On Thu, 2005-07-07 at 11:58 -0400, Andrew Overholt wrote: > On Thu, 2005-07-07 at 09:56 -0400, Robin Green wrote: > > While hacking on the eclipse-pydev rpm, and looking at packaging > > eclipse-emf and eclipse-ve for fedora, > > Phil Muldoon has already packaged EMF, GEF, and VE for our RHDS > offerings. I've CCd him because he thinks that some work will be needed > to update these to work with Eclipse 3.1 There are also issues that > could bite us with our not-yet-complete swing implementation in Fedora. > You two should discuss it. It would be great if you could shepherd > these into Fedora Extras! Dave Orme, the leader of the VEP project over at eclipse.org, has also expressed interest in this. So CC there. The big thing is to remove the SWING components from VEP. No free implementation support for that in Fedora (yet). That would leave SWT. The other architectural concern is how VEP draws the bean in the editor. Basically it starts a remote JVM, draws the widgets in the remote bean, then screen scrapes from that JVM and paints them in the editor. Are there implications with this relating to GCJ? Maybe with gij this might not be an issue. If I remember correctly, all three projects have associated releng plug-ins (this is how I packaged them before). Is this a viable approach for Fedora Extras? Should we define a different (jpackage-like?) approach here? Regards Phil