Re: Why no Class-Path manifest attribute?

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On Wed, 29 May 2013, Andrew Dinn wrote:

On 29/05/13 10:30, Andrew Haley wrote:
On 05/29/13 10:13, Florian Weimer wrote:
The existence of the Class-Path attribute is not widely known, and I was surprised to see it mentioned in the policy.
Yes it is, it's very well-known, and is almost universally rejected.
It bakes hard paths into jarfiles and overrides -classpath.  In other
words, it has similar disadvantages to -RPATH.

It's not really suitable for any use, IMO.
I was about post exactly the same response but Andrew beat me to it.
I'll just underline

 _very well-known_

 _almost universally rejected_


  _not really suitable for any use_

Hope that helps ;-)
I'd like to point out a few additional bits of information:

- Class-Path also works with relative paths
- Class-Path does not work in combination with -classpath, at all; it only works with -jar (and in containers which support it, of course) - There is also an "installed extension" mechanism which is arguably not so great but is standard:

Finally, I think it's worth mentioning that JBoss Modules is a class loading environment that allows complete specification of interdependencies which any Java application can take advantage of. I would love to see Fedora use it. Just sayin'. ;)
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