Hi, I updated the instructions for generating the CDT tarball. This method allows you to generate the tarball as a non-root user. These instructions have also been placed in 'how-to-generate-the-cdt-tarball.txt' in the devel branch of the eclipse-cdt cvs module. Cheers, Ben ++ Generating the cdt tarball ========================== % mkdir -p temp/home && cd temp % cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:/home/tools co \ -r CDT_3_0_1 org.eclipse.cdt-releng/org.eclipse.cdt.releng % cd org.eclipse.cdt-releng/org.eclipse.cdt.releng % sed --in-place 's/@cdtTag@/CDT_3_0_1/' maps/cdt.map % java -cp /usr/share/eclipse/startup.jar \ -Duser.home=../../home \ org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main \ -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner \ -buildfile build.xml \ -DbaseLocation=/user/share/eclipse \ -DdontUnzip=true fetch % cd .. && tar zcf eclipse-cdt-fetched-src-3.0.1.tar.gz \ org.eclipse.cdt.releng