Requesting your help fixing up some package summaries

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You've received this email because you're listed as a maintainer of one
or more packages in Fedora with a "poor summary"[1]. We've been
discussing recently about adding clarification to the package
guidelines, specifically about what makes a good package summary, and I
would like people to fix as many existing packages as possible:

Our default GUI packaging tool makes the summary more prominent than the
package name. The summary is often a better description for the end user
when making a decision about installing. To make the user's experience
better here, we try to have short succinct summaries that don't repeat
the package name.

The summary needs to show differentiators that help the user choose
which package to take a look at in more detail. Depending on the type of
package we're looking at some of these should have different information
than others. Libraries should also make clear what programming language
they're useful for in addition to their claim to fame.

The summary should also be a noun phrase, for example "DVD and CD
authoring software" rather than "Create video DVDs and CDs". For some
packages it may be helpful to expand the package name that is an
acronym, e.g. for the package "gimp", the summary could be "GNU Image
Manipulation Program".

Good examples:

* Package management service
* XQuery and XPath 2.0 library for Xerces-C
* Simple video DVD and CD authoring software
* Feature rich media player
* Media Player from the Mozilla Foundation
* Gstreamer based media player
* Customizable media player

Bad examples:

* System daemon that is a DBUS abstraction layer for package management
(too verbose)
* XQilla is an XQuery and XPath 2.0 library, built on top of Xerces-C
(repeating the program name)
* DeVeDe is a program to create video DVDs and CDs (VCD, sVCD or CVD)
(too much detail)

Lots of people have already patched the summary in devel. If you've
already patched your package, or think the summary of your package is
fine (or you don't think it can be changed or made better), please
delete this email with my sincere apologies. If you have any questions
or just want me to commit a new summary and leave you alone, please feel
free to email me back and ask me to do it.

Many thanks,

Richard Hughes

[1] where "bad" is defined by a simple hacky tool written by me, and
isn't a reflection on you as a maintainer. :-)

words	A dictionary of English words for the /usr/share/dict directory
zlib	The zlib compression and decompression library
libsmbios	Libsmbios shared libraries
openssl	The OpenSSL toolkit
mailx	Enhanced implementation of the mailx command
procmail	The procmail mail processing program
gsm	Shared libraries for GSM speech compressor
eject	A program that ejects removable media using software control.
hesiod	Hesiod libraries.
ftp	The standard UNIX FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client
bc	GNU's bc (a numeric processing language) and dc (a calculator)
attr	Utilities for managing filesystem extended attributes
talk	Talk client for one-on-one Internet chatting.
telnet	The client program for the telnet remote login protocol.
zip	A file compression and packaging utility compatible with PKZIP
tree	A utility which displays a tree view of the contents of directories
finger	The finger client
joystick	Utilities for configuring most popular joysticks.
cairomm	Cairomm is the C++ API for the cairo graphics library
ppp	The PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) daemon.
enchant	An Enchanting Spell Checking Library
unique	Unique instance support for applications
loudmouth	Loudmouth is a Jabber programming library written in C
libnotify	libnotify notification library
passwd	The passwd utility for setting/changing passwords using PAM
rarian	Rarian is a documentation meta-data library
gtkspell	GtkSpell provides on-the-fly spell checking for GtkTextView widgets
prelink	An ELF prelinking utility
setup	A set of system configuration and setup files
grep	The GNU versions of grep pattern matching utilities
lzma	LZMA utils
ntp	The NTP daemon and utilities
ncurses	Ncurses support utilities
rsh	Clients for remote access commands (rsh, rlogin, rcp).
openldap	The configuration files, libraries, and documentation for OpenLDAP
metacity	Metacity window manager
man	A set of documentation tools: man, apropos and whatis
fuse	File System in Userspace (FUSE) utilities
foomatic	Foomatic printer database.
abiword	The AbiWord word processor
tcl	Tcl scripting language development environment
raptor	Raptor RDF Parser Toolkit for Redland
patch	The GNU patch command, for modifying/upgrading files
boost	The Boost C++ Libraries
rasqal	Rasqal RDF Query Library
libgdiplus	libgdiplus: An Open Source implementation of the GDI+ API
arts	aRts (analog realtime synthesizer) - the KDE sound system
texinfo	Tools needed to create Texinfo format documentation files
hyphen	A text hyphenation library
redland	Redland RDF Application Framework
lash	LASH Audio Session Handler
goffice	Goffice support libraries
methane	Super Methane Brothers
qemu	QEMU is a FAST! processor emulator
screen	A screen manager that supports multiple logins on one terminal
rcs	Revision Control System (RCS) file version management tools
imake	imake source code configuration and build system
gob2	GOB2, The GObject Builder
hsqldb	Hsqldb Database Engine
live555 streaming libraries
samba	The Samba Suite of programs
file	A utility for determining file types
openssh	The OpenSSH implementation of SSH protocol versions 1 and 2
hunspell	Hunspell is a spell checker and morphological analyzer library
git	Core git tools
xkeyboard-config	xkeyboard-config alternative xkb data files
perl	The Perl programming language
tomboy	Tomboy is a desktop note-taking application for Linux and Unix
nautilus	Nautilus is a file manager for GNOME
frysk	Frysk execution analysis and debugging tools
gbrainy	Gbrainy is a brain teaser game and trainer to keep your brain trained
bash	The GNU Bourne Again shell (bash) version 3.2
mdadm	The mdadm program controls Linux md devices (software RAID arrays)
ed	The GNU line editor
rpm	The RPM package management system
jzlib	JZlib re-implementation of zlib in pure Java
ant	Ant build tool for java
jetty	The Jetty Webserver and Servlet Container
gedit	gEdit is a small but powerful text editor for GNOME
qt	Qt toolkit
audit	User space tools for 2.6 kernel auditing
gstreamer	GStreamer streaming media framework runtime
system-config-services	system-config-services is an initscript and xinetd configuration utility
kernel	The Linux kernel
plymouth	Plymouth Graphical Boot Animation and Logger
firefox	Mozilla Firefox Web browser
grub	GRUB - the Grand Unified Boot Loader.
mixxx	Mixxx is open source software for DJ'ing
numlockx	NumLockX turns on NumLock after starting X
scrip	Spherical Coordinate Remapping and Interpolation Package (SCRIP)
ipe	The Ipe extensible drawing editor
csound	Csound - sound synthesis language and library
rvm	RVM library
jthread	JThread provides classes to make use of threads easy on different platforms
classworlds	Classworlds Classloader Framework
remoot	ReMoot is a remote control wrapper
boo	Boo is an OO statically typed language for CLI
qgit	QGit is a git GUI repository browser
clipsmm	Clipsmm is a C++ wrapper for the CLIPS C library
gupnp-tools	GUPnP-tools is a collection of dev tools utilising GUPnP and GTK+
pyscript	PyScript - Postscript graphics with Python
keurocalc	KEurocalc is a universal currency converter and calculator
xbase	XBase compatible database library
librfid	The librfid is a Free Software RFID library
valknut	Valknut is a QT Direct Connect client
q	Equational programming language
calc	Arbitrary precision arithmetic system and calculator
jsr-305	Reference implementations and tests for JSR-305
openhpi	openhpi Hardware Platform Interface (HPI) library and tools
libnova	Libnova is a general purpose astronomy & astrodynamics library
unifdef	Unifdef tool for removing ifdef'd lines
zile	Zile Is Lossy Emacs
avogadro	Avogadro is an advanced Molecular editor
munipack	The C-Munipack is an astrophotometry software package
curry	M?nster Curry compiler
lcdproc	LCDproc displays real-time system information on a 20x4 backlit LCD
ccid	Generic USB CCID smart card reader driver
bigloo	Bigloo is compiler for the Scheme programming language
why	Why software verification platform
sagator	SAGATOR - antivir/antispam gateway for smtp server
gshutdown	GShutDown is an advanced shut down utility for GNOME
konversation	Konversation is a user friendly IRC client for KDE
trac	Enhanced wiki and issue tracking system
mugshot	Companion software for
flumotion	Flumotion - the Fluendo Streaming Server
preload	Preload is an adaptive readahead daemon
cduce	CDuce is a modern XML-oriented functional language
xprobe2	Xprobe2 is an active operating system fingerprinting tool
fbterm	FbTerm is a fast terminal emulator for linux with frame buffer device
privoxy	Privoxy - privacy enhancing proxy
ants	Guide your ants safely home before they drop of the cliff
contacts	Contacts addressbook
john	John the Ripper password cracker
cogito	The Cogito Version Control System
chess	3D chess game
alliance	Alliance VLSI CAD Sytem
scrub	Disk scrubbing program
PythonCard	PythonCard GUI construction toolkit
elilo	ELILO linux boot loader for EFI-based systems
hardlink	Create a tree of hardlinks
Terminal	X Terminal Emulator
dirac	Dirac is an open source video codec
sopwith	SDL port of the sopwith game
lure	Lure of the Temptress - Adventure Game
immix	Immix, an image mixer
pymol	PyMOL Molecular Graphics System
condor	Condor: High Throughput Computing
netbeans	NetBeans Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
hdhomerun	HDHomeRun configuration utility
xguest	Creates xguest user as a locked down user
emacs	GNU Emacs text editor
tftp	The client for the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)
scipy	Scipy: Scientific Tools for Python
inksmoto	Inksmoto Level Editor is the new xmoto level editor
gnucash	GnuCash is an application to keep track of your finances
curlftpfs	CurlFtpFS is a filesystem for accessing FTP hosts based on FUSE and libcurl
amtu	Abstract Machine Test Utility (AMTU)
extrema	Extrema is a powerful visualization and data analysis tool
monit	Manages and monitors processes, files, directories and devices
bittorrent	BitTorrent swarming network file transfer tool
lapack	The LAPACK libraries for numerical linear algebra.
coq	Coq proof management system
psad	Port Scan Attack Detector (psad) watches for suspect traffic
thunderbird	Mozilla Thunderbird mail/newsgroup client
ctrlproxy	ctrlproxy
BackupPC	BackupPC - high-performance backup system
gupnp	GUPnP is an framework for creating UPnP devices & control points
dbmail	The DBMail mail storage system
wmapmload	Wmapmload monitors your apm status in an lcd display fashion
ultimatestunts	UltimateStunts is a remake of the famous DOS-game Stunts
ladspa	LADSPA SDK, example plug-ins and tools
dia	Diagram drawing program
bitbake	BitBake build tool
mew	Mew - Messaging in the Emacs World.
stgit	StGIT provides similar functionality to Quilt on top of GIT
FlightGear	The FlightGear Flight Simulator
jpilot	Jpilot pilot desktop software
pyroom	PyRoom is a full screen text editor and a clone of Writeroom
acpi	Command-line ACPI client
crm114	CRM114 Bayesian Spam Detector
sec	SEC (simple event correlator)
gssdp	GSSDP implements resource discovery and announcement over SSDP
freeze	freeze/melt/fcat compression utilities
bit	bit is a C++ library to simplify bit stream parsing
kazehakase	Kazehakase browser using Gecko rendering engine
geoclue	Geoclue is a modular geoinformation service
lwp	LWP thread library
R	A language for data analysis and graphics
lam	The LAM (Local Area Multicomputer) programming environment.
uucp	The uucp utility for copying files between systems
namazu	Namazu is a full-text search engine
dialog	A utility for creating TTY dialog boxes
mono-zeroconf	Mono-zeroconf namespace
kpowersave	KPowersave is the KDE frontend for powermanagement
crack	Password cracker
rxvt-unicode	Rxvt-unicode is an unicode version of rxvt
haddock	Haddock documentation tool for annotated Haskell source code
siege	Siege is an http regression testing and benchmarking utility
clips	CLIPS language for developing expert systems
nsd	NSD is a complete implementation of an authoritative DNS name server
synaptics	Synaptics Touchpad Driver
Inventor	SGI Open Inventor (TM)
asylum	SDL port of the game Asylum, originally for the Archimedes
xjavadoc	The XJavaDoc engine
Glide3	Glide3 runtime for the 3Dfx Voodoo family of cards
heartbeat	Heartbeat subsystem for High-Availability Linux
sunbird	Mozilla Sunbird Calendar
CastPodder	CastPodder is a Media Aggregator
barcode	generates barcodes from text strings
freeipmi	FreeIPMI
twitux	Twitux is a Twitter client for the Gnome desktop
hercules	Hercules S/370, ESA/390, and z/Architecture emulator
xpa	The XPA messaging system
jrefactory	JRefactory and Pretty Print
drascula	Drascula: The Vampire Strikes Back
tempest	Tempest OpenGL screensaver
grass	GRASS - Geographic Resources Analysis Support System
nant	NAnt is a build tool for Mono and .NET
cgdb	CGDB is a curses-based interface to the GNU Debugger (GDB)
pyzor	Pyzor collaborative spam filtering system
GLC_Player	GLC_Player is an Open Source software used to view 3d models (OBJ Format)
doodle	Doodle is a tool to quickly search the documents on a computer
gypsy	Gypsy is a GPS multiplexing daemon
dovecot	Dovecot Secure imap server
PySBIG	PySBIG can read SBIG CCD files
fatsort	Fatsort sorts the FAT of FAT16 and FAT32 filesystems
freeciv	The Freeciv multi-player strategy game
adaptx	AdaptX XSLT processor and XPath engine
powerman	PowerMan - Power to the Cluster
brandy	Brandy - A BBC BASIC interpreter for Linux
fetchlog	The fetchlog utility displays the last new messages of a logfile
sl	Joke command for when you type 'sl' instead of 'ls'
blobby	Blobby Volley 2, a volley-ball game
mousepad	Mousepad - A simple text editor for Xfce
geos	GEOS is a C++ port of the Java Topology Suite
hamcrest	Hamcrest matcher object framework
elsa	ELSA is an enhanced Linux system accounting
cylindrix	Cylindrix is a 3 degrees of freedom combat game
openais	The openais Standards-Based Cluster Framework executive and APIs
bibletime	BibleTime is an easy to use Bible study tool for KDE
dxcc	Small utility which determines the ARRL DXCC entity of a ham radio callsign
hotwire	Hotwire Shell
nagios	Nagios monitors hosts and services and yells if somethings breaks
arc	Arc archiver
pachi	Pachi El Marciano - Platform Game
ircd-ratbox	Ircd-ratbox is an advanced, stable and fast ircd
siril	Siril is an astronomical image processing software for Linux
gupnp-av	GUPnP-AV is a collection of helpers for building UPnP AV applications
crash	crash utility for live systems; netdump, diskdump, kdump, LKCD or mcore dumpfiles
greyhounds	Greyhounds is a greyhounds racing and breeding game
rpc2	RPC2 library
papyrus	Papyrus is a C++ canvas library similar to the Gnome canvas
kawa	Kawa scheme implementation
wildmidi	WildMidi softsynth midi player
esorex	EsoRex is the European Southern Observatory Recipe Execution Tool
tcldom	TclDOM is a package that provides a DOM binding for the Tcl scripting language
conmux	ConMux - The Console Multiplexor
jrtplib	JRTPLIB is an object-oriented RTP library written in C++
accrete	Accrete is a physical simulation of solar system planet formation
id3v2	Command line id3v2 tag editor
crossfire	Server for hosting crossfire games
automoc	KDE4 automoc
aiccu	AICCU - SixXS Automatic IPv6 Connectivity Client Utility
bind	The Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) DNS (Domain Name System) server
E	Equational Theorem Prover
xournal	Xournal notetaking, sketching and PDF annotation
OpenIPMI	OpenIPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface) library and tools
openjpeg	OpenJPEG command line tools
gambit-c	Gambit-C Scheme programming system
conman	ConMan - The Console Manager
xforms	XForms toolkit library
naturette	Naturette, an AGI adventure game
bitmap	Bitmap editor and converter utilities for the X Window System
varnish	Varnish is a high-performance HTTP accelerator
gromacs	GROMACS binaries
nas	The Network Audio System (NAS)
audit	User space tools for 2.6 kernel auditing
itaka	Itaka is an on-demand screen capture server
jss	Java Security Services (JSS)
inn	The InterNetNews (INN) system, an Usenet news server
alpine	UW Alpine mail user agent
abgraph	ABGraph is a simple tool to benchmark webservers
wordpress	WordPress blogging software
nightfall	Nightfall is an astronomy application for emulation of eclipsing stars
sip	SIP - Python/C++ Bindings Generator
xen	Xen is a virtual machine monitor
corosync	The Corosync Cluster Engine and Application Programming Interfaces
amqp	The AMQP specification
most	more, less, most
elice	Elice is a PureBasic to C++ translator / compiler
libident	New LibIdent C library
cone	CONE mail reader
freehoo	Freehoo is a free console based messenger for Yahoo IM Service
kshutdown	KShutDown is an advanced shut down utility for KDE 3
tkcvs	TkCVS and TkDiff
xvarstar	XVarStar is an astronomical program used for searching GCVS
Miro	Miro - Internet TV Player
concurrent	Utility classes for concurrent Java programming
freemarker	FreeMarker template engine
trustedqsl	TrustedQSL ham-radio applications
teg	Turn based strategy game
tclxml	TclXML is a package that provides XML parsing for the Tcl scripting language
quesa	Quesa QuickDraw 3D implementation
sim	SIM - Multiprotocol Instant Messenger
beep	Beep the PC speaker any number of ways
messiggy	Messiggy is a database of celestial objects
nxt_python	Nxt_python is a package for controlling a LEGO NXT robot using python
oyranos	The Oyranos Colour Management System (CMS)
moin	MoinMoin is a WikiEngine to collaborate on easily editable web pages
horde	The common Horde Framework for all Horde applications
coolkey	CoolKey PKCS #11 module
gadmin-squid	GADMIN-SQUID -- A GTK+ administation tool for the Squid proxy server
postfix	Postfix Mail Transport Agent
sshfp	Generate SSHFP DNS records from knownhosts files or ssh-keyscan
squirrelmail	SquirrelMail webmail client
ren	Rename multiple files
freecol	The FreeCol multi-player strategy game
Falcon	The Falcon Programming Language
modello	Modello Data Model toolkit
squid	The Squid proxy caching server
tasks	Tasks to-do list
diction	Identifies diction and style errors
exim	The exim mail transfer agent
bygfoot	Bygfoot Football Manager
mathmap	MathMap GIMP Plug-In and Command-Line Tool
pinball	Emilia Pinball game
cpqarrayd	Cpqarrayd is a daemon to monitor HP (compaq) arraycontrollers
urlgfe	Urlgfe download manager
nntpgrab	NNTPGrab is a program to download files from the usenet
mediatomb	MediaTomb - UPnP AV Mediaserver for Linux
proj	Cartographic projection software (PROJ.4)
pgfouine	PgFouine PostgreSQL log analyzer
lazarus	Lazarus Component Library and IDE for Freepascal
Thunar	Thunar File Manager
snobol	Macro Implementation of SNOBOL4 in C
quake3	Quake 3 Arena engine (ioquake3 version)
filezilla	FileZilla FTP, FTPS and SFTP client
prelude-manager	Prelude-Manager
pypar2	PyPar2 is a graphical frontend for the Linux par2 command line
dhcp	DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server and relay agent
pptp	Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) Client
beagle	The Beagle Search Infrastructure
ganglia	Ganglia Distributed Monitoring System
vdrift	VDrift is a cross-platform, open source driving/drift racing simulation
cohoba	Cohoba is a GNOME interface for Telepathy. It aims to be innovative and simple
bitgtkmm	The bitgtkmm library provides gtkmm widgets for the bit library
blt	BLT widget extension to Tcl/Tk scripting language development
pic2aa	Pic2AA is tool for converting jpeg/png to AA (Ascii Art) images
emacspeak	emacspeak -- The Complete Audio Desktop
node	Simple node front end, modelled after the node shells of TheNet and G8BPQ nodes
rmap	Rmap is a package that is able to generate images of the earth from a distance
licq	Licq - A graphical ICQ Client for Linux
arj	Archiver for .arj files
wklej	A submitter
wordpress-mu	WordPress-MU multi-user blogging software
php	The PHP HTML-embedded scripting language
phasex	PHASEX -- Phase Harmonic Advanced Synthesis EXperiment
writer2latex	Writer2LateX Document Converter
ember	Ember - a client for Worldforge
postgresql	PostgreSQL client programs and libraries
enlightenment	Enlightenment DR17 - a next generation desktop shell
alt-ergo	Alt-Ergo automatic theorem prover
kerry	Kerry Beagle is a KDE frontend for the Beagle desktop search
xdoclet	XDoclet Attribute Orientated Programming Framework
dhcpv6	DHCPv6 - DHCP server and client for IPv6
ncpfs	Utilities for the ncpfs filesystem, a NetWare client for Linux
xoo	Xoo is a graphical wrapper around xnest
fslint	FSlint - a utility to find and clean  lint  on a filesystem
cinepaint	CinePaint is a tool for manipulating images
textflow	TextFlow is a text editor directed toward programmers
openswan	Openswan IPSEC implementation
ice	The Ice base runtime and services
mysql	MySQL client programs and shared libraries
berusky	Berusky, 2D logic game
xqilla	XQilla is an XQuery and XPath 2.0 library, built on top of Xerces-C
perl-XML-Parser	A low level Perl module for parsing XML either via trees or streaming
gbrainy	Gbrainy is a brain teaser game and trainer to keep your brain trained
coreutils	The GNU core utilities: a set of tools commonly used in shell scripts
atop	An advanced interactive monitor to view the load on system and process level
perl-Bit-Vector	Efficient bit vector, set of integers and  big int  math library
php-pear-PHP-CompatInfo	Find out version and extensions required for a piece of code to run
escape	A fun puzzle game in the tradition of Adventures of Lolo or Chip's Challenge
atomix	Little mind game where you have to build molecules out of atoms lying around
gmrun	Lightweight  Run program  dialog box with search history and tab completion
rss2email	Deliver news from RSS feeds to your smtp server as text or html mail
perl-IPC-Run3	Run a subprocess in batch mode (a la system) on Unix, Win32, etc
curlftpfs	CurlFtpFS is a filesystem for accessing FTP hosts based on FUSE and libcurl
perl-Object-MultiType	Perl Objects as Hash, Array, Scalar, Code and Glob at the same time
perl-Lingua-EN-Numbers-Ordinate	Perl functions for giving the ordinal form of a number given its cardinal value
wraplinux	Utility to wrap a Linux kernel and initrd into an ELF or NBI file
perl-HTTP-BrowserDetect	Determine the Web browser, version, and platform from an HTTP user agent string
dwdiff	Front end to diff for comparing files on a word per word basis
DivFix++	A program to repair broken AVI file streams by rebuilding index part of file
perl-Carp-Clan	Report errors from perspective of caller of a  clan  of modules
GLC_Player	GLC_Player is an Open Source software used to view 3d models (OBJ Format)
xqilla10	XQilla is an XQuery and XPath 2.0 library, built on top of Xerces-C
dxcc	Small utility which determines the ARRL DXCC entity of a ham radio callsign
R-RScaLAPACK	An interface to perform parallel computation on linear algebra problems using ScaLAPACK
crash	crash utility for live systems; netdump, diskdump, kdump, LKCD or mcore dumpfiles
ddrescue	Data recovery tool trying hard to rescue data in case of read errors
tcldom	TclDOM is a package that provides a DOM binding for the Tcl scripting language
efax	A program for faxing using a Class 1, 2 or 2.0 fax modem.
nautilus-search-tool	A Nautilus extension to put  Search for Files  on the context menu of folders
smstools	Tools to send and receive short messages through GSM modems or mobile phones
xmlsec1	Library providing support for  XML Signature  and  XML Encryption  standards
libnjb	A software library for talking to the Creative Nomad Jukeboxes and Dell DJs
mod_suphp	An apache2 module for executing PHP scripts with the permissions of their owners
tclxml	TclXML is a package that provides XML parsing for the Tcl scripting language
perl-Schedule-Cron-Events	Take a line from a crontab and find out when events will occur
cohoba	Cohoba is a GNOME interface for Telepathy. It aims to be innovative and simple
node	Simple node front end, modelled after the node shells of TheNet and G8BPQ nodes
rmap	Rmap is a package that is able to generate images of the earth from a distance
perl-GO-TermFinder	Identify GO nodes that annotate a group of genes with a significant p-value
bouml	UML2 tool box to specify and generate code in C++, Java, IDL, PHP and Python
perl-Module-Locate	Locate modules in the same fashion as  require  and  use 
fslint	FSlint - a utility to find and clean  lint  on a filesystem
xqilla	XQilla is an XQuery and XPath 2.0 library, built on top of Xerces-C
khmeros-fonts-base	Base Khmer font set created by Danh Hong of the Cambodian Open Institute
twolame-libs	TwoLAME is an optimised MPEG Audio Layer 2 encoding library based on tooLAME
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