Here's the details for the form I'm going to submit. Would appreciate your input, especially on the Highlights. My comments in [brackets]. Company Description: The Fedora Project is a worldwide community of people who love, use, and build free software. We want to lead in the creation and spread of free code and content by working together as a community. Fedora is sponsored by Red Hat, the world's most trusted provider of open source technology. Red Hat invests in Fedora to encourage collaboration and incubate innovative new free software technologies. Software By: Fedora Project Title: Fedora 17 Version Title: Fedora 17 (Beefy Miracle) 2012.05.15 [Note: I put the date there because I'd like to leave open the option of updated image spins. Open to suggestions on how best to do this.] Release Notes: Official Fedora Cloud image. Description: Fedora is a Linux-based operating system built on our community's four foundations: freedom, features, friends, and first. The Fedora Cloud image in EC2 provides a functional core on top of which any of tens of thousands of free and open source software packages can be easily added. Highlight1: Free and Open Source: built by a collaborative community using entirely free software. Highlight2: Core Image Ready to Build Upon: use yum to add any of tens of thousands of software packages, or drop in your own code. [Avoid "minimal", because it isn't. Should I use a more precise count of packages?] Highlight3: NEED SOMETHING HERE [Security? Fedora-ness? Values? Highlight some particlar awesomness?] Support Offered: FALSE [This is a boolean. We _do_ offer community support, of course. Should maybe be true?] Support Detail: Community supported. Visit Ask Fedora (, or get involved by joining the Fedora Cloud SIG ( You can help us make Fedora in the Cloud even more awesome for everyone. Product Category1: Operating System Product Category2: [blank] Search Keywords: open source, free, core Image URL: Resource1 Name & Resource1 URL: Fedora Project Resource2 Name & Resource2 URL: Fedora Cloud SIG Resource3 Name & Resource3 URL: Source Code Product Video: [none] Usage Instructions: Connect with SSH. No web services are installed or configured by default. Fedora's EC2 images follow standard EC2 login conventions, meaning that root login is disabled, but sudo access is granted. The default username for the images is ec2-user. End User License Agreement Text: [Copied from] Refund and Cancelation Policy: Fedora is available free of charge. Normal Amazon Web Services terms apply. Available in Regions.... True for all. Endpoint URL Protocol: ssh [hopefully, I can get them to construct a ssh://ec2-user@.... URL] Upgrade Instructions: [Blank for now] Recommended Instance Type: Standard Large Available Instnace Types: All except GPU. (Including Micro) Pricing: Zeros. Security Groups: tcp, 80, 80, tcp, 443, 443, tcp, 22, 22, [These are defaults for one-click launch] -- Matthew Miller ☁☁☁ Fedora Cloud Architect ☁☁☁ <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> _______________________________________________ cloud mailing list cloud@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx