During my recent native-compilation spree I mailed one of our internal lists with the priorities I personally assign to my packages. Tom Tromey pointed out that it'd be a good idea to make them public, so... Note that my task is to maintain Tomcat and Ant, so anywhere I've written "users" you should read it as "users of Tomcat and/or Ant". And if a package isn't in one of these bands then it's not one of mine. BAND 1: used by all users, all of the time ========================================== ant jakarta-commons-beanutils jakarta-commons-collections jakarta-commons-digester jakarta-commons-el jakarta-commons-logging jakarta-commons-modeler mod_jk mx4j regexp tomcat5 xerces-j2 xml-commons BAND 2: used by some users, some of the time ============================================ classpathx-jaf classpathx-mail gnu-crypto jakarta-commons-dbcp jakarta-commons-fileupload jakarta-commons-pool jakarta-commons-validator oro struts11 ldapjdk log4j xalan-j2 BAND 3: maybe someone out there uses it... ========================================== antlr avalon-framework avalon-logkit bcel cryptix cryptix-asn1 gnu.getopt jakarta-commons-lang jakarta-commons-launcher jakarta-taglibs-standard java_cup jdepend jlex junit puretls xml-commons-resolver As a concrete example of how the love gets dished out between them, you might notice that all band 1 packages are nativified now, one or two band 2 packages are nativified now (and I expect the number will increase in FC5) and that no band 3 packages are nativified (and it's likely to stay like that). Cheers, Gary