Here's another SRPM for FC consideration.... This package Provides "jta", which is one of the nosrc RPMS in jpackage that many other things depend on. libgcj (and GNU Classpath) already include all of the classes and interfaces found in jta, but not as a separate .jar file. The separate jar file is important because packages depending on jta usually run "build-classpath jta" to find the jta jar file. The SRPM actually contains no source code. It simply extracts the javax.transaction classes from libgcj-4.0.0.jar and zips them up into libgcj-jta-4.0.0.jar (with a symlink to jta.jar). We create a simple noarch RPM since gij will use the native versions in libgcj anyway. This package should satisfy the needs of all jta users (even for non-gcj alternatives). Could somebody please review the spec file and slip it into FC? tomcat5 depends on it, among other things. AG