Re: Cloud image use cases

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2015-07-10 14:28 GMT+02:00 Josh Boyer <jwboyer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

OK.  So your answer to my immediate question is "neutral base that
people have to customize".  Fair enough.  Now, why would someone wish
to choose a Fedora cloud image over Ubuntu or CoreOS or any of the
other "minimal base that you have to customize" images?

We should focus on reliability, availability and predictability, as we have a short-term lifecycle.
=> we did a great work to fix the first point, kudos to Kushal, Mike and David for that.

predictability is our weak point:
* not enough documentation
* disruptive changes unannounced (like the ps one recently)

Another weakness is that we don't provide a large panel of application stacks (and versions)
unlike Ubuntu. We only provide *one* release of python2, python3, ruby, java, php (though more
are available through third-party repo) etc.
That's where the Stack&Env WG work is important for us, as it could become
an asset against our other offers.

CoreOS is geared toward innovators and early adopters, our audience which are
early adopters and early majority are still not ready to change to the container-based
paradigm, as they're already struggling with scalability, automation etc...

They've done that with kiwi for a long time.  They've had JeOS around
for a long time.  Which is kind of my follow up point.  Why would
someone choose Fedora cloud?  What makes it compelling?

We're more aggressive in pushing latest technologies compared to Suse and
we do it well. Moreover, we're a good lab to work on supporting the next EL flavors.

A good mix between reliability/modernity


Or, in other words, a minimal linux distro that you download and then
have to spend time customizing :).

yes, and here, it's my own opinion, after curating this base, providing tooling/documentation
to make customization easier is the key for our success.
My peers may disagree with me.

That is somewhat confusing.  For the F22 release, I heard much more
chatter and excitement around Atomic than I did Cloud images.  To the
point where I thought the Atomic image _was_ the cloud image for a
very long time.  Hence my follow up now.

That's understandable, and Atomic/Docker is clearly the exciting side from the cloud lines.
We also don't spend enough efforts on marketing our cloud images, and most of ambassadors are
not very cloud-aware.
I'd rather say that we're more or less starting to be a mature product -though this is a constant effort-
, need to focus on polishing and marketing it.


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