Andrew Overholt wrote:
* Gerry Reno <greno@xxxxxxxxxxx> [2009-11-06 17:40]:
Looks like maven2 is pretty out of date in Fedora. Website mentions
2.0.10, 2.1.0, and 2.2.1.
Yes, I just read the maven2 toolchain webpage. maven2 2.0.9 is the
minimum to support toolchains. So we're SOL as far as Fedora.
A few of us (dbhole, akurtakov, myself) are planning on trying to get
2.2.1 in shape for F-13. We know we're way out of date, but we're
better off with 2.0.8 in F-12 than we were with 2.0.4 in F-11.
We'll send a message here when we are starting and need some help.
Thanks Andrew. How in the world did Fedora get so far back on maven2,
axis2, and other apache packages? Shuttlesworth already has Eucalyptus
(cloud computing) in Ubuntu which is what I've been trying to find a way
to achieve with Fedora. But even the basic toolset that you need:
maven2, axis2, axis2c, rampartc, is nowhere to be found in Fedora. So
right now I'm forced to do all this with a whole bunch of tarball
installs which is something that is insanity really when you're trying
to work from an upgradeable package set. At the very least could some
effort be put into getting us maven2 2.0.9 in F12? I think that way at
least some progress could be made. As far as axis2, I've given up the
jpackage rube-goldberg approach and am looking at something much simpler
and easy-to-use. The last jpackage spec file I looked at had something
like 2000 lines in it. If that doesn't tell you something is wrong with
an approach, nothing will. Anyway, I'm trying to have no more than about
100 lines in the spec file so that a mere mortal human could understand
the thing and maintain it. And I'm afraid that if we have to wait until
F13 to get cloud computing going with Fedora we will have missed the
entire boat by then.
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