On Wed, 2006-03-08 at 14:10 -0600, Jason L Tibbitts III wrote: > >>>>> "SP" == Steven Pritchard <steve@xxxxxxxxx> writes: > > SP> Yes, this changes filter-requires.sh, so any source rpm built from > SP> this will have @@PERL_REQ@@ pre-substituted, but is that really a > SP> major problem? > > I think any modification to the source directory is going to be > problematic. There's no guarantee that the RPM builder is going to > have write access to that directory. (It won't work one of my setups, > where that directory is readable but not writable by the user I build > RPMs as.) Why not modify the script so that instead of having to substitute @@PERL_REQ@@, the necessary value is passed as a parameter to it? So the spec looks like this: ... Source1: filter-requires.sh ... %prep %setup -q -n Kwiki-Raw-%{version} %global real_perl_requires %{__perl_requires} %define __perl_requires %{SOURCE1} %{real_perl_requires} There's no need to delete anything extra in %clean The filter-requires.sh looks like this: #!/bin/sh PERL_REQ="$1"; shift "${PERL_REQ}" "$@" | /bin/grep -Fvx ' perl(mixin) ' Where multiple dependencies need to be filtered, add them one per line where perl(mixin) is. The only "unusual" requirement here is that the filter-requires.sh needs to be executable in the SRPM, thus avoiding the need to chmod it. Paul.