Last year I worked for a while on getting Bricolage packaged. Since I may never get back to it at the rate I'm going, here's the last spec that I had: (That's really the spec for 1.8.6, but apparently I had started to update it for 1.9.0 at one point.) The only problem with Bricolage is it doesn't work on apache2/mod_perl2. I had a brute-force, untested port here: Development has moved on since then (obviously), so that may not be useful at this point. Besides, upstream *really* wants a solution that makes Bricolage work on either mod_perl 1 or 2. (There were some discussions about that on the Bricolage devel list last year.) The only dependencies that don't seem to be available right now are these: perl(Apache::SizeLimit) perl(Cache::Mmap) perl(Devel::Profiler) >= 0.03 perl(HTTP::DAV) perl(MasonX::Interp::WithCallbacks) >= 1.10 perl(Net::FTPServer) perl(Net::SFTP) >= 0.08 perl(Params::CallbackRequest) >= 1.10 perl(Term::ReadPassword) perl(Test::Class) >= 0.04 perl(Test::File::Contents) perl(Text::Aspell) perl(XML::Writer) I think I've had packages for all of these (except Apache::SizeLimit, which is a apache1 thing IIRC) lingering in my queue for a year or so. I'll try to get them all submitted soon. Steve -- Steven Pritchard - K&S Pritchard Enterprises, Inc. Email: steve@xxxxxxxxx Phone: (618)398-3000 Mobile: (618)567-7320