On 08/18/2014 04:11 AM, Jiri Vanek wrote:
On 08/16/2014 02:21 PM, puntogil@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
when i try to use http://digiland.libero.it/chat.php
icedtea-web crash [1]
any ideas?
thanks in advance
Well - the error is sefexplainig enoug, isnt it?
> Caused by: net.sourceforge.jnlp.LaunchException: The applet is signed
but its manifest specifies
> Sandbox permissions. This is not yet supported. Try running the
applet again, but choose the Sandbox
> run option.
Anyway - this was fixed in recently released 1.5.1 - is already in
fedora te3string repo. feel free to add karma ++:)
Actually no, unfortunately :( the fix was not backported to 1.5.1, it's
waiting for 1.6. However, the Sandbox button is a workaround for
1.5/1.5.1 and should work fine. Sometimes the dialog which presents the
button may not appear, however - please see [0] and [1] for instructions
on possible workarounds.
FWIW the Sandbox button in 1.5.1 does "fix" the chat applet at
http://digiland.libero.it/chat.php for me.
[0] http://icedtea.classpath.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1769
[1] http://icedtea.classpath.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1895
Andrew Azores
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