bouncycastle package, which is required by several Java packages, has no maintainer for half a year [1]. Orphan packages are automatically deprecated before new release is branched. Deprecated packages are blocked from release. If this happens then many Java packages may break and to fix this a full package review and bodhi update may be needed. Because of that I would suggest that someone takes ownership of bouncycastle (I especially have in mind maintainers of dependent packages). Currently bouncycastle is required by the following packages: apache-sshd apacheds azureus bouncycastle-mail [orphan] bouncycastle-pg [orphan] cxf eucalyptus gradle jasypt jglobus maven-indexer not-yet-commons-ssl opensaml-java-xmltooling portecle resteasy sshj truezip voms-api-java xml-security [1] -- Mikolaj -- java-devel mailing list java-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx