On 11/18/2012 10:16 AM, Nux! wrote:
On 18.11.2012 05:42, Gary Kotton wrote:
Hi Lucian,
Hello Gary,
1. At the "Please check that the following are in
/etc/quantum/l3_agent.ini" section turns out that what I had in my
ini file was this:
"auth_url =
auth_region = RegionOne
admin_tenant_name = admin
admin_user = admin
admin_password = verybadpass"
I commented that out and replaced with the settings from instructions.
Did you run the "sudo quantum-l3-setup --plugin openvswitch"?
This is odd as it should have updated the files.
All the quantum/openvswitch router/soubet/etc add worked
(surprisingly). But now I see the following errors:
Unauthorized: {"error": {"message": "Invalid user / password",
"code": 401, "title": "Not Authorized"}}
This is due to the fact that keystone athentication is not working. A
quick explanation - the l3 agent makes use of the quantum http client
to interface with the quantum service. This requires keystone
authentication. If this fails then the l3 agent will not be able to
communicate with the service. Can you please do the following:
1. Check if the Quantum service is listening on port 9696? (netstat
-an|grep 9696). Did you reboot after the installation? There is
currently a know issue that the Quantum service hangs after reboot. If
this is the case then you can just restart the quantum service (this
has been fixed and will soon be packaged)
The port shows up in netstat and I have both rebooted and restarted
the services several times.
2. Can you please check the log files in /var/log/quantum. This may
provide some additional information.
3. Can you please check the nova log files?
I'll try to repeat my tests and check the log files for additional
And if I try to boot an (ami) image this is what I get:
012-11-17 20:04:02 INFO [quantum.agent.dhcp_agent] Synchronizing
2012-11-17 20:04:02 ERROR [quantum.agent.dhcp_agent] Unable to
enable dhcp.
Traceback (most recent call last):
"/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/quantum/agent/dhcp_agent.py", line
91, in call_driver
getattr(driver, action)()
"/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/quantum/agent/linux/dhcp.py", line
112, in enable
"/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/quantum/agent/linux/dhcp.py", line
258, in spawn_process
utils.execute(cmd, self.root_helper)
line 55, in execute
raise RuntimeError(m)
Command: ['sudo', 'quantum-rootwrap', '/etc/quantum/rootwrap.conf',
'dnsmasq', '--no-hosts', '--no-resolv', '--strict-order',
'--bind-interfaces', '--interface=tape7e12416-33',
'--except-interface=lo', '--domain=openstacklocal',
'--leasefile-ro', '--dhcp-range=set:tag0,,static,120s']
Exit code: 3
Stdout: ''
Stderr: '\ndnsmasq: cannot run lease-init script
/usr/bin/quantum-dhcp-agent-dnsmasq-lease-update: No such file or
Can you please provide details of "which
[root@openstack ~]# which quantum-dhcp-agent-dnsmasq-lease-update
[root@openstack ~]# rpm -qf
I need to check a few things here.
Can you please provide the nova.conf file.
Sure, http://fpaste.org/RUt2/
Can you please update to the following:
network_api_class = nova.network.quantumv2.api.API
quantum_admin_username = quantum
quantum_admin_password = servicepass
quantum_admin_auth_url =
quantum_auth_strategy = keystone
quantum_admin_tenant_name = service
quantum_url = http://localhost:9696/
libvirt_vif_driver = nova.virt.libvirt.vif.LibvirtHybridOVSBridgeDriver
This may help.
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