On Sun, 29 Jan 2012, Garrett Holmstrom wrote:
The original purpose of this thread was to discuss torrent seeds for
Fedora disk images. S3 seems like a reasonable way to accomplish this
with a minimum amount of work, but please don't conflate a solution to
media distribution and an entire package mirror that will take much
more resources to run.
You are right that this thread should be about one and only one topic --
S3 as an option for seeding the images.
So let's definitely separate that out and start by putting together a
plan that is limited in scope *only* to what it would take to use S3 as
a bittorrent seeder.
From what I've seen, this is stupidly easy, to the point where from the
Fedora perspective, I'd think the only arguments would be about using a
non-FOSS web service for an infrastructure project and estimating the
cost, rather than the technical issues, which are pretty close to
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