On Sat, 2005-09-24 at 10:42 +0800, Sagi Ye wrote: > hello, > > Fedora core 4 installed and updated ( by yum ) > to the most lated version. > Apache & Tomcat is installed. http://localhost:8080 check is OK. > > The eclipse web tool (wtp 0.7) installed via eclipse's > "software updates" feature. > > Now I failed to add the Tomcat server to eclipse's reach. > In the "New Server Runtime" dialog, eclipse refused to accept > "/usr/share/tomcat5" as the "Tomcat installation directory" where > I checked do tomcat resides. > > I just wondered what are eclipse looking for and how it check for > a valid server runtime. Or could it be cause that the installation > of Tomcat differs in FC4 to other platforms? I played around with wtp project (upstream eclipse and tomcat) a while back and had some trouble myself getting tomcat to be accepted. The issue seemed to be more with wtp not accepting the tomcat installation directory when creating certain types of projects for some reason. One project type I do recall working is Dynamic Web Project (though it wasn't rpm installed). Are you able to use /usr/share/tomcat5 using a Dynamic Web Project? thanks, Aaron