In just two weeks, 22 and 23 February, the Free Java Meeting will take place during Fosdem in Brussels, Belgium. There is a dynamic program with lots of (short) talks and space for discussions on the state of the various free java projects, mobile java, the VM and the Distro Rumble, the free java factory, cool stuff, freedom, compatibility, community and planning all the exciting stuff we are going to do together in the next year. So if you are interested in Debian-java, GNU Classpath, OpenJDK, JikesRVM, Fedora-java, IKVM.NET, JamVM, Jalimo, Mobile&Embedded, Kaffe, Gentoo-java, IcedTea, JNode, MIDPath, FBToolkit, Brandweg, Duchess, IcePick, HotSpot, "Zero", Ubuntu-java, and much, much more. Then please come and join us. More information on the program, who will be there and other activities at and Best of all, it is all free. You only have to pay the beer yourself *) Hope to see you all there! *) FOSDEM '08 is a free and non-commercial event organized by the community, for the community. Its goal is to provide Free Software and Open Source developers a place to meet. -- fedora-devel-java-list mailing list fedora-devel-java-list@xxxxxxxxxx