On Fri, 26 Mar 2010, Stephen John Smoogen wrote: > Promised this for Friday and its still barely that here :). > > This package is currently a set of scripts to allow Ubuntu's Cloud > members to create, deploy, and manipulate Eucalyptis virtual images. > Code is GPLv3 and the package is done in Debian style (which is > starting to grow on me as an equivalent to sysv.d type building.) The > code is all shell scripts and man pages. I really appreciate coders > who take the time to do a man page even for a simple shell script. > Description of programs are taken from man page. [Code could do with > more comments to help analysis :).. but for the most part is > self-documenting. > > ssh-import-lp-id # retrieve one or more public keys from > Launchpad.net and append them to the current user?s authorized_keys > file > > uec-publish-image # publish a cloud image using euca-tools. > > uec-publish-tarball # publish the tar ball using euca-tools. > > uec-query-builds # request information about available cloud images builds > > uec-resize-image # resize a cloud image. # basically it does the right > things to resize using euca-tools. > > The package of course could be opened up to further cloud type > engines. For us, we would look at ssh-import-lp-id from FAS or > something but boy that seems like a security issue somewhere (hey look > mah, I can just add my p0wn address from FAS/launchpad.) However, that > is just a gut feeling and will probably fail a real risk analysis. Thanks Smooge. This is great stuff. --g -- Educational materials should be high-quality, collaborative, and free. Visit http://opensource.com/education and join the conversation.