There were some questions re ruby 1.9 in Fedora at Friday's cloud-sig
meeting. You can find the answers attached below.
Hey Vit, a couple questions came up RE: Ruby 1.9.3 at today's
cloud-sig meeting
- what changes to packaging guidelines if any will ruby 1.9.3 entail
There will be definitely new packaging guidelines. I hope we will be
able to prepare the guidelines draft before end of the week. Some of the
changes that we are planing are:
* New ruby(abi) constant version
* ruby-devel newly provides some RPM macros, typically used by non-gem
* rubygems-devel package now provides macros required by gem install
(instead of querying ruby each time)
* New location for RubyGems and their binary extensions
* Deprecation of ruby- subpackages
* Encourage execution of test suite, however discourage of using Rake
for such purpose
- what fedora version are you targeting this for and are you going to
file a feature?
We are targeting Fedora 17. I have already prepared the draft of feature
proposal [1] and I'd like to submit it to FESCo aproval before Christmas.
- to what extent will rubygems need repackaging/rebuilding/mass
rebuilding? how to best go about proceeding w/ that
We have already tested to rebuild all ruby packages we were able to
found (327 in total) and for most of them, we have already prepared
patches. We were not able to rebuild 14 of them yet (but we'll try to
reduce this number further). Nevertheless, these packages are typically
un-maintained for longer period of time.
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