Given that we're working with Openshift-Ansible, as many of us as possible should participate in this. -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: Invitation: Hack Day @ Tue Dec 20, 2016 (jberkus@xxxxxxxxxx) Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2016 23:38:18 +0000 From: Daniel McPherson <dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx> Reply-To: Daniel McPherson <dmcphers@xxxxxxxxxx> To: jberkus@xxxxxxxxxx
BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Google Inc//Google Calendar 70.9054//EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:REQUEST BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20161220 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20161221 DTSTAMP:20161216T233817Z ORGANIZER;CN=AOS Main Calendar:mailto:redhat.com_2v3jc3smo4hr9r8dkv5phed66g UID:j2gecllur8cid61h9d2lmques8@xxxxxxxxxx ATTENDEE;CUTYPE=INDIVIDUAL;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;PARTSTAT=NEEDS-ACTION;RSVP= TRUE;CN=jberkus@xxxxxxxxxx;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:jberkus@xxxxxxxxxx CREATED:20161216T233810Z DESCRIPTION: This hack day is going to be focused around the OCP install/u pgrade and Ansible in general. We basically want everyone to get some expe rience using our install/upgrade and to learn as much about Ansible as you can. Everyone at a min should feel comfortable talking about roles\, modul es\, and playbooks by the end of the day.\n\nSome examples of what you migh t do:\n- Install 3.4 on AWS/GCE\n- Install 3.3 and upgrade to 3.4\n- Deploy an application to OpenShift using Ansible\n- Automate something in your ev ery day job with Ansible\n- Make a change to penshift-ansible and test it out.\n\nMore details:\n\n- Open bugs (https:// or issues ( or trell o cards as you normally would.\n- As usual\, we are using the hack days boa rd to track everything:\nView your event at OGNpZDYxaDlkMmxtcXVlczggamJlcmt1c0ByZWRoYXQuY29t&tok=NjMjcmVkaGF0LmNvbV8ydj NqYzNzbW80aHI5cjhka3Y1cGhlZDY2Z0Bncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29tMDg4YTIxN mRkNjc1N2JlZGMzYjAxNWE1NjQ2NjZkOWRkOWI2NmE1OQ&ctz=America/Los_Angeles&hl=en . LAST-MODIFIED:20161216T233817Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 STATUS:CONFIRMED SUMMARY:Hack Day TRANSP:TRANSPARENT END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Description: application/ics
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