root-physics = 5.34.24-3.fc22, root-reflex = 5.34.24-3.fc22

	rootplot (maintained by: stevetraylen)
		rootplot-2.2.1-10.fc21.i686 requires root-python = 5.34.24-3.fc22
		rootplot-2.2.1-10.fc21.src requires root-python = 5.34.24-3.fc22

	glazedlists (maintained by: mef)
		glazedlists-1.9.0-6.fc22.src requires hibernate-core = 4.3.5-4.fc22

	hazelcast (maintained by: gil, java-sig)
		hazelcast-3.2.2-2.fc22.src requires mvn(org.hibernate:hibernate-core) = 4.3.5.Final

	jipijapa (maintained by: gil, java-sig)
		jipijapa-1.0.0-2.fc22.src requires mvn(org.hibernate:hibernate-core) = 4.3.5.Final, mvn(org.hibernate:hibernate-entitymanager) = 4.3.5.Final, mvn(org.hibernate:hibernate-infinispan) = 4.3.5.Final

	xstream (maintained by: msrb, java-sig, mizdebsk, msimacek)
		xstream-1.4.7-9.fc22.src requires mvn(org.hibernate:hibernate-core) = 4.3.5.Final, mvn(org.hibernate:hibernate-envers) = 4.3.5.Final
		xstream-hibernate-1.4.7-9.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.hibernate:hibernate-core) = 4.3.5.Final, mvn(org.hibernate:hibernate-envers) = 4.3.5.Final

	ironjacamar (maintained by: ricardo, goldmann)
		ironjacamar-1.1.3-2.fc21.noarch requires picketbox = 4.0.21-0.1.Beta1.fc21
		ironjacamar-1.1.3-2.fc21.src requires picketbox = 4.0.21-0.1.Beta1.fc21

	jboss-negotiation (maintained by: goldmann)
		jboss-negotiation-2.2.7-1.Final.fc21.noarch requires mvn(org.picketbox:picketbox) = 4.0.20.Final
		jboss-negotiation-2.2.7-1.Final.fc21.src requires picketbox = 4.0.21-0.1.Beta1.fc21

	jbossws-cxf (maintained by: goldmann)
		jbossws-cxf-4.2.3-1.fc21.src requires picketbox = 4.0.21-0.1.Beta1.fc21

	curator (maintained by: tstclair, java-sig)
		curator-2.2.0-4.fc21.src requires mvn(org.jboss.resteasy:resteasy-jaxrs) = 3.0.6.Final

	hornetq (maintained by: goldmann)
		hornetq-2.4.1-4.fc22.src requires mvn(org.jboss.resteasy:resteasy-jaxrs) = 3.0.6.Final

	narayana (maintained by: goldmann)
		narayana-5.0.0-3.fc21.noarch requires mvn(org.jboss.resteasy:jaxrs-api) = 3.0.6.Final, mvn(org.jboss.resteasy:resteasy-jaxrs) = 3.0.6.Final
		narayana-5.0.0-3.fc21.src requires resteasy = 3.0.6-7.fc22

	openstack-java-sdk (maintained by: fsimonce, itamarjp)
		openstack-java-resteasy-connector-3.0.6-1.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.jboss.resteasy:resteasy-jaxrs) = 3.0.6.Final
		openstack-java-sdk-3.0.6-1.fc22.src requires resteasy = 3.0.6-7.fc22

	pki-core (maintained by: mharmsen, edewata, kwright, vakwetu)
		pki-base-10.2.1-1.fc22.noarch requires resteasy-atom-provider = 3.0.6-7.fc22, resteasy-client = 3.0.6-7.fc22, resteasy-core = 3.0.6-7.fc22, resteasy-jackson-provider = 3.0.6-7.fc22, resteasy-jaxb-provider = 3.0.6-7.fc22, resteasy-jaxrs-api = 3.0.6-7.fc22
		pki-core-10.2.1-1.fc22.src requires resteasy = 3.0.6-7.fc22

	zanata-api (maintained by: pahuang, dchen, seanf)
		zanata-api-3.4.1-1.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.jboss.resteasy:jaxrs-api) = 3.0.6.Final, mvn(org.jboss.resteasy:resteasy-jaxb-provider) = 3.0.6.Final, mvn(org.jboss.resteasy:resteasy-jaxrs) = 3.0.6.Final, mvn(org.jboss.resteasy:resteasy-multipart-provider) = 3.0.6.Final

	zanata-client (maintained by: pahuang, dchen, seanf)
		zanata-client-3.4.2-1.fc22.noarch requires mvn(org.jboss.resteasy:jaxrs-api) = 3.0.6.Final, mvn(org.jboss.resteasy:resteasy-client) = 3.0.6.Final, mvn(org.jboss.resteasy:resteasy-jaxrs) = 3.0.6.Final, resteasy = 3.0.6-7.fc22
		zanata-client-3.4.2-1.fc22.src requires resteasy = 3.0.6-7.fc22

	zanata-parent (maintained by: pahuang, dchen, seanf)
		zanata-parent-20-2.fc22.noarch requires resteasy = 3.0.6-7.fc22
		zanata-parent-20-2.fc22.src requires resteasy = 3.0.6-7.fc22

Depending on: ioprocess (1), status change: 2015-03-12 (0 weeks ago)
	vdsm (maintained by: fsimonce, agk, bronhaim, danken, dougsland, virtmaint)
		vdsm-4.16.10-0.fc22.i686 requires python-ioprocess = 0.14.0-1.fc22
		vdsm-4.16.10-0.fc22.src requires python-ioprocess = 0.14.0-1.fc22
		vdsm-python-4.16.10-0.fc22.noarch requires python-ioprocess = 0.14.0-1.fc22

Depending on: ivtv-firmware (1), status change: 2015-02-25 (2 weeks ago)
	xorg-x11-drv-ivtv (maintained by: kwizart, glisse)
		xorg-x11-drv-ivtv-1.2.0-0.16.fc22.i686 requires ivtv-firmware = 2:20080701-26

Depending on: python-gflags (1), status change: 2015-02-10 (4 weeks ago)
	starcal (maintained by: hedayat)
		starcal-2.4.0-2.fc22.noarch requires python-gflags = 1.5.1-6.fc21

Depending on: spambayes (5), status change: 2015-02-17 (3 weeks ago)
	kdepim (maintained by: than, dvratil, group::kde-sig, jreznik, kkofler, ltinkl, rdieter, rnovacek, tuxbrewr)
		kmail-4.14.4-6.fc22.i686 requires spambayes = 1.1-0.10.b1.fc21

	trac-spamfilter-plugin (maintained by: pghmcfc)
		trac-spamfilter-plugin-1.0.6-0.19.20150216svn13735.fc22.noarch requires spambayes = 1.1-0.10.b1.fc21
		trac-spamfilter-plugin-1.0.6-0.19.20150216svn13735.fc22.src requires spambayes = 1.1-0.10.b1.fc21

	kopete (maintained by: than, group::kde-sig, jreznik, kkofler, ltinkl, nucleo, rdieter, rnovacek)
		kopete-14.12.1-2.fc22.src requires kdepim-devel = 7:4.14.4-6.fc22
		kopete-cryptography-14.12.1-2.fc22.i686 requires libkleo.so.4

	kopete-cryptography (maintained by: jreznik, kkofler, ltinkl, rdieter, svahl, than)
		kopete-cryptography-1.3.0-24.fc22.i686 requires libkleo.so.4
		kopete-cryptography-1.3.0-24.fc22.src requires kdepim-devel = 7:4.14.4-6.fc22

	kdenetwork (maintained by: than, group::kde-sig, jgrulich, jreznik, kkofler, ltinkl, nucleo, rdieter, rnovacek, tuxbrewr)
		kdenetwork-4.14.3-1.fc22.noarch requires kopete = 14.12.1-2.fc22
		kdenetwork-devel-4.14.3-1.fc22.noarch requires kopete-devel = 14.12.1-2.fc22

Depending on: wss4j (3), status change: 2015-03-06 (1 weeks ago)
	cxf (maintained by: goldmann)
		cxf-2.7.5-3.fc20.src requires wss4j = 1.6.18-1.fc22
		cxf-rt-2.7.5-3.fc20.noarch requires mvn(org.apache.ws.security:wss4j) = 1.6.18

	eclipse-jbosstools (maintained by: galileo, goldmann)
		eclipse-jbosstools-ws-4.2.2-1.fc22.noarch requires cxf = 1:2.7.5-3.fc20

	jaxws-jboss-httpserver-httpspi (maintained by: goldmann)
		jaxws-jboss-httpserver-httpspi-1.0.1-8.fc21.src requires cxf-rt = 1:2.7.5-3.fc20

Affected (co)maintainers
adrian: ninja
agk: ioprocess
akurtakov: umlgraph
athimm: mediawiki-openid, ivtv-utils, ivtv-firmware
besser82: erlang-jsx
bronhaim: ioprocess
cicku: egtk
coolsvap: erlang-jsx
ctubbsii: erlang-jsx
danken: ioprocess
davidcl: visualvm
dbhole: visualvm
dbruno: erlang-jsx
dchen: erlang-jsx
dougsland: ioprocess
dp67: fldigi-doc
dvratil: spambayes
edewata: erlang-jsx
ellert: erlang-jsx
erlang-sig: erlang-jsx
fabiand: umlgraph
fsimonce: ioprocess, erlang-jsx
galileo: wss4j, erlang-jsx
gil: erlang-jsx
glisse: ivtv-firmware
goldmann: wss4j, maven-anno-plugin, erlang-jsx
group::kde-sig: spambayes
hchen: erlang-jsx
hedayat: python-gflags
iarnell: mojomojo, clc-intercal
itamarjp: erlang-jsx
java-sig: erlang-jsx
jerboaa: visualvm
jgrulich: spambayes
jplesnik: erlang-jsx
jreznik: spambayes
jvanek: visualvm
jwilson: dircproxy, ivtv-firmware
kevin: mediawiki-openid, dircproxy
kkofler: spambayes
kurtseifried: mediawiki-openid
kwizart: ivtv-firmware
kwright: erlang-jsx
lalatendu: erlang-jsx
ltinkl: spambayes
matt: erlang-jsx
maxamillion: rubygem-spruz
mef: erlang-jsx
mharmsen: erlang-jsx
miminar: dbus-tools
mizdebsk: erlang-jsx
moceap: erlang-jsx
msimacek: erlang-jsx
msrb: erlang-jsx
nucleo: spambayes
odysseus: zukiwi, egtk, zukini
pahuang: erlang-jsx
perl-sig: mojomojo, erlang-jsx
peter: erlang-jsx
pghmcfc: spambayes
pknirsch: system-config-httpd
pmackinn: erlang-jsx
ppisar: erlang-jsx
psabata: erlang-jsx
pwouters: bfgminer
raphgro: umlgraph
raveit65: mate-user-share, gtk-smooth-engine
rdieter: spambayes
ricardo: erlang-jsx
rnovacek: spambayes
rrati: erlang-jsx
salimma: xnoise
seanf: erlang-jsx
silas: python-gflags, python-asyncmongo
slankes: pympdtouchgui
smilner: identicurse
smizrahi: ioprocess
steve: cone
stevetraylen: snoopy, erlang-jsx
svahl: spambayes
than: spambayes
tstclair: erlang-jsx
tuxbrewr: spambayes
vakwetu: erlang-jsx
vicodan: mate-user-share, gtk-smooth-engine
virtmaint: ioprocess
weli: erlang-jsx
willb: erlang-jsx

Orphans (38): bfgminer clc-intercal cone dbus-tools dircproxy egtk
    erlang-jsx fldigi-doc gtk-smooth-engine identicurse ioprocess
    ip6sic isic ivtv-firmware ivtv-utils jackrabbit mate-user-share
    maven-anno-plugin mediawiki-openid mercury mojomojo ninja
    pympdtouchgui python-asyncmongo python-django-socialregistration
    python-gflags python-tvrage rubygem-spruz snoopy spambayes
    system-config-httpd tuxcmd umlgraph visualvm wss4j xnoise zukini

Orphans (dependend on) (6): erlang-jsx ioprocess ivtv-firmware
    python-gflags spambayes wss4j

Orphans (branched) for at least 6 weeks (dependend on) (0):

Orphans  (branched)(not depended on) (32): bfgminer clc-intercal cone
    dbus-tools dircproxy egtk fldigi-doc gtk-smooth-engine identicurse
    ip6sic isic ivtv-utils jackrabbit mate-user-share
    maven-anno-plugin mediawiki-openid mercury mojomojo ninja
    pympdtouchgui python-asyncmongo python-django-socialregistration
    python-tvrage rubygem-spruz snoopy system-config-httpd tuxcmd
    umlgraph visualvm xnoise zukini zukiwi

Orphans (branched) for at least 6 weeks (not dependend on) (0):

Depending packages (branched) (52): accumulo amplab-tachyon avro
    curator cxf eclipse-jbosstools glazedlists glusterfs-hadoop hadoop
    hazelcast hbase hibernate hibernate-hql hibernate-search hive
    hornetq htrace infinispan ironjacamar
    jaxws-jboss-httpserver-httpspi jboss-negotiation jbossws-cxf
    jipijapa kdenetwork kdepim kopete kopete-cryptography narayana
    oozie openstack-java-sdk parquet-format perl-Alien-ROOT perl-SOOT
    picketbox pig pki-core python-elasticsearch resteasy root rootplot
    solr spark starcal thrift trac-spamfilter-plugin vdsm wildfly
    xorg-x11-drv-ivtv xstream zanata-api zanata-client zanata-parent

Packages depending on packages orphaned (branched) for more than 6
    weeks (0):

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