Thanks to everyone for coming. Please read logs - we've made some progress on the kernel situation, and are starting to think about future needs in terms of a to-do list as well as documentation. Any questions - please pipe up on the mailing list! Cheers, -robyn Meeting Minutes: Full Log: ========================== #fedora-meeting: Cloud SIG ========================== Meeting started by jforbes at 21:01:18 UTC. The full logs are available at . Meeting summary --------------- * Agenda (rbergeron, 21:03:28) * LINK: (rbergeron, 21:03:31) * Status check: Action items from previous meeting (rbergeron, 21:03:43) * huff to post AMI feature set to mailing list - he's not around :) (rbergeron, 21:04:44) * ke4qqq waiting on amazon for info on testing costs for getting a block of people access without having to use their own accounts (rbergeron, 21:06:00) * jforbes on track to submit for F14 feature list (rbergeron, 21:07:14) * got news from amazon - Namely ec2-public-images/pv-grub-hd00-V1.01-x86_64.gz (rbergeron, 21:07:27) * EC2 pvgrub images are now public and accessible (rbergeron, 21:07:38) * now we don't need to submit AKI and ARIs anymore, we use the kernel inside the image. (rbergeron, 21:08:45) * ACTION: jforbes to ping gholms about eucatools <--> kernel <--> pvgrub image (rbergeron, 21:15:04) * jeevan_ullas sent mail to the list with some packaging information for eucalyptus, other possible packages / dependencies we might want to start thinking about / looking for packagers for. (rbergeron, 21:16:14) * ACTION: jeevan_ullas to make a wiki page of to-dos for eucalyptus (rbergeron, 21:17:29) * kernel status (rbergeron, 21:17:59) * We are still waiting for the kernel update to push. (rbergeron, 21:19:05) * trying to get an eta. (rbergeron, 21:19:11) * LINK: (rbergeron, 21:20:43) * ACTION: jforbes to submit to [[FeatureList]] this week now that we have pvgrub info (rbergeron, 21:22:02) * open floor (rbergeron, 21:29:35) * To Do / Schedule List (rbergeron, 21:29:57) * so after the kernel is pushed, we need the actual images, which is the ks file that huff is working on (rbergeron, 21:31:20) * can start working on that now with local xen testing - the kernel update makes our kernel work on older RHEL releases, but we can test and tune the ks file on rhel 5.3 or newer hosts (rbergeron, 21:31:50) * Testing without ec2 requires a xen host (rbergeron, 21:33:49) * once you have a xen host, you can simply create an image with appliance-tools using the kickstart file from huff (it is in a public repository, need to find location) (rbergeron, 21:34:18) * boot the image, make sure it works, make sure critical packages are there, report back if anything else is needed or something doesn't work (rbergeron, 21:34:32) * report back if things work tooo (rbergeron, 21:34:43) * ACTION: rbergeron to put this testing info into the wiki (rbergeron, 21:35:11) * ACTION: rbergeron to start framing todo list on the wiki (rbergeron, 21:35:18) * LINK: (jforbes, 21:35:48) * LINK: (rbergeron, 21:36:06) * LINK: is the top level (jforbes, 21:36:59) * LINK: is the top level (rbergeron, 21:37:14) * ACTION: jforbes to get with huff and get updated to F13 (rbergeron, 21:38:16) * ACTION: sparks to create basic wiki page for publishing images to EC2 documentation (rbergeron, 21:49:47) * ACTION: jforbes to pstart populating with basic information as time allows (rbergeron, 21:50:35) * LINK: (Sparks, 21:50:56) * ACTION: sparks to talk to ke4qqq (he'll be under the bus) - get some more background on cloud stuff, what's going on, etc. (rbergeron, 21:51:37) * ACTION: rbergeron to take a typing class from mavis beacon (rbergeron, 21:51:47) Meeting ended at 21:59:27 UTC. Action Items ------------ * jforbes to ping gholms about eucatools <--> kernel <--> pvgrub image * jeevan_ullas to make a wiki page of to-dos for eucalyptus * jforbes to submit to [[FeatureList]] this week now that we have pvgrub info * rbergeron to put this testing info into the wiki * rbergeron to start framing todo list on the wiki * jforbes to get with huff and get updated to F13 * sparks to create basic wiki page for publishing images to EC2 documentation * jforbes to pstart populating with basic information as time allows * sparks to talk to ke4qqq (he'll be under the bus) - get some more background on cloud stuff, what's going on, etc. * rbergeron to take a typing class from mavis beacon Action Items, by person ----------------------- * jeevan_ullas * jeevan_ullas to make a wiki page of to-dos for eucalyptus * jforbes * jforbes to ping gholms about eucatools <--> kernel <--> pvgrub image * jforbes to submit to [[FeatureList]] this week now that we have pvgrub info * jforbes to get with huff and get updated to F13 * jforbes to pstart populating with basic information as time allows * ke4qqq * sparks to talk to ke4qqq (he'll be under the bus) - get some more background on cloud stuff, what's going on, etc. * rbergeron * rbergeron to put this testing info into the wiki * rbergeron to start framing todo list on the wiki * rbergeron to take a typing class from mavis beacon * **UNASSIGNED** * sparks to create basic wiki page for publishing images to EC2 documentation People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * rbergeron (142) * jforbes (58) * Sparks (15) * smooge (14) * jeevan_ullas (12) * ke4qqq (8) * zodbot (4) * eric-smith (2) * jeevan_ullas_ (2)