José Pedro Oliveira wrote:
Warren, We have another major problem with mod_perl 2.0.0 RC5 as it also requires version 3.08 which has just hit CPAN today (a couple of hours ago). is one of the perl modules affected by the module rename (Apache:: -> Apache2::) done in mod_perl RC5. Problem: How to package CGI 3.08? is a dual life perl module: shipped with perl and also shipped as an independent module . Possible solutions: 1) patching perl-5.8.6 2) remove CGI from the core perl package and and go back to perl-CGI as it was done in Red Hat 7.3, 8, and 9 3) wait for perl-5.8.7 and hope that it includes CGI 3.08.
If perl-5.8.7 will include CGI 3.08, then adding a perl-CGI package now would be a hassle because it is a temporary situation. To make matters worse the existing perl packages contain "Obsoletes: perl-CGI" which may cause problems for us. For these reasons it may be better to patch perl-5.8.6. Short-term ugliness for simpler long term maintenance?
Maybe my opinion here is totally wrong, so I would wait for Ville to choose between #1 or #2.
How large would a patch for solution #1 be? Warren Togami wtogami@xxxxxxxxxx