Someone on this list mentioned to me how to start and stop tomcat ("service tomcat5 start" and "service tomcat5 stop"). That got me thinking: I hadn't yet looked in the fedora- specific tomcat docs. Where in the docs does it say that's how to start and start tomcat? Lesse: [john@localhost ~]$ man tomcat No manual entry for tomcat [john@localhost ~]$ man tomcat5 No manual entry for tomcat5 [john@localhost ~]$ apropos tomcat tomcat: nothing appropriate Hmm... weird. Let's see if I've got a tomcat5-docs package installed, or any docs at all on tomcat: [john@localhost ~]$ rpm -qa | grep tomcat tomcat5-5.0.30-5jpp_6fc tomcat5-webapps-5.0.30-5jpp_6fc tomcat5-servlet-2.4-api-5.0.30-5jpp_6fc tomcat5-admin-webapps-5.0.30-5jpp_6fc tomcat5-jasper-5.0.30-5jpp_6fc No docs rpm. Let's see about some docs in the tomcat5 rpm: [john@localhost ~]$ rpm -ql tomcat5 | grep doc /usr/share/doc/tomcat5-5.0.30 /usr/share/doc/tomcat5-5.0.30/BENCHMARKS.txt /usr/share/doc/tomcat5-5.0.30/LICENSE /usr/share/doc/tomcat5-5.0.30/RELEASE-NOTES /usr/share/doc/tomcat5-5.0.30/RELEASE-PLAN-5.0.txt /usr/share/doc/tomcat5-5.0.30/RUNNING.txt /usr/share/doc/tomcat5-5.0.30/TOMCAT4.README.RPM Ah, here we are: [john@localhost ~]$ less /usr/share/doc/tomcat5-5.0.30/RUNNING.txt Uh oh. Generic docs (nothing dealing with running on GNU/Linux). Hmm... maybe there's a tomcat-docs rpm that I need to install: [john@localhost ~]$ yum search tomcat | grep i386 tomcat5.i386 5.0.30-5jpp_6fc base tomcat5-servlet-2.4-api.i386 5.0.30-5jpp_6fc base tomcat5-servlet-2.4-api-javadoc.i386 5.0.30-5jpp_6fc base tomcat5-jasper.i386 5.0.30-5jpp_6fc base tomcat5-jasper-javadoc.i386 5.0.30-5jpp_6fc base tomcat5-webapps.i386 5.0.30-5jpp_6fc base tomcat5-admin-webapps.i386 5.0.30-5jpp_6fc base mod_jk.i386 1.2.6-3jpp_4fc base mod_jk-manual.i386 1.2.6-3jpp_4fc base tomcat5.i386 5.0.30-5jpp_6fc installed tomcat5-webapps.i386 5.0.30-5jpp_6fc installed tomcat5-servlet-2.4-api.i386 5.0.30-5jpp_6fc installed tomcat5-admin-webapps.i386 5.0.30-5jpp_6fc installed tomcat5-jasper.i386 5.0.30-5jpp_6fc installed Uh oh. No dice. [starting to get that icy feeling down my back] Well, last ditch effort: maybe there's something in here: [john@localhost ~]$ rpm -qi tomcat5 [snip] Summary : Apache Servlet/JSP Engine, RI for Servlet 2.4/JSP 2.0 API Description : Server that conforms to the Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0 specifications from Java Software. Develop Web applications in Java. :( Hmm... Why didn't the rpm packager create at least a simple readme saying how to stop and start this software? Maybe I'm missing something basic: does Fedora *have* doc rpms? Is it that maybe Red Hat doesn't worry too much about the docs since they sell support for RHEL, and it really doesn't pay for them to supply docs? Is this a recurring theme for many other Fedora Core packages that are packaged by Red Hat? BTW, that isn't a dig at Red Hat. I understand they do an enormous amount of work just to give us FC, and that they rigidly adhere to free software standards for the good of the community, and that they have to stay in business so they can continue to pay developers to work on free software. :) Heck, I've got a RH sticker on my car. :) I like RH. But it *is* possible that they reckon that it doesn't pay to *also* create docs for software that they plan to sell support for. Thanks, ---J ____________________________________________________ Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page