I did another round of testing to see what additionally works or doesn't in OOo2 with gcj from gcc4, and its big progress, which is most excellent. I've enabled the new stuff which is working in OOo workspace gcj3. There are a handful of remaining problems, various temporary workaround patches and testcases where applicable at http://people.redhat.com/caolanm/java/ 1. ooo patched rhino fails to build with gcj tar xvzf rhino15R4.tar.gz cd rhino1_5R4/ patch -p3 < ../rhino1_5R4.patch ant -Dbuild.compiler=gcj -f build.xml ERROR in rhino1_5R4/toolsrc/org/mozilla/javascript/tools/debugger/Main.java (at line 449) [javac] int pos = viewToModel(new Point(popup.x, popup.y)); the scripting module also depends on this rhino module submitted as rh#150772#. I bet this is trivial to fix. 2. complicated problem I don't understand in wizards component registration :-( submitted as rh#150650# temp ooo side wizards.workaround.patch to get past registration 3. canvas module fails to compile a missing "java.awt.Frame.createBufferStrategy" implementation ? 4. gcj's libjawt contains a reference to undefined LINK_ReallyLinkKnownClass Thomas Fitzsimmons is taking care of it. temp ooo side libjawt.workaround.patch to not checkdll bean for gcj, this is a relatively trivial thing as well. ---- unimportant stuff ---- 5. sandbox uses sun.applet.AppletAudioClip and other sun.foo classes, not important, its really a deprecated module 6. sj2 uses some sandbox things so some parts cannot be built, apparently this module is being cleaned up to remove some of this, again not important.