> José Pedro Oliveira wrote: >> This has just appeared in the perl5-porters mailling list: >> >> Source: >> http://www.mail-archive.com/perl5-porters@xxxxxxxx/msg90957.html >> ---------- >> If there's a plan for 5.8.8, it goes roughly like this >> >> 0: All changes that apply to maint are integrated from blead >> >> 1: Changes should be in blead by midnight (GMT) on the 16th October 2005 >> >> 2: RC1 will probably appear within a week > > Any update on the status of this? Perl 5.8.8 RC1 is still two weeks away. Source ------ Subject: perl@25817 Date: Oct 23 Archive: http://groups.google.com/group/perl.perl5.porters/browse_thread/thread/2c2e36991b8953b6/1aa449904fdb2d46?hl=en#1aa449904fdb2d46 jpo -- José Pedro Oliveira * mailto: jpo@xxxxxxxxxxxx * http://gsd.di.uminho.pt/~jpo * * gpg fingerprint = F9B6 8D87 859D 1C94 48F0 84C0 9749 9EB5 91BD 851B *