[fusioninventory-agent] initial import (#1090933)

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commit 8a4a7107ba23be1f56fae6070625d10d77623cfa
Author: jehane <marianne@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Mon Feb 9 19:38:40 2015 +0100

    initial import (#1090933)

 .gitignore                    |    1 +
 dead.package                  |    1 -
 fusioninventory-agent.cron    |   37 ++++
 fusioninventory-agent.service |   11 +
 fusioninventory-agent.spec    |  476 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 sources                       |    1 +
 6 files changed, 526 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d25ea84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/fusioninventory-agent.cron b/fusioninventory-agent.cron
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e09c0db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fusioninventory-agent.cron
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+exec >>$LOG 2>&1
+[ -f   /etc/sysconfig/$NAME ] || exit 0
+source /etc/sysconfig/$NAME
+export PATH
+while [ $i -lt ${#OCSMODE[*]} ]
+	if [ ${OCSMODE[$i]:-none} == cron ]; then
+		OPTS=
+		if [ ! -z "${OCSPAUSE[$i]}" ]; then
+			OPTS="--wait ${OCSPAUSE[$i]}"
+		fi
+		if [ ! -z "${OCSTAG[$i]}" ]; then
+		        OPTS="$OPTS --tag=${OCSTAG[$i]}"
+		fi
+		if [ "z${OCSSERVER[$i]}" = 'zlocal' ]; then
+	        	# Local inventory
+	        	OPTS="$OPTS --local=/var/lib/$NAME"
+		elif [ ! -z "${OCSSERVER[$i]}" ]; then
+	        	# Remote inventory
+		        OPTS="$OPTS --lazy --server=${OCSSERVER[$i]}"
+		fi
+		echo "[$(date '+%c')] Running $NAME $OPTS"
+		/usr/bin/$NAME $FUSINVOPT --logfile=$LOG $OPTS
+	fi
+	((i++))
+echo "[$(date '+%c')] End of cron job ($PATH)"
diff --git a/fusioninventory-agent.service b/fusioninventory-agent.service
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f4d9bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fusioninventory-agent.service
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Description=FusionInventory agent
+After=syslog.target network.target
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/fusioninventory-agent $FUSINVOPT --logfile=/var/log/fusioninventory-agent/service.log --daemon --no-fork
diff --git a/fusioninventory-agent.spec b/fusioninventory-agent.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5dfb33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fusioninventory-agent.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+Name:        fusioninventory-agent
+Summary:     FusionInventory agent
+Group:       Applications/System
+License:     GPLv2+
+URL:         http://fusioninventory.org/
+Version:     2.3.15
+Release:     1%{?dist}
+Source0:     http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/G/GR/GROUSSE/FusionInventory-Agent-%{version}%{?prever}.tar.gz
+Source1:   %{name}.cron
+#Source2:   %{name}.init
+Source3:   %{name}.service
+Requires:  perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(eval "`%{__perl} -V:version`"; echo $version))
+BuildRequires: perl(inc::Module::Install)
+BuildRequires: systemd
+Requires:  perl-FusionInventory-Agent = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires:  logrotate
+Requires:  cronie
+%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64
+Requires:  dmidecode
+Requires(post):     systemd
+Requires(preun):    systemd
+Requires(postun):   systemd
+# excluding internal requires and windows stuff
+%global __provides_exclude %{?__provides_exclude:__provides_exclude|}^perl\\(FusionInventory::
+%global __requires_exclude %{?__requires_exclude:__requires_exclude|}^perl\\(FusionInventory::
+%global __requires_exclude %__requires_exclude|^perl\\(Win32
+FusionInventory Agent is an application designed to help a network
+or system administrator to keep track of the hardware and software
+configurations of computers that are installed on the network.
+This agent can send information about the computer to a OCS Inventory NG
+or GLPI server with the FusionInventory for GLPI plugin.
+You can add additional packages for optional tasks:
+* perl-FusionInventory-Agent-Task-Network
+    Network Discovery and Inventory support
+* perl-Fusion-Inventory-Agent-Inventory
+    Local inventory support for FusionInventory
+* perl-FusionInventory-Agent-Task-Deploy
+    Software deployment support
+* perl-FusionInventory-Agent-Task-ESX
+    vCenter/ESX/ESXi remote inventory
+* perl-FusionInventory-WakeOnLan
+    not included due to a licensing issue for perl-Net-Write
+Edit the /etc/sysconfig/%{name} file for service configuration.
+%package -n perl-FusionInventory-Agent
+Summary:        Libraries for Fusioninventory agent
+BuildArch:      noarch
+Requires:       perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(eval "`%{__perl} -V:version`"; echo $version))
+Requires:       perl(LWP)
+Requires:       perl(Net::CUPS)
+Requires:       perl(Net::SSLeay)
+Requires:       perl(Proc::Daemon)
+Requires:       perl(Proc::PID::File)
+Requires:       perl(Socket::GetAddrInfo)
+%description -n perl-FusionInventory-Agent
+Libraries for Fusioninventory agent.
+%package task-esx
+Summary:    FusionInventory plugin to inventory vCenter/ESX/ESXi
+BuildArch:  noarch
+Requires:   fusioninventory-agent = %{version}-%{release}
+%description task-esx
+fusioninventory-agent-task-ESX ask the running service agent to inventory an 
+VMWare vCenter/ESX/ESXi server through SOAP interface
+%package yum-plugin
+Summary:       Ask FusionInventory agent to send an inventory when yum exits
+Group:         System Environment/Base
+BuildArch:     noarch
+Requires:      yum
+Requires:      %{name}
+%description yum-plugin
+fusioninventory-agent-yum-plugin asks the running service agent to send an
+inventory when yum exits.
+This requires the service to be running with the --rpc-trust-localhost option.
+%package task-network
+Summary:    NetDiscovery and NetInventory task for FusionInventory
+Group:      Applications/System
+BuildArch:      noarch
+Requires:       fusioninventory-agent = %{version}-%{release}
+%description task-network
+fusioninventory-task-netdiscovery and fusioninventory-task-netinventory
+%package task-deploy
+Summary:    Software deployment support for FusionInventory agent
+Group:      Applications/System
+BuildArch:  noarch
+Requires:   fusioninventory-agent = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires:   perl(Archive::Extract)
+%description task-deploy
+This package provides software deployment support for FusionInventory-agent
+# Excluded due to the absence of perl-Net-Write
+# perl-Net-Write is licenced under Artistic Perl v1 licence, not accepted in Fedora 
+#%package task-wakeonlan
+#Summary:    WakeOnLan task for FusionInventory
+#Group:      Applications/System
+#BuildArch:  noarch
+#Requires:   fusioninventory-agent = %{version}-%{release}
+#%description task-wakeonlan
+%package task-inventory
+Summary:    Inventory task for FusionInventory
+Group:      Applications/System
+BuildArch:  noarch
+Requires:   fusioninventory-agent = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires:   perl(Net::CUPS)
+Requires:   perl(Parse::EDID)
+%description task-inventory
+%setup -q -n FusionInventory-Agent-%{version}%{?prever}
+# This work only on older version, and is ignored on recent
+cat <<EOF | tee %{name}-req
+%{__perl_requires} $* |
+sed -e '/perl(Win32/d'
+%global __perl_requires %{_builddir}/FusionInventory-Agent-%{version}%{?prever}/%{name}-req
+chmod +x %{__perl_requires}
+cat <<EOF | tee logrotate
+%{_localstatedir}/log/%{name}/*.log {
+    weekly
+    rotate 7
+    compress
+    notifempty
+    missingok
+cat <<EOF | tee %{name}.conf
+# Fusion Inventory Agent Configuration File
+# used by hourly cron job and service launcher to override the %{name}.cfg setup.
+# DONT FORGET to enable the service !
+# Add tools directory if needed (tw_cli, hpacucli, ipssend, ...)
+# Global options (debug for verbose log, rpc-trust-localhost for yum-plugin)
+FUSINVOPT="--debug "
+perl Makefile.PL \
+     PREFIX=%{_prefix} \
+     SYSCONFDIR=%{_sysconfdir}/fusioninventory \
+     LOCALSTATEDIR=%{_localstatedir}/lib/%{name}
+make %{?_smp_mflags}
+rm -rf %{buildroot}
+make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
+find %{buildroot} -type f -name .packlist -exec rm -f {} ';'
+%{_fixperms} %{buildroot}/*
+mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/{log,lib}/%{name}
+install -m 644 -D  logrotate     %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/%{name}
+install -m 644 -D  %{name}.conf  %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/%{name}
+install -m 755 -Dp %{SOURCE1}    %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/cron.hourly/%{name}
+install -m 644 -Dp %{SOURCE3}    %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/%{name}.service
+# Yum plugin installation
+install -m 644 -D contrib/yum-plugin/%{name}.py   %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/yum-plugins/%{name}.py
+install -m 644 -D contrib/yum-plugin/%{name}.conf %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/yum/pluginconf.d/%{name}.conf
+%systemd_post fusioninventory-agent.service
+%systemd_preun fusioninventory-agent.service
+%systemd_postun_with_restart fusioninventory-agent.service
+%dir %{_sysconfdir}/fusioninventory
+%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/%{name}
+%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/%{name}
+%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/fusioninventory/agent.cfg
+%dir %{_localstatedir}/log/%{name}
+%dir %{_localstatedir}/lib/%{name}
+%dir %{_datadir}/fusioninventory
+%dir %{_datadir}/fusioninventory/lib
+%dir %{_datadir}/fusioninventory/lib/FusionInventory
+%dir %{_datadir}/fusioninventory/lib/FusionInventory/Agent
+%dir %{_datadir}/fusioninventory/lib/FusionInventory/Agent/Task
+#excluding sub-packages files
+#%exclude %{_datadir}/fusioninventory/lib/FusionInventory/Agent/Task/
+%files -n perl-FusionInventory-Agent
+%doc Changes LICENSE THANKS
+%files yum-plugin
+%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/yum/pluginconf.d/%{name}.conf
+%files task-esx
+%files task-network
+%files task-deploy
+# Excluding task-wakeonlan
+#%files task-wakeonlan
+%exclude %{_bindir}/fusioninventory-wakeonlan
+%exclude %{_mandir}/man1/fusioninventory-wakeonlan.1*
+%exclude %{_datadir}/fusioninventory/lib/FusionInventory/Agent/Task/WakeOnLan.pm
+%files task-inventory
+* Mon Feb 9 2015 Marianne Lombard <marianne@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.3.15
+- new version and back in Fedora
+* Mon Jan 19 2015 Marianne Lombard <marianne@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.3.14-2 
+- enhancing spec according to review 
+* Wed Dec 24 2014 Marianne Lombard <marianne@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.3.14
+- new version
+* Mon Dec 15 2014 Marianne Lombard <marianne@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.3.13
+- new version
+- updating spec according to fedora-review
+* Tue Aug 5 2014 Marianne Lombard <marianne@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.3.12
+- new version 
+* Tue Aug 5 2014 Marianne Lombard <marianne@xxxxxxxxxx> -
+- adding missing requires 
+- updating config file
+* Mon Aug 4 2014 Marianne Lombard <marianne@xxxxxxxxxx> -
+- new version (bug fixes)
+* Fri Aug 1 2014 Marianne Lombard <marianne@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.3.10
+- new version
+* Wed Jul 23 2014 Marianne Lombard <marianne@xxxxxxxxxx> -
+- new version
+* Tue May 20 2014 Marianne Lombard <marianne@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.3.8-1
+- enhancing spec according to Michael Schwendt review
+- adding missing requires
+* Fri May 16 2014 Marianne Lombard <marianne@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.3.8
+- new version
+* Wed May 14 2014 Marianne Lombard <marianne@xxxxxxxxxx> -
+- new version 
+* Sat Feb 1 2014 Marianne Lombard <marianne@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.3.6
+- new version, reintroduction in fedora and epel
+- cleanup of the spec (removing sysVinit stuff, old BuildRequires, old releases stuff)
+- adding sub-packages for task-* (using Guillaume Rousse OBS spec as model https://build.opensuse.org/package/view_file/home:guillomovitch/fusioninventory-agent/fusioninventory-agent.spec)
+- task-wakeonlan is excluded (dependancy issue)
+* Wed Aug  8 2012 Remi Collet <remi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.2.4-2
+- dump release
+* Wed Aug  8 2012 Remi Collet <remi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.2.4-1
+- version 2.2.4 fixes various bugs as described in
+  http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/FUSINV/FusionInventory-Agent-2.2.4/Changes
+  http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/FUSINV/FusionInventory-Agent-2.2.3/Changes
+* Thu Jul 19 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.2.2-5
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild
+* Mon Jun 25 2012 Petr Pisar <ppisar@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.2.2-4
+- Perl 5.16 rebuild
+* Tue Jun 05 2012 Remi Collet <remi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.2.2-3
+- no need for debuginfo (not really arch, fix #828960)
+- yum plugin is also noarch
+* Thu May 31 2012 Remi Collet <remi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.2.2-2
+- make package "arch"
+- requires dmidecode when available (x86)
+- add sub-package perl-FusionInventory-Agent (noarch)
+* Wed May 30 2012 Remi Collet <remi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.2.2-1
+- update to 2.2.2
+  http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/FUSINV/FusionInventory-Agent-2.2.2/Changes
+  http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/FUSINV/FusionInventory-Agent-2.2.1/Changes
+* Fri May 11 2012 Remi Collet <remi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.2.0-2
+- filter private provides/requires
+* Thu May 10 2012 Remi Collet <remi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.2.0-1
+- update to 2.2.0
+  http://search.cpan.org/src/FUSINV/FusionInventory-Agent-2.2.0/Changes
+- revert change in 2.2.0: don't loose arch information
+  see http://forge.fusioninventory.org/issues/1581
+* Sun Feb 26 2012 Remi Collet <remi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.1.14-1
+- update to 2.1.14
+  http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/FUSINV/FusionInventory-Agent-2.1.14/Changes
+* Fri Jan 13 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.1.12-2
+- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild
+* Mon Nov 28 2011 Remi Collet <remi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.1.12-1
+- update to 2.1.12
+  http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/FUSINV/FusionInventory-Agent-2.1.12/Changes
+- upstream patch for http://forge.fusioninventory.org/issues/1161
+* Sat Aug 06 2011 Remi Collet <remi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - 2.1.9-3
+- adapt filter
+* Mon Jul 25 2011 Petr Sabata <contyk@xxxxxxxxxx> - 2.1.9-2
+- Perl mass rebuild
+* Sun Jun 26 2011 Remi Collet <Fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.1.9-1
+- missing dist tag
+* Wed Jun 15 2011 Remi Collet <Fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.1.9-1
+- update to 2.1.9
+  http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/FUSINV/FusionInventory-Agent-2.1.9/Changes
+* Sat Jun 11 2011 Remi Collet <Fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.1.9-0.1.git9bd1238
+- update to 2.1.9 from git
+- improved init script for systemd
+- improved comment for use with glpi-fusioninventory
+* Thu Mar 31 2011 Remi Collet <Fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.1.8-2
+- revert change for issue 656 which breaks compatibility
+* Wed Mar 30 2011 Remi Collet <Fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.1.8-1
+- update to 2.1.8
+  http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/FUSINV/FusionInventory-Agent-2.1.8/Changes
+* Thu Dec 30 2010 Remi Collet <Fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.1.7-2
+- add the yum-plugin sub-package
+* Mon Dec 13 2010 Remi Collet <Fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.1.7-1
+- update to 2.1.7
+  http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/FUSINV/FusionInventory-Agent-2.1.7/Changes
+* Sun Nov 28 2010 Remi Collet <Fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.1.7-0.1.beta1
+- update to 2.1.7 beta1
+* Sat Nov 13 2010 Remi Collet <Fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.1.6-1.1
+- fix perl filter on EL-6
+* Wed Oct 06 2010 Remi Collet <Fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.1.6-1
+- update to 2.1.6
+  http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/FUSINV/FusionInventory-Agent-2.1.6/Changes
+- fix init script for multi-server in daemon mode
+- workaround for http://forge.fusioninventory.org/issues/414
+* Wed Sep 15 2010 Remi Collet <Fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.1.5-1
+- update to 2.1.5
+  http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/FUSINV/FusionInventory-Agent-2.1.5/Changes
+* Fri Sep 10 2010 Remi Collet <Fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.1.3-2
+- add %%check
+* Sat Sep 04 2010 Remi Collet <Fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.1.3-1
+- update to 2.1.3
+  http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/FUSINV/FusionInventory-Agent-2.1.3/Changes
+* Wed Aug 25 2010 Remi Collet <Fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.1.2-1
+- update to 2.1.2
+  http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/FUSINV/FusionInventory-Agent-2.1.2/Changes
+* Wed Aug 18 2010 Remi Collet <Fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.1.1-1
+- update to 2.1.1
+* Wed Aug 18 2010 Remi Collet <Fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.1-2.gita7532c0
+- update to git snaphost which fix EL issues
+- fix init script
+- adapt perl filter for recent/old fedora or EL
+* Mon Aug 16 2010 Remi Collet <Fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.1-1
+- update to 2.1
+- switch download URL back to CPAN
+- add %%{perl_vendorlib}/auto
+- filter perl(Win32*) from Requires
+- add patch (from git) to reopen the file logger if needed
+* Sat May 29 2010 Remi Collet <Fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.0.6-1
+- update to 2.0.6
+- swicth download URL to forge
+* Wed May 12 2010 Remi Collet <Fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.0.5-1
+- update to 2.0.5
+* Tue May 11 2010 Remi Collet <Fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.0.4-4.gitf7c5492
+- git snapshot fix perl 5.8.8 (EL5) issue
+* Sat May 08 2010 Remi Collet <Fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.0.4-4.gitddfdeaf
+- git snapshot fix daemon issue
+- add FUSINVOPT for global options (p.e.--debug)
+* Sat May 08 2010 Remi Collet <Fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.0.4-3
+- add support for daemon mode
+* Fri May 07 2010 Remi Collet <Fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.0.4-2
+- info about perl-FusionInventory-Agent-Task-OcsDeploy
+- spec cleanup
+- french translation
+- set Net::CUPS and Archive::Extract optionnal on RHEL4
+* Fri May 07 2010 Remi Collet <Fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.0.4-1
+- update to 2.0.4 which fixes important bugs when cron is used
+* Sat May 01 2010 Remi Collet <Fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2.0.3-1
+- initial spec
diff --git a/sources b/sources
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c4fa17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+9c34fefcb70076f860677eea056077ed  FusionInventory-Agent-2.3.15.tar.gz
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