Right, the -21 version was a bugfix release pushed after I changed it in
the wildfly spec. I would even vote for doing:
Provides: jboss-as = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes: jboss-as < 7.1.1-999
to be sure that the upgrade path will be correct since I don't know how
many bugfix updates I'll push into F19.
Thanks for catching this!
On 10.09.2013 11:12, Mat Booth wrote:
On 10 September 2013 10:00, Mat Booth <fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
On 10 September 2013 09:41, Marek Goldmann <mgoldman@xxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:mgoldman@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
WildFly in Fedora - things looking good, read below :)
I've created a Change proposal for the upcoming Fedora 20 where
I would
like to see WildFly being highlighted as a Feature:
Unfortunately the time for submitting Features is now over, but I'm
working for an exception. Wish me luck :)
Nice job.
"The work is already done" seems like a valid reason for an
exception, good luck! :-)
Mat Booth
BTW, just looking at the package I see this:
Provides: jboss-as = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes: jboss-as < 7.1.1-21
I don't think that will obsolete this build of jboss-as:
I think it should be:
Provides: jboss-as = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes: jboss-as <= 7.1.1-21
Provides: jboss-as = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes: jboss-as < 7.1.1-22
Does that make sense?
Mat Booth
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