On Sun, 2007-02-04 at 08:28 -0800, Max Kanat-Alexander wrote: > Hey folks. Just wanted to let you know that Bugzilla 3.0 (which > should be out soon) has a few perl pre-reqs that aren't in Extras. One > of them is required: > > Email-Send > > And all of the others are optional but still useful: > > Template-GD > Email-MIME-Attachment-Stripper > Email-Reply > > In particular, Template-GD really should be in FE--it was > originally part of Template-Toolkit and was moved out in version 2.15. > > I figured I'd let you know sooner rather than later, when users > kept asking you for the packages, or when you had to build them anyway > to build a new Bugzilla package. :-) Welp, this request is finally done. All of the versions of Fedora currently supported (5, 6, and 7, when released) now have packaged versions of: perl-Email-Send perl-Email-Abstract perl-Return-Value perl-Email-MIME-Attachment-Stripper perl-Email-Reply perl-Email-MIME-Creator perl-Email-Simple-Creator perl-Email-Date perl-Mail-Box-Parser-C perl-Mail-Box perl-Mail-Transport-Dbx perl-Mail-IMAPClient perl-Object-Realize-Later perl-User-Identity perl-Geography-Countries perl-Template-GD All of these were needed to meet the missing bugzilla requirements that Max posted back in February. Thanks for the heads up, sorry it took so long to get this done. ~spot